Cardiovascular Flashcards
What is the cardiovascular system?
Essentially a transportation system - uses blood to carry oxygen, nutrients, cell waste, hormones and other substances vital for body homeostasis
Location of the heart
Central chest cavity - mediastinum one the anterior, base sits near the 2nd intercostal space, posterior to the sternum
Explain the heart wall layers
Outer layer = epicardium
Myocardium - hearts muscle fibres.
Inner layer = endocardium. Thin sheet that lines the hearts layers
Heart is also enclosed by a double walled sac called pericardium
What is pericarditis
Inflammation of the pericardium. Often results in a decrease in the already small amount of serous fluid - causes the pericardial layer to bind & stick together, forming painful adhesions that interfere with heart movements
Explain the pericardium layers
Parietal = lines the internal surface of the fibrous pericardium
Visceral = lines the surface of the heart
Explain blood flow around the heart
Should know this
Where is the atrioventricular valves?
Lies between the atria and ventricles. Prevents back flow into the atria when ventricles contract
Purpose of chordae tendineae?
Anchors AV valves to papillary muscles
Where is the semi lunar valve
Lies between the left ventricle and aorta
Function of heart valves
Allows blood to flow in only one direction through the hearts chambers
What is valvular stenosis ?
Valve flaps become stiff, forces the heart to contract more vigorously than normal to create pressure to drive the blood through the narrowed valve
What is a heart block?
Depolarisation waves can only reach the ventricles by travelling through the AV node - thus, any damage to it can cause the ventricles to beat at their own rate, which is a lot slower
Diastole vs systole
What are the two things that act to regulate heart activity?
Nerves of the autonomic nervous system
Intrinsic conduction system: sets the basic rhythm
Cardiac output equation
Multiply the number of times the heart beats per minute by the volume it ejects on each beat (minute volume)