ch 1: sensorimotor cntrl intro Flashcards
motor behaviour
includes individual movements and motor skills
motor skill
goal-directed task, voluntary head/limb/body movements, made up of a series of movements
make up components of a motor skill
how are movements different than skills?
skills= related to the outcome
movement= relate to specific characteristics
motor behaviour is a combination of ____ and ____ control
feedforward, feedback
feedforward control
Uses sensory information prior to the execution of movement rather than during the
movement, rapid, planned
ex. swatting a mosquito
feedback control
uses sensory feedback during movement
ex. catching a ball
4 sensorimotor problems associated with control of movement
- degrees of freedom
- serial-order problem
- sensorimotor integration problem
- motor learning problem
What problems do DOF solve?
avoid injury by limiting extreme joint angles
serial order problem
movements must be sequences by nervous system. must form a “motor plan”. can use co-articulation (simultaneous motion of different effectors/limbs over a period of time)
sensorimotor integration problem
sensory info is captured by many different types of receptors- which to use? which spatial coordinates? (body-centered, world-centered, etc.)
Motor learning problem
which motor skills are we born with and which need to be learned?
postural stability (balance)
ability to keep the body’s COM within BOS
standing balance has a small amount of
postural sway
factors affecting postural sway
1) Physical characteristics of the individual (age, fatigue)
2) Stance Posture (BOS)
3) Support surface characteristics (compliant terrain incr. sway)
4) Availability of sensory information/systems
5) Psychological Factors (fear, multitasking)
3 sensory systems
visual, vestibular, somatosensory
anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs)
postural mechanisms that occur prior to or during postural disturbance due to self movement
purpose of APAs?
- to maintain postural stability (equilibrium)
- to stabilize the position of relevant body segments
reaching/grasping- what needs to be known?
-location of target
-characteristics of target
-initial shoulder/arm configuration
3 components of reaching
-transport hand to object
-align hand w object
-pre-shaping of fingers to grab object