Cellular Respiration Flashcards
Happens in cytoplasm. Glucose is broken down into two P.A(puyruvic acid) 2ATP is used and 4 ATP is produced, creating a net gain of 2ATP.
A molecule that transfers energy from the breakdown of food molecules to cell processes.
Krebs Cycle
Happens in the matrix of the mitochondria. The two PA is broken down into CO2. Cycle turns once per PA molecule(twice total) produces 1ATP per turn, and CO2.
Electron Transport Chain(ETC)
Electrons from kerbs cycle move H+ Ions across mitochondria membrane. H+Ions causes ATP synthase to spin. Each spin produces ATP. Oxygen is final hydrogen receptor. Creates waste product of H2O. 34 ATP is produced.
ETC difference in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
In eukaryotes the chain of protein carriers is located in the inner membrane of the mitochondria. In prokaryotes, it is located in the cell membrane.
Anaerobic respiration
Occurs when oxygen is NOT present. Produces 4ATP. (A net gain of 2ATP) Only Glycolysis and happens in cytoplasm.
Lactic acid fermentation
2PA from glycolysis converted into Latic acid. Occurs in animal muscle cells when there is no oxygen available. Used for making yogurt and cheese.
Alcohol Fermentation
2PA from glycolysis turns into alcohol, CO2, and NAD+. Occurs in yeast and other micro-organisms.(not us) used for making bread,
Aerobic respiration
Requires oxygen and produced 38 ATP(2 in Glycolysis,2in kerbs cycle, and 2 in ETC) It is more effective then anaerobic, the glucose is more completely broken down.
Puyruvic Acid (PA)
Comes from glucose and is broken down in Glycolysis. Later used in Krebs cycle to produce 2ATP.
Citric Acid
Is produced in Krebs Cycle.
ATP synthase
A enzyme that turns ADP into ATP.