Ch. 1 Renaissance and Ch. 2/3 Explorers Flashcards
A movement that focused on worldly subjects and classic culture rather than religious issues
Leonardo da Vinci
Had many interests including: art, anatomy, inventions, architecture, and engineering.
Famous works: The Last Supper, Mona Lisa, sketches of flying machines, and many more
Had many talents, best known for sculpting and painting.
Famous Works: Pieta, David, painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (includes the Creation of Adam and the Last Judgemet)
Renaissance Painter
Famous Work: The School of Athens
William Shakespeare
English poet and playwright
Adds 1700 words to the English language
Famous works: Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and many more
Miguel de Cervantes
Wrote the first ‘modern’ novel, “Don Quixote”
Johann Gutenberg
Creates the first movable printing press to print volumes of the bible
This led to an increase in people learning to read
lessening of time a soul would spend in purgatory (if you had the $$$ to pay for it)
Martin Luther strongly disagreed with the sale of indulgences
The idea by John Calvin that God long ago determined who would be a saint and who would be a sinner
John Calvin
founder of Calvinism
believes in predestination, sets up a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland
Martin Luther
Disagrees with the Catholic Church for selling indulgences
Writes his “95 Theses” and nails the paper to the door of the Wittenburg Church, leading to the Protestant Reformation.
95 Theses
Written by Martin Luther
Describes his issues with some of the practices of the Roman Catholic Church
Creates the heliocentric theory (the sun is the center of the universe)
Francis Bacon
Creates the scientific method
Renaissance artist
Best known for his bronze sculpture of “David”
Portuguese explorerer
First to sail around the southern tip of Africa
Vasco da Gama
Leads ships around the Cape of Good Hope
Many of his sailors die from hunger, thirst, and scurvy
Christopher Columbus
An Italian who sails for Spain, he tries to find a route to the Indies by heading west from Europe
He discovers the Caribbean islands and names them the West Indies and the natives he calls ‘Indians’
Ferdinand Magellan
First person to circumnavigate the globe
Lands in Mexico, he eventually destroys the capital city of the Aztecs and conquers the Aztec tribe
Lands in Peru, eventually kills the Incan ruler and conquers the Inca tribe.
Spanish conquerors
Resistance to disease
Example: Natives had not built up immunity to European diseases, killing 90% of the population
Triangle Trade
Trade of goods and slaves between Europe, Africa, and the Americas
Middle Passage
The horrible journey faced by African slaves when traveling from Africa to the Americas
the investment of money in order to make a profit
Merchants who organize, manage, and assume risks of doing business
A nation tries to export more than it imports in order to gain more gold and silver
Taxes on IMPORTED goods
Colombian Exchange
the global exchange of people, plants, foods, animals, technology, and disease
A disease caused from lack of Vitamin C