Cellular pathology: Tumour Angiogenesis, Invasion & Metastasis Flashcards
What are some characteristics of malignant tumours?
- Ability to grow - Unlimited growth (not self-limited as in benign tumours) as long as an adequate blood supply is available
- Invasiveness - Migration of tumour cells into surronding stroma where they’re free to spread via vascular or lymphatic vessels to distant organs
- Ability to metastasize - Spread of tumour cells from the primary site to form secondary tumours at other sites in the body
Describe the sequential steps involved in metastasis
- Tumour cells become motile and invade capillaries/lymphatic vessels (intravasation)
- Tumour cells are transported via bloodstream/lymphatic vessels around body
- Eventually tumour cells embolize in capillaries of partcular organ (e.g. lungs or liver)
- Tumour cells move out of capillaries/lymphatic vessesl into organ parenchyma (extravasation)
- Tumour cells then respond to microenvironment within organ leading to proliferation and angiogenesis to occur
- Mestatic colonization occurs causing secondary metastases to form from micrometas in particular organ away from site of primary mestastes

What is angiogenesis?
- The formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones
What are the different types of angiogenesis?
- Developmental/vasculogenesis - Organ growth
- Normal angiogenesis - Wound repair
- Pathological angiogenesis - Tumour angiogenesis
Why does tumour angiogenesis need to occur?
- Because as the tumour grows some tumour cells will move away from the nearest blood vessel and so won’t be near enough to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients
- So new blood vessels ned to be formed so all cells of tumour are near enought to a blood vessel
Briefly explain the process of tumour angiogenesis
- Once tumour grows to size where it has insufficient oxygen/nutrient supply the angiogenic switch within the tumour will be switched on
- This causes the tumour to release pro-angiogenic factors e.g. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
- Pro-angiogenic factors will cause growth and migration of endothelial cells in existing blood vessels in a process called sprouting
- Sprouting results in formation of new blood vessels around the tumour
How does tumour hypoxia lead to tumour angiogenesis?
- Tumour cells that are hypoxic, have an oxygen tension of < 1%, will begin to transcribe genes involved in angiogenesis, e.g. VEGF, as well as other genes involved in tumour cell migration and mestatses
- mRNA from these genes will be translated to produce proteins which will go on to intiate tumour angiogenesis as well as other processes
Give some examples of pro-angiogeneic factors
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
- Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2)
- Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF- β)
- Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF)
Explain the vsacular endothelial growth factor siganllign pathway
- A molecule of VEGF binds to two VEGFR-2 recptors, a tyrosine kinase receptor, which leads to dimerization and then autophosphorylation
- Proteins such as VEGF-receptor activated factor (VRAP) bind to the phosphorylated receptor and cause activation of RAS
- RAS phosphorylates RAF, RAF phosphorylates MEK, which itself phosphorylates MAPK
- MAPK will phosphorylate transcription factors that promote expression of genes important for cell proliferation - this leads to angiogenesis
- PI3K, Phosphoinositide 3-kinase, is activated which phosphorylates and activates protein kinase B (PKB or AKT)
- AKT promotes cell survival which leads to angiogenesis
- Phospholipase C is also activated which leads to production of IP3 and DAG
- DAG activates protein kinase C which promotes cell proliferation and increased vasopermeability
- IP3 leads to increased Ca2+ release from endoplasmic reticulum
- Ca2+ leads to increased activation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) which goes on to produce nitric oxide
- Nitric oxide also increases vasopermiability
In order for a tumour to metastasize they need to become more motile and invasive. What are some mechanisms tumour cells use to become more motile and invasive?
- Increased mechanical pressure caused by rapid cellular proliferation
- Increased motility of the malignant cells (epithelial to mesenchymal transition)
- Increased production of degradative enzymes by both tumour cells and stromal cells
Explain the process of epithelial - mesenchymal transition
- Specific epithelial cancer cell genes begin to be downregulated which results in the loss of cell-cell adhesion molecules such as E-cadherin
- Epithelial cancer cells also upregulate particular pathways which results in them transforming into mesenchymal cancer cells.
