Ch 1 Intro to PT Examination Flashcards
Refers to individuals with a disease, condition, impairment, or disability who receive PT examination, evaluation (diagnosis and prognosis), and intervention
Refers to individuals who seek PT services for consultation, professional advice, health promotion and wellness, or preventative services
Patient examination consists of:
-Patient history
-Systems review
-Tests and measures
Sources of information in the patient interview
-Family member / caregiver
-Chart review
Patient History
Involves a verbal interview in which information relevant to the pt’s condition is gathered
Systems review
A brief assessment of the cardiovascular/pulmonary, integumentary, musculoskeletal, and neuromuscular systems as well as the pt’s cognitive, language, and learning abilities
What do you use to decide when to assess further than the systems review?
Clinical judgment / reasoning
Tests and measures
Selected based on hypotheses formed during the Hx-taking process and findings during the system review
Evaluation Process
Requires synthesis of all data collected during the examination and helps to answer the question “What does it all mean?”
Patient Evaluation Overall consists of
Interpretation of tests & measures results
-Synthesis of data
Diagnosis and Prognosis
(Subfactors within the evaluation)
Subfactors within the evaluation process
A label that describes a cluster of signs and symptoms typically associated with a disorder or syndrome leading to impairments, activity limitations, or participation restrictions
What does diagnosis guide the PT to?
Determining appropriate intervention strategies for each patient
Diagnosis answers what question?
“Into what clinical pattern does the patient presentation fall?”
Prognosis answers what question?
“what is the pt’s expected level of functional improvement based on all influential factors (biological, psychological, and social)?”
PLOF-previous level of function
PMH-past medical Hx
HPI-Hx of present illness