CDS Orthodontics Flashcards
Two components of IOTN
Aesthetic component
Dental health components
Aesthetic component of IOTN
Scale of ten colour photographs showing levels of dental attractiveness
Grade 1 aesthetic component IOTN
Most attractive
Grade 10 aesthetic component IOTN
Least attractive
What is used to assess the IOTN aesthetic component from dental casts?
Black and white photos
How to assess the patient’s opinion of their own dental attractiveness
The photos can be shown to the patient and the patient asked “Here is a set of photographs showing a range of dental attractiveness. Number 1 is the most and 10 the least attractive arrangement. Where would you put your teeth on this scale?”
IOTN aesthetic component grades 1/2/3/4
No/slight need for treatment
IOTN aesthetic component grades 5/6/7
Moderate/borderline need for treatment
IOTN aesthetic component grades 8, 9 and 10
Need for orthodontic treatment
What are the limitations of the aesthetic assessment of the IOTN?
Photos are 2D
This assessment is not standardised
Dental Health Component of IOTN
Dental health component records the various occlusal traits of a malocclusion that would increase the morbidity of the dentition and surround structures
Dental health component grades
1 - no need for treatment
2 - little need for treatment
3 - borderline need for treatment
4 - needs treatment
5 - needs treatment
Which feature is recorded when determining the IOTN score?
Only the worst occlusal feature
Purpose of the IOTN hierarchal scale
- To provide a guide which enables the examiner to survey the dentition in a systemic manner and thus ensures all relevant occlusal anomalies are identified
- When two or more occlusal anomalies are found to achieve the same dental health component grade the hierarchal scale is employed to determine which occlusal anomaly should be recorded. In this situation the occlusal anomaly higher up the order is recorded
What is MOCDO?
Hierarchal scale to determine the worst occlusal feature
Missing teeth (including congenital, ectopic and impacted teeth)
Overjet (including reverse)
Displacement of contact points
Overbites (including open bites)
Dental Health Component Ruler
Single use clear plastic ruler designed containing all the information necessary to record the DHC
Information is collected regarding competence of the lips, displacement on closure and masticatory/speech problems
What reference point is used to record the overjet?
Most prominent aspect of the upper incisors
How to determine the IOTN DHC grade of a patient
Do MOCDO then read up the list from the occlusal feature found, to ensure nothing further up the list is present
Assumptions to be made if assessing IOTN DHC from casts
Overjets 3.5-6mm - assume the lips are incompetent and award the grade 3a
Crossbites on dental casts - assume a discrepancy between RCP and ICP of greater than 2mm is present and award grade 4c
Reverse overjets - assume that masticatory or speech problems are present
Extremely minor malocclusions including contact point displacements less than 1mm
Why undertake an orthodontic assessment?
To identify if any malocclusion is present, to identify any underlying causes and to decide whether treatment is indicated
When should orthodontic assessment be done?
Brief examination often at age 9
Comprehensive exam when premolars and canines erupt (age 11-12)
When older patients first present
If a malocclusion develops later in life - eg periodontal disease, growth in the condyles
Andrews 6 keys
The ideal occlusion
I. Class I molar relationship
II - Crown angulation (mesio-distally)
III - Crown inclination
IV - No rotations
V - no spaces
VI - flat occlusal planes
Why must root length be considered before ortho tx?
IF short roots, fixed may not be suitable as it can cause further root resorption
Unofficial 7th Andrews key
If you have a small lateral incisor, all of the teeth in that segment need to be slightly further forward
Normal occlusion
Minor deviations from the ideal that do not constitute an aesthetic or functional problem
What could a history of trauma mean for orthodontic tx?
Teeth may be RCTed, have root resorption, could be ankylosed
Habits relevant to ortho
Thumb sucking
Lower lip sucking
Tongue thrust
Chewing nails
Guidelines used to define malocclusions
British Standard Institute BSI
BSI definition of Class II division I malocclusion
The lower incisor edges lie posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors, there is an increased overjet and the upper central incisors are proclined or of average inclination
Reasons to treat Class II div I
Concerns about aesthetics
Concerns about dental health - trauma
Skeletal pattern A/P class II div I
Usually associated with class 2 skeletal pattern
Commonly due to retrognathic mandible (maxillary protrusion is less common)
Do see with skeletal class 1, very rarely with class 3 but its possible
What causes an increased overjet?
