Cerebellum - Part 1 Flashcards
Other term for Cerebellum
Little brain
Situated in the posterior cranial fossa
• Ovoid in shape and constricted in the median part
dura mater fold dividing the
tentorial surface of cerebrum and the cerebellum
Tentorium cerebelli
Folds of cerebellum
Cerebellum is connected to the:
Midbrain by the ?
Pons by the ?
Medulla oblongata by the ?
Superior cerebellar peduncle
Middle cerebellar peduncle
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
T or F. Cerebellum has NO DIRECT PATHWAY to the lower
motor neurons but exerts its control via the cerebral
cortex and the brainstem
Major lobes of Cerebellum
Superior lobe
Anterior lobe separated from the middle lobe by a wide V-shaped fissure
Primary fissure
Largest lobe
2 fissures of middle lobe
primary fissure and uvulonodular/posterolateral fissure
o Largest and deepest
o Divides cerebellum into upper and lower halves
Horizantal sulcus
Lobe posterior to uvulonodular fissure
Upper surface of the cerebellum is elevated above the
level of the hemispheres
Vermis deep depression which lodges the posterior part of
medulla oblongata
Vallecula cerebelli
Subdivisions of superior vermis
Lobulus centralis
Monticulus (Culmen and Declive)
Folium vermis
Buried in the vallecular
Inferior vermis
Inferior vermis is separated from the hemisphere on either side by a deep groove
Sulcus valleculae
Subdivisions of inferior vermis
Tuber vermis
o Separates the hemispheres below and behind
o Contains the upper part of the falx cerebri
Posterior cerebellar notch
o Separates the hemispheres anteriorly
o Shallower than the posterior cerebellar notch
o Lies close to the pons and upper part of the
o Superior edge encircles the inferior colliculi and
the superior cerebellar peduncle
Anterior cerebellar notch
Hemispheric counterparts: Lingula Lobulus Centralis Culmen Declive Folium
None Alae Lobulus culminis Lobus clivi Superior semilunar lobules
Folium + superior semilunar lobules
lobus semilunaris
Hemispheric counterparts: Nodule Uvula Pyramid Tuber vermis
Biventral lobules
Inferior semilunar lobules
Tuber + inferior semilunar lobules
lobus tuberus
gross movement of the head and body
fine voluntary movements
Vestibular functions
- Large sheets with folds in coronal or transverse plane
* Outer layer of gray matter
Inner layer of white matter
small amount of white matter
large amount of white matter
masses of gray matter embedded
in the white matter
Intracerebellar nuclei
3 layers of cortex
o Branched appearance: “tree of life”
o White matter of vermis
o Seen when a section is made through the
cerebellum parallel with the median plane by
dividing the folia into right angles
Arbor vitae
Outermost layer of cortex
Molecular layer
2 types of neurons in molecular layer
stellate and basket cell
Middle layer of cortex
o Golgi type I neurons
o Multipolar with long axons
o Flask-shaped
o Arranged in a single layer
Purkinje cells
form synaptic
connections with parallel fibers of granule cell
dendritic spines of purkinje
Seen at the base of the Purkinje cell and terminates by synapsing with cells of one of the intracerebellar nuclei
axons of purkinje
Cortex layer packed with small cells with densely staining nuclei and
scanty cytoplasm
Granular layer
Cells of granular layer
granule cells
Golgi cells
o 4-5 dendrites – make clawlike endings and
have synaptic contact with mossy fibers
o Axon passes through Purkinje cell layer into
molecular layer where it bifurcates at a Tjunction
Granule cells
run at right angles to the
dendritic processes of Purkinje cells
Most make synaptic contacts with the
spinous processes of the dendrites of
Purkinje cells
Parallel fibers of granule cells
o scattered throughout the layer
o Dendrites projects to the molecular layer, and
their axons terminate by splitting up into
branches that synapse with the dendrites of the
granule cells
Golgi cells