Cerebellum Flashcards
Mention differences between cerebrum & cerebellum
- Cerebellum is not involved in sensory perception
- Cerebellar lesion does not lead to paralysis
- Cerebellum body representation is ipsilateral
- The body is represented in vermis and intermediate part of cerebellar hemisphere in 2 maps in upper map of ant lobe, ipsilateral & upside down, but lower map (post lobe) ipsilateral & upright. Audio-visual represntation is bilateral upright
Describe output of spinocerebellum
- From vermis through fastigial nucleus to brainstem
- From intermediate zone of cerebellar hemisphere through interposed nuclei to a)VA & VL nuclei of thalamus then to cerebral cortex, b) several midline structures if thalamus then to BG and reticular formation and red nucleus.
Describe output of cerebrocerebellum
Projected to dentate nucleus to VA & VL nuclei of thalamus then to cerebral cortex
Mossy circuit is concerned with….., its effect on Purkinje cell results in….
Well learned movement
Single spike AP
Describe effect of climbing fibers on Purkinje
Act directly on Purkinje fibers to modify their sensitivity
1. In overshooting they increase Purkinje cell sensitivity (rapid inhibition of DNCS) inhibiting the overshooting.
2. In undershooting they decrease Purkinje cell sensitivty (delay inhibitory effect) thus inhibit undershooting
They condition Purkinje cells, and cause complex multipeaked AP
Mention functions of vestibulo-cerebellum
Equilibrium & body posture
Control eye movements (vestibulo-occular reflex)
Mention functions of spinocerebellum
Servo-comparator function
Control of ballistic movements (Mossy)
Damping function
Mention the input of spino-cerebellum of servo-comparator function
- Information from motor cortex & red nucleus about the intended sequential plan of movement
- Feedback from body about what actual movement results
- Efference copy of actual motor control signals that reach anterior motor neurons
Mention the output of spino-cerebellum of servo-comparator function
- Back to cerebral cortex through thalamic relay nuclei
- To lower part of red nucleus (rubrospinal t.)
- Brainstem areas which give rise to medial brainstem pathways
List functions of cerebrocerebellum
- Planning of sequential movements
- Predictive function
- Timing function for sequential movements
- Extra motor predictive function for visual & auditory phenomena progression
Mention effect of cerebellum on muscls tone
Excitatory to stretch reflex
Mention the 2 main manifestations of cerebellar lesions
- Hypotonia
- Motor ataxia
Desfine symptoms of motor ataxia
Dysmetria, dysartheria, dysdiadokokinesia, decomposition of movement, disturbed gait, intention temors, cerebellar nystagmus, rebound.
Decomposition of movement is tested for by…..test
Heel-knee test
Lesion of vestibulocerebellum leads to ….&…..
Drunken gait
Neocerebellar lesion leads to ….. gait
Gait in case of LL monopelgia is….., while in case of paraplegia is…..
Spastic gait (circumduction)
Sissoring gait
Site & grade of medulloblastoma
Cerebellum/dorsal brain stem
Grade VI
Describe gross picture of medulloblastoma
Mostly arise in vermis, as pink/grey friable mass that fill 4th ventricle. In cerebellar hemispheres they tend to be more firm & circumscribed & generally of desmoplastic/nodular variant. Small foci of necrosis may be grossly evident but extensive necrosis is rare.
Describe microscopic picture of medulloblastoma
Variants: classic, desmplastic/nodular, medulloblastoma with extensive nodulatrity, large cell/anaplastic
Classic form shows densely packed small round cells with mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism & high mitotic count. May show Homer-Wright rosettes (primitive tumour cells surrounding central neuropil)