Skeletal pattern, tooth inclination or both
Normal SNA
+/- 3
Normal SNB
+/- 3
Normal ANB
+/- 2
Normal upper incisors - maxillary plane angle
+/- 6
Normal lower incisors - mandibular plane angle
+/- 6
Normal maxillary plane to mandibular plane angle
+/- 4
Why might lips be incompetent?
Prominence of incisors and/or underlying skeletal pattern
Where should lines continuous with mandibular plane and maxillary plane meet?
Lower lip potential feature in increased overjet
Lower lip trap
Dental factors associated with incompetent lips
Increased OJ - proclined or average incisors
Overbite varies
Can be aligned/spaced/crowded
Habitually parted lips may lead to drying of gingivae and exacerbation of any pre-existing gingivitis
Sucking habits
NNSH no nutritive sucking habits
Effect depends on duration
Occlusal features of sucking habit
Proclination of upper anteriors
Retroclination of lower anteriors
Localised AOB or incomplete OB
Narrow upper arch - may see unilateral crossbite
How to treat malocclusion in someone with a sucking habit?
Stop habit
Allow spontaneous movement
Treat residual malocclusion if required
How to stop a sucking habit?
Positive reinforcement
Removeable appliance habit breaker
Fixed appliance habit breaker
5 Management options of malocclusion
Attempt growth modification - first choice of tx if pt correct age, difficult beyond age 14
Simple tipping of teeth - more applicable to older patients
Orthognathic surgery - more severe, if pt has concerns about jaw position
What class II malocclusions would it be appropriate to accept?
Mildly increased overjet
Significant overjet but not unhappy - might present later when they are more concerned
What must be done if the option of accepting a class II malocclusion is decided upon?
Pt must be made aware of risk of trauma
Advice re mouthguard
Methods for growth modification orthodontics
Functional appliance
How does headgear work?
Tries to restrain growth of the maxilla, horizontally and/or vertically
Has most effect by distalising the teeth
How do functional appliances work?
Utilise, eliminate or guide the forces of muscle function, tooth eruption and growth to correct a malocclusion
Which type of malocclusion are functional appliances most useful for?
Used mostly for Class II div I
Can use for div 2
Limited use for class III
What is the purpose of a functional appliance for a class II div 1?
Posture the mandible downwards and forwards
Restrains maxillary growth
Twin block
Functional appliance in which lower teeth are held forward, muscles retract upper teeth
For class II
Herbst appliance
Fixed functional appliance used to correct skeletal class II
Therapeutic effects of functional appliances on class II div 1
Mostly dento-alveolar changes - distal movement upper dentition, mesial movement of lower, proclination of upper incisors and retroclination of lower incisors
Minor degree of skeletal change - suggested maxillary restraint and mandibular growth only has 1-2mm effect
When to use functional appliance?
During growth
If possible coincide with pubertal growth spurt
Options for early use about 10 years old for 2 phase tx or later use with permanent or late mixed dentition for 1 phase tx
Potential disadvantages of early tx with URA
Early skeletal effects not maintained in long term
Overall tx time increased - 2 phase treatment with fixed in early permanent dentition
Research shows little difference between those treated early and those who waited until permanent dentition
Potential advantages of early use of URA (3)
Improve appearance earlier - teasing and potential psychological benefit
Reduce risk of trauma
Often better compliance with appliance wear
URA to retrocline incisor teeth, following distalisation of the canines
Active component - Roberts retractor 0.5mm HSSW in tubing
Retention - Adams clasps 16 and 26 0.7mm HSSW
Anchorage - stops mesial to 13 and 230.7mm flattened HSSW
Baseplate - Self cure PMMA and FABP OJ+3mm
Orthognathic surgery for class II skeletal relationship
Carried out when growth is complete
Skeletal discrepancy is severe in A/P and/or vertical dimension
Usually involves mandibular surgery, can also involve maxillary
Fixed appliance required before/during/after surgery
Extra oral ortho pt examination
Skeletal bases
Soft tissue - lip competence, smile line
Why is it sometimes helpful to look at patient’s parents when doing ortho assessment?
Consider growth potential
Malocclusion - esp class III
What does an increased cranial base angle mean?
