cell centrifugation Flashcards
) In the first step in this procedure, the leaves were homogenised by grinding in cold buffer solution. Explain why
(ii) a buffer solution was used.
keep pH the same / controls pH;
prevent change to / denaturing of proteins / enzymes;
Describe and explain how cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation can be used to isolate mitochondria from a suspension of animal cells.
ell homogenisation to break open cells;
- Accept suitable method of breaking open cells.
- Filter to remove (large) debris / whole cells;
- Reject removes cell walls.
- Use isotonic solution to prevent damage to mitochondria / organelles;
- Ignore to prevent damage to cells.
- Keep cold to prevent / reduce damage by enzymes / use buffer to prevent protein / enzyme denaturation;
- Centrifuge (at lower speed / 1000 g) to separate nuclei / cell fragments / heavy organelles;
- Ignore incorrect numerical values.
- Re-spin (supernatant / after nuclei / pellet removed) at higher speed to get mitochondria in pellet / at bottom.
- Must have location
Small samples of plant tissue were placed in a cold, isotonic solution and then treated to break open the cells to release the organelles. The different organelles were then separated. Describe a technique that could be used to
(i) break open the cells;
homogeniser / blender / pestle and mortar / description
e.g. grind with sand;