Cells - 5311 Flashcards
Name the body systems
Give a brief description of each one
Nervous system
The body is fast acting control system. Consists of brain, spinal-cord, nerves and sensory receptors
External Cameron at the body. Waterproof the body and protects the deeper tissues from injuries.
Use his blood as a transporting fluid to carry oxygen, nutrients, hormones and other substances, to and from tissue cells
Glands produce chemical molecules called hormones.
Keeps the body supplied with oxygen, removes CO2
Basically a tube that runs through the body. The role is to break down food for dispersal into body cells and then the undigested food remains in the gastrointestinal tract so it can lead to body
Reproductive system
Primary goal is to produce offspring
Helps maintain the body salt and water balance, regulating the acid base balance of the blood
Has one for function, to contract and shorten
Supports body, provides framework that the skeletal muscles use to cause movement
What is homeostasis
Dynamic state of equilibrium
The bodys ability to maintain a relatively stable internal environment
Meaning for:
The same
Standing still
What is positive feedback and negative feedback
Negative feedback acts to stop or reduce the stimulus i.e If the temperature is too high or acts to bring it down again. Most control mechanisms are negative
Positive feedback controls and frequent events, this tends to increase the original disturbance such as labour with contractions
Explain the five survival needs for the body
Nutrients like food
Contains chemicals used for energy and sound building. Carbohydrates also a major energy providing fuel for the body
Nutrients are useless and his oxygen is available at cells can only survive a couple of minutes without it
Amounts for 60 to 80% of the body weight
Normal body temperature must be maintained to continue chemical reactions in the life sustaining rate. As the metabolism rate drops, at become slower and slower
Atmospheric pressure
The force exerted on the surface of the body by the weight of air, breathing and oxygen exchange depend on this
What are the functions of a receptor, control Centre and effector in the homeostatic process
A receptor is the type of sensor that monitors and responds to changes in the environment
The controls centre determines the level at which a variable is maintained, analyses the information then determines the appropriate response or course of action
Effector: Provides the means for the response to the stimulus
What are the three major cell regions
Nucleus: control centre, contains DNA
Cytoplasm: Essentially a factory area
Plasma membrane: A transparent barrier that contains the sales contents, separating them from the surrounding environment. It has a structure consists of two lipid layers with protein molecules flat
What are the three elements of the cytoplasm
Cytosol - Semi transparent fluid that suspends the other elements
Organelles - Metabolism machinery of the cell, each type are specialised to carry out a certain function
Inclusions - Chemical substances that may or may not be present
Explain these different cell types: Fibroblast Erythrocyte Epithelial Skeletal/smooth Fat cell Macrophage Nerve cell Oocyte
Fibroblast. Abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum. Had a large Golgi apparatus to make or secrete protein protein blocks of fibres. Connects body balance
Erythrocyte - red blood cell. Carries O2 in the bloodstream
Epithelial - hexagonal shape allows epithelial cells to pack together in sheets
Skeletal/smooth - filled with abundant contractile filaments so they can shorten forcefully
Fat cell - produced by large lipid droplet in the cytoplasms
Macrophage - many lysosomes in the cell digest the infectious microorganisms it takes up
Nerve cell - neuron. Has long processes for receiving messages/transmitting them to other structures in the body.
Oocyte (female reproductive cell) - largest cell in the body, contains several copies of all organelles
Describe the cellular membrane
Biological membrane that separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment
Describe DNA
Deoxybutyric acid - Hereditary material in humans. Stored as a code made up of four chemical bases
Describe endoplasmic reticulum
A system of fluid filled tubes or canals - A coil or twist through the cytoplasm. Mini circulatory system for the cell
Can be rough or smooth
Describe the Golgi apparatus
Essentially a traffic director for cellular proteins
Its function is to modify and package proteins in certain ways
Describe lysosomes
Membranous bags containing powerful digestive enzymes
Capable of digesting worn out or non-usable cell structures and most foreign substances
Function of the mitochondria
Where ATP is produced