Mandible is positioned further back
Increased tendency for a large overjet
What is the maxilla connected to?
Anterior cranial base
What is the mandible connected to?
Posterior cranial base
3 planes that skeletal pattern is considered in?
What position should a patient be in for orthodontic assessment?
Frankfort plane parallel to the floor
Frankfort plane
Top of the external auditory meatus to the inferior border of the orbit
What reference points are used to determine antero-posterior skeletal class?
Inner most curvature of the lips
Class I skeletal relationship
Maxilla 2-3mm in front of the mandible
Class II skeletal relationship
Maxilla more than 3mm in front of the mandible
Class III skeletal relationship
Mandible in front of or less than 2mm behind the maxilla
Frankfort mandibular planes angle
Lines drawn continuous with these should join at the occiput
Vertical assessment of skeletal relationship
Lateral assessment of skeletal relationship
Assess symmetry, considering interpupillary line, mid-sagittal plane
Cupids bow normally in midline
Ignore tip of the nose
Compare chin point to the line
If asymmetry suspected, view pt from behind/above
Increased FMPA
Lines meet further forward than occiput
Expect minimal overbite or AOB, because back teeth will meet first
Reduced FMPA
Lines meet behind the occiput
Expect deep bite, jaws too close together
Soft tissue considerations in ortho assessment
Lips - competent or incompetent, lower lip level, lower lip activity
Tongue - position, habits, swallowing
Habits - thumb, digit sucking
Speech - lisp, straightening teeth will not fix a lisp as it is learned
Competent lips
Meet at rest with relaxed mentalis
Incompetent lips
Not together with relaxed mentalis
Lip trap
Upper incisors sit ahead of lower lip
Can procline them
May lead to relapse of overjet if persists at the end of tx - ensure lips are competent at end of tx
Effect of hyper active lower lip
Could retrocline lower incisors
Indicates likely instability at end of tx
Dental feature associated with tongue thrust on swallowing
Effects of digit sucking habit
Can cause symmetrical or asymmetrical problems
Proclined uppers and retroclined lowers
Narrow upper arch +/- unilateral posterior crossbite
Localised AOB or incomplete OB
How does digit sucking lead to unilateral posterior cross bite?
Tongue is held lower, cheeks push in the upper posteriors, bringing teeth cusp to cusp and eventually causing a crossbite to get intercuspation
TMJ assessment
Path of closure
Range of movement
Deviation on opening
Muscle tenderness
Mandibular displacement
Discrepancy between ICP and RCP - over 4mm causes problems
Ortho can not cause and can not treat TMJ problems (possible exception of crossbite)
Intra-oral exam for ortho assessment
Teeth present
Perio health - BPE
Teeth of poor prognosis
Palpate for canines if unerupted (especially under 13s)
Not teeth of abnormal shape
Absent teeth
Extra teeth
Normal angulation of incisors to mandible
90 degrees
Normal angulation of incisors to maxilla
110 degrees
Lower arch exam
Degree of crowding - uncrowded, mild, moderate, severe
Presence of rotations
Inclination of canines - mesial, upright, distal
Angulation of incisors - upright, proclined, retroclined
Upper arch exam
Presences of rotations
Mesial/upright/distal inclination of canines
Angulation of incisors to frankfort plane - upright/retroclined/proclined
Examination of teeth in occlusion
Incisor relationship
Overjet - biggest of all incisors
Overbite/open bite
Molar relationship
Canine relationship
Cross bites
Mild crowding
Less than 4mm space deficit
Moderate crowding
4-8mm space deficit
Sever crowding
8+mm space deficit
Class I incisor relationship
Normal OJ and OB
Lower incisor edges occlude with or lie immediately below the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors
Class II div 1 incisor relationship
Lower incisor edges occlude posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors, upper incisors are proclined or of average inclination and there is an increased OJ
Class II div 2 incisor relationship
Lower incisor edges occlude posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors and upper central incisors are retroclined
OJ usually minimal or may be increased
Class III incisor relationship
Lower incisor edges lie anterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors
OJ is reduced or reversed
How to measure overjet
Measure the biggest OJ of the 4 incisors with pt in maximum intercuspation
Overlap of the teeth
Average overbite
Upper incisor covers 1/2 to 1/3 of the lower incisor crown
Reduced overbite
Upper incisor covers less than 1/3 of the lower incisor crown
