Central Nervous System Flashcards
CNS is composed of the ____ ___ and _____.
spinal cord and brain
- the CNS is the motor command center for planning, originating, and carrying out the transmission of messages received by PNS and organs.
CNS is enclosed within the ____ _____ and ______ _____
vertebral column; cranial structure
the most important sructure in the body for speech, language and hearing
- the brain is much more related than the spinal cord and his housed and protected in the cranial cavity of the skull
Key structures of the brainstem
- Midbrain
- Pons
- Medulla
Connects the spinal cord with the brain via the diencephalon;
serves as bridge between the cerebellum and all other CNS structures (incl. spinal cord, thalamus, basal ganglia, cerebrum).
The oldest part of the brain
Many cranial nerves originate from here
Narrow structure that lis superior to the ponsand inferior to diencephalon
MIDBRAIN aka mesencephalon
part of midbrain that connects the brainstem and the cerebellum
- controls many motor and sensory functions
- postural reflexes
- visual reflexes
- eye movements
- coordination of vestibular-generated eye and head movements
- contains cranial nerve nuclei for trochlear (IV) and oculomotor (III) nerves
Roundish, bulging structure that bridges the two halves of the cerebellum
- located inferior to the midbrain
- aka metencephalon
The _____ and _______ serve as a connection point between the cerebellum and various cerebral structures the inferior and middle peduncles
Part of brainstem that transmits information relative to movement from the cerebral hemispheres to the cerebellum
- The pons contains many descending motor fibers and is involved with hearing and balance
- it also houses nuclei for the trigeminal V and facial VII nerves that are important for speech production
- aka myelencephalon
- inferior to midbrain and pons
- uppermost portion of the spinal cord
- contains all fibers that originate in cerebellum and cerebrum and move downward to form the spinal cord
Functins of the Medulla
- includes several centers that control vital, automatic bodily functions, such as breathing, digestion, heart rate, and blood pressure
- facilitates many reflexes such as sneezing, coughing, blinking, vomiting
- very important for speech production because it contains descending fibers that transmit motor information to several cranial nerve nuclei
Nerve fibers contained in medulla that carry commands from the motor center of brain to various muscles
- controls many movements and supply some of the muscles that are involved in speech.
- at the level of the medulla, many of these tracts crossover from left and right sides of the brain. Thus, the right side of the body is primarily controlled by the left side of the brain and vice versa
the part of the CNS that responds to incoming information by affecting the state of a person’s alertness and consciousness
- RAS is a structure within the midbrain, brainstem, and upper portion of spinal cord
- It integrates motor impulses flowing out of the brain and sensory impulses flowing into it
Primary roles of RAS
- plays a role in execution of motor activity - sends diffuse impulses to various regions of the cortex
- and alerts cortex to incoming impulses
- primary mechanism of attention and consciousness
- arouses the cortex
- important in controlling sleep-wake cycles
- critical role in maintaining states of consciousness (sleep, drowsiness, alertness, and excitement)
Structure that lies above the midbrain and between the brainstem and the cerebral hemispheres
Structures of the Diencephalon
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Third Ventricle
Largest structure of diencephalon that is considered a primary sensory relay and integration center
- critical for maintenance of consciousness and alertness
- also receives motor impulses from cerebellum and basal ganglia and relays information to motor areas of cerebral cortex
- it regulates sensory information that flows into the brain and relays sensory impulses to various portions of cerebral cortex
Structure of diencephalon that helps integrate actions of ANS
- controls emotions
- lies inferior to thalamus
Tall, narrow space found in diencephalon filled with CSF
structures deep within the brain, near the thalamus and lateral ventricles
- primarily composed of gray matter
- receives input primarily from the frontal lobe and relay information back to the higher centers of the brain via the thalamus
- part of the extrapyramidal system
The ______________ ________ that helps regulate and modify cortically initiated motor movements, including speech
An important part of the extra pyramidal system in which Dopamine is produced and projected to the corpus striatum
- functionally related to basal ganglia but not a part of it
Neurotransmitter generated in the substantia nigra
-lack of this neurotransmitter creates motor disorders such as Parkinsonism
Signs of lesions in basal ganglia
- unusual body postures
- dysarthria
- changes in body tone
- involuntary and uncontrolled movements (dyskinesias) that interfere with person’s voluntary attempts to walk, speak, or do many other activities
Referred to as the “little brain”
- consists of two hemispheres connected separated by the vermis
- located below the cerebrum and behind the brainstem
Large neurons found in the cerebellum, that release gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
-the only output cells of the cerebellum
an inhibitory neurotransmitter released by Purkinje cells crucial in the regulation and coordination of motor movements
Role and function of cerebellum
- regulates :
- equilibrium (balance)
- body posture
- coordinated fine motor movements
- very important to speech production because these movements are necessary for speech
A neurological disorder resulting from damage to the cerebellum
- found in some people with cerebral palsy & cerebellar damage
- shows :
- abnormal gait
- disturbed balance
- speech disorder called : Ataxic Dysarthria
- creates other communication disorders
biggest most important CNS structure for language, speech, and hearing
- complex structure of intricate neural connections with 10-15 billion neurons
- weighs about 3 lbs.
Lobes of Cerebrum
named based on cranial bones they are in contact with.
Gray matter or cells are inside the cerebrum
Gray matter is on the top of the cerebrum but inside the spinal cord and brainstem