Ch 1 Health Education Flashcards
WHO definition health
- State complete wellbeing (physical,mental+social )
- not just absence disease+infirmity
- maintain health-making good decision
- caring others + own health
- ensure healthy e.ment+ society to live in
- create healthy conditions for all
Health education
-learning about health
-aim=change health behaviour
= achieve more favourable position on health
Health promotion+ disease prevention
Healthy lifestyle
- choices,actions, patterns, habits we control
- in/decreases our risk for disease +illness
E.g if we party we experiment drugs
If workaholic, stressed lifestyle etc.
Environment factors affect health
Safe +sanitary e.ment Quality medical +dental care Water supplies Pollution Overcrowding living conditions
Earliest factors affecting health
- Adequate nutrition
- Protection environment
- Nurturing family setting
- Neurological,muscle growth +development determines person future skills
Prenatal : affects development foetus (conception->birth) •genetic conditions •Infections pregnancy •Alcohol / drug use •Age mother
Perinatal: (time birth)
•lack o2
•birth injuries
Postnatal: (after birth)
•damage central nervous system
(Injury, infection, lack o2,poisoning)
Health promotion
- Combination health education
- how life healthy lifestyle
- improve/protect health of people
- increase control
- illnesses +disease=prevented
- influences people
- changes-policies
Why health education in classrooms
Teacher teach Children:
Healthy habits
Role model
Set example->learners
Exposed too much-tv, learn fact from fiction
Integrate e.ment +health topics into classroom
Role health educator
Health promotion Disease prevention Strategies change health behaviour Implement effective programs =improve chances healthy adults
Teaching styles/strategies
Story telling
Role play
Co-operation family, friends, community
Deliberate effort stay healthy (optimal health)
Purposeful +enjoyable experience of living
Experience sick /lack well being
Personal code ethic
Health behaviour
Action/ activity taken (believe healthy) ->prevent disease
Whats Health risk factors
Patterns behaviour with potential developing illness/disease
Hild high regard