he branching pattern of the white matter OF THE CEREBELLUM was referred to by early anatomists as the _______
arbor vitae
transverse fissures of the cerebellum
anterior and posterolateral or prenodular
e cortex of the vermis projects to the
that of the paravermis to the
and that of the cerebellar hemisphere to the dentate nucleus.
fastigial deep cerebellar nucleus
interposed deep nuclei (emboliform and globose),
________has reciprocal connections with vestibular and reticular nuclei and plays a role in control of body equilibrium and eye movement.
vestibulocerebellum (corresponds best with the flocculonodular lobe)
__________has reciprocal connections with the spinal cord and plays a role in control of muscle tone as well as axial and limb movements, such as those used in walking and swimming
The spinocerebellum (corresponds best to the anterior lobe)
_________has reciprocal connections with the cerebral cortex and plays a role in planning and initiation of movements, as well as the regulation of discrete limb movements.
The cerebrocerebellum or pontocerebellum (corresponds best to the posterior lobe)
In the _____, the body appears inverted, with hindlimbs represented rostral to the forelimbs and face.
anterior lobe of the cerebellum
layers of the cerebellar cortex
Outer molecular layer (about 300 µm in thickness)
Middle Purkinje cell layer (about 100 µm in thickness)
Innermost granule cell layer (about 200 µm in thickness)
cell types in each layer
Basket and stellate cells are in the molecular layer,
Purkinje cells are in the Purkinje cell layer,
and granule and Golgi cells are in the granule cell layer.
Purkinje cell
courses through the granule cell layer and deep white matter to project on deep cerebellar nuclei
Intrinsic neurons of the cerebellum
Basket cell
Granule cell
Golgi II cell
Basket cells
situated in deeper parts of the molecular layer in close proximity to Purkinje cells.
______located in the superficial and deeper parts of the molecular layer.
Stellate cells
Difference between stellate and basket cells
The difference lies in the fact that stellate cells establish contact with the dendrites of Purkinje cells, whereas basket cells establish contact with dendrites, perikarya, and axons of Purkinje cells.
_______ are among the smallest cells in the brain (6 to 9 µm) and fill the granule cell layer.
Granule cells
________occupy the superficial part of the granule cell layer adjacent to the Purkinje cells. They are large neurons, about the same size as the Purkinje cell bodies.
Axons of Golgi cells take part in the formation of the ______. They are characterized by a dense arborization of short axonal branches that span the entire granule cell layer
They are the sites of synaptic contact between the incoming cerebellar fibers (mossy fiber system) and processes of neurons within the granule cell layer.
Cerebellar input via the mossy fiber system
Dendrites of granule cells
Axon terminals of Golgi neurons
Proximal parts of Golgi dendrites
The three major sources of afferents of the cerebellum:
are the spinal cord, vestibular system, and cerebral cortex.
Inputs from the spinal cord are transmitted to the cerebellum via the :________
These tracts provide the cerebellum with information related to the position and condition of muscles, tendons, and joints.
dorsal and ventral spinocerebellar tracts and the rostral extension of the dorsal spinocerebellar tract, the cuneocerebellar tract.
___________provide information related to body equilibrium.
Vestibulocerebellar inputs
Cortical inputs to the cerebellum originate in:
This is for planning and initiation of movement
neocortical as well as paleocortical and archicortical areas.
Other inputs:
________ (A-6 cell group of primates), a dopaminergic projection from the ventral tegmental area of Tsai in the midbrain (A-10 cell group of primates)
_______projection from the raphe nuclei (B-5 and B-6 cell groups of primates) in the brain stem.
locus ceruleus
- Dorsal spinocerebellar tract _____
- Cuneocerebellar tract _______
- Olivocerebellar tract ________
- Reticulocerebellar tract _________
- Vestibulocerebellar tract _____
- Arcuatocerebellar tract ________
7/ Trigeminocerebellar tract _____
- from the dorsal nucleus of Clarke
- from the accessory cuneate nuclei
- from the inferior olivary nuclei (major component)
- from the reticular nuclei of the brain stem
- (both primary afferents from the vestibular end organ and secondary afferents from the vestibular nuclei)
- from the arcuate nuclei of the medulla
- From the spinal and main sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve
fiber tracts to cereb via MCP
Serotonergic fibers from the raphe nuclei