Cell injury and cell death Flashcards
What are the 3 responses to cellular stress
- Adaption
- Reversible cell injury
- Irreversible cell injury/death
Normal cell function maintained in balance - homeostasis
Exposed to severe stress
Adaption- stress by GAST
Changes into cell - more tolerating to environment
If this level of stress prolonged - cause cell injury
If level not sufficient to irreversible damage -
Expose cell to severe stress or injury - irreversible - cell death
describe the heart and an example of repose to stress and injury
- Cardiac Myocytes can adapt as result of increased loads
HIgh blood pressure - work harder
Myocyte hypertrophy - heart muscle becomes bigger resulting in thickened myocardium - If the cells were reversible injured for example or sudden temporary reduction in oxygen supplied to the cell, then the cell can undergo reversible changes, which most often than not visible under the microscope
- However the reversible changes regress once the blood supply or the nutrient supplier returned
- IF the insult is severe , if there is marked reduced blood flow to the heart through,blockage in the coronary arteries , then there is irreversible myocyte injury and cell death
In this situation this would be an myocardial infarction
What are causes of cell injury and death
Oxygen deprivation affects cell to produce ATP
Cause by loss of blood supply
Lung disease or anaemia
Physical ( trauma, heat )
Chemical - poisons , environmental pollutants
Autoimmune reaction -
Nutritional imbalances- calorie deficits
Ageing- slow progressive form of cell injury
what are the mechanisms of cell injury
describe how the 6 mechanisms of cell injury affect cells
describe how ATP depletion affects mechanism of cell injury
Deficient of oxygen - ATP function affected
Hypoxia and cyanide
- ATP is critical for energy dependant functions
- membrane transport
maintenance of ionic gradients - protein , DNA, RNA synthesis
- Efficient production of ATP requires oxygen
- Impaired production/depletion can occur in hypoxia and toxins
Describe how mitochondrial damage affects mechansims of cell injury
how does increased intra cellular calcium affect mechanisms of cell injury
- Increase calcium releases calcium in ER
- Activates harmful intracellular enzymes
- Cell injury can occur
Describe how ROS - affects mechanisms of cell injury
draw the diagram of ROS and how it affects cell injury
How is membrane damage affecting mechanisms of cell injury
Describe how DNA damage and protein mis-folding affect mechanisms of cell injury
what are the microscopic and ultrastructural features of reversible cell injury
what are 2 forms of cell death
describe the difference between necrosis vs apoptosis
what are the morphological patterns of necrosis
what is apoptosis (4)
describe physiological examples of apoptosis
what are pathological examples of apoptosis
what are 2 main pathways of apoptosis
what is morphology of apoptosis
give summary table of necrosis vs apoptosis
describe examples cell death and clinical diagnosis
what are cellular adaptions
what is hyperplasia
what is hypertrophy
what is atrophy
what is meta plasia
- Lining of cell changes
- Squamous cells - try to adapter be better suited to environment
- Columnar metaplasia in oesophagus