Cerebellum Flashcards
Cerebellum differs from that of other motor areas such as the basal ganglia in two major ways (2):
- unlike most other parts of the CNS, the cerebellum is wired up so that one side affects the ipsilateral side of the body
- unlike the basal ganglia, the cerebellum makes extensive use of sensory inputs
vermis and paravermis (also called the medial hemispheres) form the spinocerebellum
Lateral hemisphere of cerebellum
Lateral hemisphere nucleus
Project to the dentate nuclei which take their name from their variegated, tooth-like appearance in a horizontal section
Paravermis (medial hemisphere) nucleus
innervates the interposed nuclei
Vermis nuclei
projects to the fastigial nuclei
Flocculondular lobe
does not have nucleus within the cerebellum but is extensively interconnected with the vestibular system, using the bestibular nuclei of the brainstem for its output
Lateral Hemisphere inputs
Pre and primary motor cortex
Medial Hemisphere inputs
Primary motor cortex, some spinal cord
Vermis Inputs
Spinal cord, vestibular nuclei
Flocculondodular Lobe Inputs
vestibular nuclei
L. Hemisphere deep nucleus
M. Hemisphere deep nucleus
Vermis deep nucleus
Flocculondular lobe deep nucleus
vestibular nuclei, fastigial