Cellular Cooperation Cytokines- Hudig Flashcards
What is an epitope?
the part of an antigen molecule to which an antibody attaches itself.
What kinds of cells can present MHC II?
dendritic cells and macrophages
sometimes cells that are induced to become APCs
T or F Every cell in the body has MHC class I all the time except for RBC
YOu hav to have (blank) to activate any other type of lymphocyte (any immune reaction)
Can B cells recognize native antigens (meaning the protein is not broken down enzymatically, i.e in its original state)?
Yes :)
So how does your body respond to a virus?
APC cells (macrophages or dendrites) will chew it up and present it to TFH cells which will recognize and bind which will allow it to secrete IL2 and divide. It will then stimulate TH2 or TH1 cells. Th2 will make B cells via IL4 and stimulate antibody production while Th1 will make CTLs via IFN
MHC 1 and MHC II “present” peptides from (same/different) sources.
(blank) present peptides from intracellular sources; such as cytoplasmic tagging, degradation, MHC 1 presentation, virally infected cells.
(blank) present peptides from extracellular sources such as ingestions, degredation
What kinds of cells are the ONLY kind of cell that can present MHC II?
MHC 1 is found on all cells except for (blank)
What does MHC I need to present the self or non self proteins?
it needs proteosomes (in the cytoplasm generates SMALL peptides)
What does MHC II need?
it needs endosomal degredations where it will generate big peptides with some albumin
T or F
Both MHC I and II systems present “self” peptides all the time without infections
What is an example of an extracellular source of an antigen?
virions that are released from host cells and bacteria
(blank) eliminate virally infected cells to clear most infections
(blank) are essential for control of chronic viruses
Peptides of INTRAcelular proteins are dispayed by (blank) proteins all the time
(blank) proteins are on all the cells of th ebody except RBC
(blank) is the co receptor for antigen in MHC I
How can a CTL detect the viraly infected cell when the virus is hidden inside an infected cell?
CD8 CTL recognize antigen peptides displayed on the plasma membrane of cells in MHC I proteins
Where inside the cell were the viral proteins made?
On the cell’s ribosomes
Describe the MHC I proteosome process?
proteins get ubiquinated and sent to the proteosome to be chopped up and then it gets collected by TAP (transporter of antigenic peptides) > TAP brings them to the ER. Then the MHC I takes these to the golgi where they re taken to the cell surface and bind to CTLs :)
Where did the viral peptide come from?
the virus replicated itself inside the cell where it was ubquinated and taken in by a proteosome
What class of MHC presents the viral peptides?
Is the responding T cell CD4 or CD8?
Could self peptides be presented the same way?
T or F All cells (except RBC) have greater than 30,000 MHC I molecules per cell with greater than 1000 different peptides.
Each MHC I molecule contains a self or a viral peptide
T or F
Many different CD(blank) T cells each recognize one of the many MHC1 viral peptide combinations displayed by a single cell.