ch 1- intro to dress & culture Flashcards
the total arrangement of all outwardly detectable modifications of the body and all material objects added to it
body modification
changes made directly to the body
- temp or perm
-changes to: shape, color, texture, surface and surface embellishments
body supplement
addition of items to the body
- wrapped, suspended, shaped, attached to the body, held
transnational (world) dress
- dress that has a global reach and dress that occurs simultaneously in several, worldwide locations
all aspects of the human body that may be observed by others
functions of dress
- communication of identity and status
-protection: physical and psychological - adornment/decoration
-sexual attraction
-extension of self
what people think( mentifacts)
what people do (sociofacts)
what people make (artifacts)
what people think and know
includes: ideas, meanings, values, knowledge, appearance ideals, sterotypes
what people do
includes: how people organize themselves into societies and interact rules for interaction
what people make +tools/processes for making them
iincludes: dress and clothing
the self
a person’s consciousness of being, includes all of their identities
roles: position that people occupy in a group or society
cultural syndromes
-cultural complexity
- tightness
cultural complexity
the number of different cultural elements (objects, artifacts, events, roles, jobs) within a society
cultural tightness
a number of rules and norms within a culture, including sanctions for violating norms
tight culture characteristics
- clear norms and rules
-homogeneous cultures - if you do what others do, you are protected from criticsms
ex) japan & rural america
loose culture characteristics
- unclear norms
-tolerate deviance from norms
-heterogenous cultures
ex) the US
a social pattern consisting of closely linked individuals who see themselves as part of one or more collectives/groups
EX) east Asia, Amish cultures
a social pattern consisting of loosely linked indivudals who see themselves as independent of collectives/groups
EX) western Europe, the US