Cerebellum Flashcards
Which tract is the only cerebllar tract with afferent fibers into the superior peduncle
Anterior spinocerebellar
Origin: ascends in contralateral spinal cord (t12-L5)
Terminates: vermis and intermediate zone - ipsilateral
Which tract is the only cerebellar tract with affarent fibers from the middle peduncle?
Origin: Pontine Nuclei
Termination: ant and post lobes - contralateral and vermis - ipsilateral
Major inputs to the cerebellum come in via teh _______ and _______ fibers
Major inputs to the cerebellum come in via the mossy and climbing fibers
Major output from the cerebellum are via ______ fibers to the _____ and _____.
The cerebellum ____[does/doesn’t] have direct connection to the spinal cord
Major output from the cerebellum are via purkinje fibers to the thalamus and red nucleus.
The cerebellum DOES NOT have direct connection to the spinal cord
What is the main function of the cerebellum?
Ensure that correction of currentmovements to match those intended
(what we want to happen is actually happening)
Most inputs enter the cerebellum via what peduncles?
what are the major inputs to these areas
Middle and inferior peduncles.
Cerebral cortex –> pontine – (pontocerebellar tract) –> middle peduncle
Vestibular and cochlear nuclei, inferior olive, dorsalspinocerebellar and cuneocerebellar tracts –> inferior peduncle
Cerebellar lesions cause issues to the ____ [same/opposite] side of the body
Cerebellar lesions cause issues to the SAME SIDE of the body
Lesions to the vermis —>
Lesions at the hemispheres –>
Lesions to the vermis —> gait or truncal issues
Lesions at the hemispheres –> motor coordination issues on the SAM SIDE
Where are the following cerebellar nucleus located?
Dentate nuc?
Interposed nuc?
Fastigal nuc?
Dentate nuc – hemisphere
Interposed nuc – paravermis?
Fastigal nuc – vermis and floculus
Inferior peduncle
Afferent fibers (3)
Inferior olivary nucleus, vestibular nuclei, spinal cord, (trigeminal and reticular formation ) –> inferior peduncle
Inf. peduncle –> vestibular nuclei
Middle Penducle
cerebral cortex –> middle peduncle
no efferents
Superior Peduncle
only 1 afferent: anterior spinocerebellar
most efferents, from the deep cerebellar peduncles
Name the 4 major parts of the microscopic anatomy of the cerebellum
(top to bottom)
Molecular Layer
Purkinje Cell Layer
Ganular Layer
White Matter
What two cells does the Molecular Layer consist of:
basket cells and stellate cells
Basket Cell axons synpase on purkinje cell Body
Stellate cell axons synapse on purkinje dendrites
What is the purkinje cell layer consist of?
purkinje cell only axons that leave the cerebellar cortex, predominately output of the cerebllum