Cell Introduction Flashcards
Cell properties
Highly organized
Defined structure an function
Basic unit of life
Can be morphologically diverse
Reflectin wide ranging,spesific function
Cell general classification
Based on presence ob membrane around nuclear/ genetic material
Prokaryotes no defied nuclear bacteria
Eukaryotes (defined nuclear structure - plants lungi animal
Viruses: required host e bacteria in mail plant to livepreplicate
Cell principle
Most cell can replicate themself (exceptions- erythrocyte y platelets)
Acquire/ metabolize nutrients
What is cytosol
Water containing in organic ions and small organic molecules
70-80% of the weight of cell
Macro molecules (proteins, polysaccharides • lipids an DNA RNA) remaining. Weight of acell
What is Cytoplasm
Memi-solidi fluid
Defines all contents cytosol organelles of the cell and side the nucleus
And cytoplasmic membrane
Eukaryotic cell prokaryotic cell and viruses comparison
Eukaryoticell is bigger 210-100 um )
Prokaryotic cell medium 2
Virus smallest 50nm (bat not less complex behavior
Smaller cells canbe structurally simpler
Nutrients con diffuse more in smaller cells
General structure of eukaryotic cell
High organized
Similar sub cellular components such as organelles that define the define the individual cel suchas nucleus endoplasmic eretidum
Golgi mitochondria
Direct specific infractions which neighboring ocell
Extra cellular matrix
Res blood cell features
Discoid shape
Lack of nucleus
Facilities movement through blood vessels
Provide large surface area for exchange of oxygen and carbon
Stick to each other to form blooddlots
Epithelial cells
Some epithelial cells have microvili at one end
Giving the cell polarity
Increasing the surface area for absorption of nutrients
Chondrcytes cell
Found in cartilage
Embedded in thick extra cellular matrix of protein that hold water to provide fashioning, shock absorption
Why is the knowledge of structure of cell is impotent
DNA in eukaryotic cell the nucleus
DNA . Packaged into chromosomes
Whithin nuclear matrix (nucleoplasm
Most cell are diploid
Having two copies of the 23 chromosomes
DNA packaged with portions into super coiled structure
Chromatin to form individual chromosome
Contain the enzymes and portions for regulation of DNA
Nucleoli (ribosomes assembled)?
Several region of RNA and protein
What nucleoli is surrounded
A double membreme - the nuclear envelope and is contiguous with the.fr
Nuclear pores ? ( punctuate )
Facilitate movement of small molecules proteins and newly formed ribosomes
Typically single ovoid structure
Some cells have several nuclei (osteoclasts)
Have lobular nuclei (neutrophil)
Skeletal muscle cells can have many nuclei - multiple cells fuse during development to create a muscle libra
Endoplasmic reticulum?