- These pathways include: PI3K/AKT pathway and the TGF-β
- The upregulation of these pathways results in the production of proteins such as: N-cadherin, Fibronectin and MMPs
- All these changes mean that the cancer cell is now more mobiule and invasive
Summarise the changes that occur during the epithelial - mesenchymal transition
Loss of:
- Epithelial shape and cell polarity
- Cytokeratin intermediate filament expression
- Epithelial adherens junction protein (E-cadherin)
Acquisition of:
- Fibroblast-like shape and motility
- Invasiveness
- Vimentin intermediate filament expression
- Mesenchymal gene expression (fibronectin, PDGF receptor, αvβ6 integrin)
- Protease secretion (MMP-2, MMP-9)
What is E-cadherin and what is its normal function?
- E-cadherins are transmembrane gylcoproteins that bind to β-catenin in order to facilitate homotypic cell adhesion (adhesion of cells with the same cadherin)
- E-cadherins are calcium dependent
How does E-cadherin inhibit invasiveness?
- Presence of E-cadherin between cells allows a cell to recognise when it is too close to another cell
- This results in the two cells downregulating proliferation or to stop moving towards each other - this process is called contact inhibition
How does loss or mutation of E-cadherin allow for a tumour to become invasive?
- Loss/mutation of E-cadherin means that cells aren’t able to recognise where they are in relation to other cells
- This means cells aren’t able to stop proliferating in response to being too close to another cell so they grow on top of each other (loss of contact inhibition)
- In a tumour this loss of contact inhibition allows for the tumour cells to proliferate and invade other tissues
What are integrins and what is their normal function?
- Integrins are a family of heterodimers made up of a range of α and β subunits.
- Integrins facilitate heterotypic adhesion of cells to specific parts of the extracellular matrix e.g. collagen, fibronectin, laminin
- They also facilitate extracellular signal transduction
How do tumour cells use integrins to become more invasive?
- In tumour cells there’s altered integrin expression which results in modified membrane distribution and also allows for the tumour cells to adhere to different extracellular matrixes
Explain the role that stromal cells play in tumour progression
- Tumour cells induce stromal cells to release factors such as pro-angiogenic factors, growth factors, cytokines and proteases which all help tumour grow or become more invasive
- One of the factors released is Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA)
- uPA is activated by tumour cells which results in plasmin production
- Plasmin activates matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which degrade the extracellular matrix (ECM) thus releasing matrix-bound pro-angiogenic factors
Apart from degrading the extracellular matrix, how else do matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) help with tumour cell progression?
- Matrix metalloproteinases can cleave the extracellular domain of E-cadherin which results in the loss of contact inhibition within the tumour cells
- Loss of contact inhibition allows tumour cells to contunously proliferate and invade into other tissues
Is the process of tumour mestatsis an efficient process?
- Overall the process is highly inefficient
- Although most umour cells can extravasate (move from a blood/lymphatic vessel into an organ) successfully (>80%), the last two steps are very inefficient.
- Only <0.02% of cells actually form micrometastases.
For some common cancer types name some of the most common areas of tumour metasasis
- Breast cancer - Can metastasize in the brain, lungs, liver
- Colorectal cancer - Can metastasize in colon, lungs
- Gastric cancer - Can metasasize in stomach, oesophagus or lungs
- Lung cancer - Can metasasize in brain, liver or adrenal gland
- Pancreatic cancer - Can metasasize in pancreas, liver or lungs
- Prostate cancer - Can metastasize in prostate galnd
What are the names of the 2 hypothesise on why particular tumours mestatsize in particular organs?
- Mechanical hypothesis
- Seed and soil hypothesis
What does the mechanical hypothesis state?
- States that particular tumour metasasize in specific areas because of anatomical considerations - E.g. where is the closest supply of bood and lymphatic systems
What does the seed and soil hypothesis state?
- States that specific adhesions between tumour cells and endothelial cells in the target organ, create a favourable environment in the target organ for colonisation
What does the angiogenesis hypothesis state?
- States that tumour growth dependent on new blood vessel growth (angiogenesis) and so if angiogenesis could be halted eventually tumour cells will not metastasize
Name a specific anti-angiogeneic drug
- Avastin
Explain the mechanism of action of avastin
- Avastin is a monoclonal antibody which binds to VEGF
- This prevents VEGF binding to VEGF receptors on endothelial cells
- This prevents the induction of all of the VEGF signal transduction pathways which are needed in the process of angiogenesis