Basal Nuclei Flashcards
most rostral (anterior; closest to the nasal or oral region) part of the brain
Parts of Telencephalon
Cerebral cortex
Basal nuclei
located in the midbrain
Substantia nigra
located in the diencephalon
Subthalamic nuclei
Mass of gray matter within each cerebral hemisphere
Basal Nuclei
No direct input or output connections with the spinal cord; instead, the basal nuclei are linked to related parts of the brain through connection fibers (both afferent and efferent
Basal Nuclei
Can be found lateral to the thalamus and deeper into the cranium compared to the cerebral hemispheres
Basal Nuclei
Major parts of Basal Nuclei
Corpus striatum
Amygdaloid nucleu
Formed by the caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus; Located lateral to the thalamus
Corpus striatum
separates the caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus
Internal capsule
Parts of the internal capsule
Anterior crus
Posterior crus
Parts of the internal capsule:
located lateral to the head of the caudate nucleus
Anterior crus
Part of the internal capsule:
point of convergence of the anterior and posterior crura
Part of the internal capsule:
located medial to the lentiform nucleus, in particular the internal capsule of the globus pallidus
Posterior crus
Caudate nucleus and putamen
C-shaped mass of gray matter closely related to the lateral ventricles and found lateral to the thalamus
Caudate nucleus
Parts of the caudate nucleus
Part of the caudate nucleus:
Large, rounded; Forms the lateral wall of the anterior limb of internal capsule; Continuous with putamen inferiorly
Part of the caudate nucleus:
Long, narrow; Continuous with the head at the interventricular foramen; Forms part of the floor of lateral ventricle
Part of the caudate nucleus:
Long, slender; Continuous with posterior end of thalamus; Terminates anteriorly at amygdaloid nucleus
Wedge-shaped mass of gray matter buried deep into the white matter of cerebral hemispheres
Related medially to the internal capsule
Separated into portions by a thin layer of white matter
Lentiform nucleus
Parts of lentiform nucleus
Globus pallidus
Part of lentiform nucleus:
Larger, darker, and more lateral portion; Continuous with the caudate nucleus
Part of lentiform nucleus:
Lighter, more medial portion; Paleness is due to the high concentration of myelinated nerve fibers
Globus pallidus
At temporal lobe close to the uncus; Part of the limbic system; Can influence bodily response to environmental changes
Amygdaloid Nucleus
Thin sheet of gray matter separating the external capsule from the white matter of insula
Bound by the external capsule medially and the extreme capsule laterally
Function unknown
Extrapyramidal System:
Basal Nucleus
Substantia Nigra
Subthalamic Nucleus
Red Nucleus
Functions of the Basal Nuclei:
Motor movement development and regulation
Muscle tone and posture
Cognition in relation to movement
Part of the midbrain; With dopaminergic and inhibitory neurons; Have many connections with corpus striatum
Substantia Nigra
Part of the diencephalon; With glutaminergic and excitatory neurons; With many connections to the globus pallidus and substantia nigra
Subthalamic Nucleus
Connection fibers
Afferent fibers
Efferent fibers
Types of afferent fibers
Corticoastriatal fibers
Thalamostriate fibers
Nigostriate fibers
Brainstem striatal fibers
Types of afferent fiber:
Largest input: sensory-motor complex of the same side of the cortex; Most of the projections are from the cortex of the same side.
Corticoastrial fibers
Glutamate release
from the corpus striatum to the indicated parts
Efferent fiber