Network of membrane fold (cisternae)
With A comment
Interconnected when that links to thenuclear membrane
Rough Er
Attached ribosome
Smooth Er
No attached ribosomes
Serves as a store of Ca2+ in muscle cells
Synthesis of lipids and steroids and detoxification of drug in liver cell
Prodien synthesized undergo post translational modification inside beforegolgy
Golly complex
Derived from Er
But not longer connected
Stack of flattened smooth membrane sacs and vesicles
Consist of 2 subunits large and small subunit
Eukaryote 80s ribosome 60s and 40s
Prokaryotes - zoo ribosome 50 S and 3OS
S = sved berg unit and sedimentation co– article that differ in mass shape density sediment at different velocities
‘has their own DNA
Derived from Golgi complex
Contain various enzymes
Work in an acidic environment avoid pH 5.0
Structures formed by pinching off part cytoplasmic membrane
Material like lipoproteins or foreign bodies are brought inside cell
Found in specialized cells (macrophages)and beak down foreign bodies
Bacteria are involve the cytoplasmicmembrameengulhing and pinching off inside the cell I
Creating a specialized micro environment within the cell where and reactive oxygen
Result from defects in synthesis. Of some molecules that protect neurons and transporting some enzymes to the peroxisomein liver 9 kidney, brain cell
Site of protein synthesis
Consist of 2 subunits larg andsonall sub s . unit
Eukaryotes 80s ribosome (605and 40s
Prokaryotes- 70s ribsome(50sand 30s)
Diseases that cause from abnormal function of organelles
Hold and interact to give the ribosome 3D structure
Muscle cells
Have several specific protein fibers
Actin and myosin
With distinctive organization
Facilitate cellularhissue contratileforces
Skeletal and cardiac tissue
Contractile libbers are arranged into prominent structure calledsarcomeres
Numerous sarcomeres pull along the length of the cell
Smooth muscle
Have less defined sarcomeres
With the actin filament arranged obliquely within the cytoplasm and having defied anchor points in the cytoplasm(dense bodies
And cytoplasmic membrane - ‘(dense plaques)
Causing contraction in twisting manner
All cells are bounded by membrane
Formed by two phospholipid layers
Due to amphipathic properties form bilayer
Regulates movement of moleculeinto and out of the cell
Contact and interactions with neighboring lens
Extracellular environment depend on
Properties of the membrane - dynamic structure
Molecules embedded in oron the membrane
Intracellular organelles:bonded by membranes can be single or double) with similar general properties to the cytoplasmic membrane
Defined compartment within the cell enabling specific activities which in that environment
What is the purpose un organelles
A can you identify specific organelles in the cell and outlines their function
Is the ribosome an organelle
No because it doesn’t have membrane
Why is cell shape important and what helps define its shape
Naked viruses
Capsid only
Includes papilla merirus polio, hepatitis A
Envelope viruses
Capsid surrounded by lipid belayer or envelope derived from host cell membrane when it leaves the host the cell
Envelope contain viral proteins for targeting infecting specific cell types
Include: HIV influenza A and B - coronaviruses
Outline the differences between mundane eakaredi and prokaryotic cell
Can you describe the structural anatomy of viruses and give a named example for each
By increasing in complexity in cell structure what happen the cell
Greater ranges in function
Development of more complex multi cellular organisms
Simplicity obstructuare properties
Ease of adaptability
Jacklyn respond to changes in environment
Why undressing about the shape of thecell and organization and relative amount sub-cellular components is important
To understand the demands and and functions and specializations of the cell
Complex of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and ribose mealprodien
rRNA hold and interact to give the ribosome 3D structure
Sued berg unit and is sedimentation co-effición. Articles that differ inmass shape and density sediment at different velocities
Cytoplasmic membrane
Also known as
Plasma membrane
Marco lemma (muscle cells)
Prokaryotes ‘
DNA free in cytoplasm
Not surrounded by nuclear membrane usually In circular form called nuclei
Have smaller genome
Often single circular chromosome- haploid
More rapid replication and regulation of their DNA
Baked, extra-chromosomal DNA- plasmids
Ribosomes are smaller in prokaryotes
Within sub he differences in structure and biochemistry
Lack membrane bound intra-cellar organelles or vesicles
Electron transport chain(etc)protein located in cytoplasmic membrane
Etc in mitochondria in eukaryotes )
Most prokaryote never call wall composed distinctive molecules like peptidglycan
Important role in shop and structure and preventing osmolysis
Animal cell lack cell walls butsome eukaryotic
Do have cell walls such as plants cellulose
And fungi chitin and mannan
Some pro– form spores and
Can survive many years
Resistant to marry antimicrobial s
Major cause of infection
Grouped with micro-organisms
Sm all entities (20 - 300mm)that require a host to live
Supramolecular structure of nuclei acids protein and sometimes lipids carbohydrates
Isimple genomes but genetic organization varies among viruses can le doublestraded DNA single strand DNA RNA
Classification con be complex and basedon DNA or RNA
As viruses use a host cell of their replication their host cell missal