Increased overbite
Upper incisor covers more than half of the lower incisor crown
Anterior open bite
No overlap of the incisors at all - measure how big this is at maximum and which teeth are involved
Increased and complete overbite
Increased overbite covering entire lower incisor crown, can contact teeth or palate or can not contact anything
How to describe an overbite
Increased - incomplete or complete, contacting tooth or palate
Angles classification
Used to be used to define malocclusion using buccal segment relationship
Class I molar relationship
Mesiobuccal cusp of upper 6 occludes with buccal groove of lower 6
Class II molar relationship
Mesiobuccal cusp of upper 6 occludes anterior to buccal groove of lower 6
Class III molar relationship
Mesiobuccal cusp of upper 6 occludes posterior to buccal groove of lower 6
Canine relationship
Class I - upper canine behind lower canine
Class II - upper canine in front of lower canine
Class III - Upper canine far behind lower canine
Full unit discrepancy
Teeth are aligned one cusp from the ideal occlusion
Half unit discrepancy
Teeth are aligned 1/2 cusp from the ideal occlusion and so will meet cusp to cusp
Holds archwire to each bracket
Tiny elastic or a twisted wire
Tied to all of the brackets
Creates force to move teeth into proper alignment
Connects to the bands or directly bonded to the teeth and hold the archwire in place
Metal band in fixed ortho
Band cemented ring of metal wrapped around a tooth
Elastic hooks and rubber bands
Elastic hooks used for the attachment of rubber bands, which help move teeth toward their final position
Transpalatal arch used
Limited widening or contraction
Transpalatal arch
0.9mm HSSW
Most commonly attached to upper 6s with the use of ortho stainless steel bands to which the appliance is attached with the use of spot welding/soldering
Palatal arch with nance button
0.9mm HSSW
Constructed in a rigid fixed manner and requires minimal adjustment prior to fitting
Most commonly attached to the upper 6s with the use of ortho stainless steel bands to which the appliance is attached with the use of spot welding/soldering
Palatal arch with nance button
Quadhelix uses
Bilateral expansion
Asymmetrical expansion
Fan style expansion
Rotation of molars
Expansion in cleft palate
Modified to procline incisors
Assist in habit breaking
Highly versatile
can be adapted for a number of scenarios
0.9mm HSSW
Constructed in a rigid fixed manner and requires minimal adjustment prior to fitting
Most commonly attached to the first permanent molars with the use of orthodontic stainless steel bands to which the appliance is attached with the use of spot welding/soldering
Fixed ortho advantages
Bodily tooth movement
Rotations easily fixed
Can be used as easily in lower arch as upper
Individual force can be applied to every tooth
Not easily removed by patient
Works 24/7
Precise 3D movement of the teeth
Less invasive of tongue space
Minimal palatal coverage
Fixed ortho disadvantages
Increased risk root resorption
Can be perceived as visually unattractive
Can cause soft tissue trauma
High motivation required to oral hygiene
Poor anchorage
Highly trained specialist training required
Etching teeth is a destructive process
Advantages or removeable ortho
Tipping of teeth
Excellent anchorage
Generally cheaper than fixed
Shorter chairside time required
Oral hygiene easier to maintain
Non-destructive of tooth surface
Less specialised training required
Can be easily adapted for overbite reduction
Can achieve block movements
Removeable ortho disadvantages
Less precise control of tooth movement
Can be easily removed by pt
Generally only 1-2 teeth can be moved at one time
Specialist technical staff required to construct appliances
Rotations very difficult to correct
If the aim is to extrude a tooth, would you move the bracket up or down the tooth?
How is radiology dose limited to ALARP?
Adequate staff training
Equipment - correct operation and maintenance
Justification - only take radiographs when required and select the most appropriate view
Why is it important to limit radiology dose to ALARP?
There is a significant increased risk of fatal cancer from the larger extra-oral films and larger volume CBCT compared with an intra-oral periapical or bitewing
What is collimation used for?
To reduce field of view and therefore radiology dose
e.g. dentition only in an OPT = 50% dose reduction
Why use OPT as part of a new patient assessment in ortho?
State of development - presence or absence of permanent teeth
Presence and position of ectopic or supernumerary teeth
Stage of development of individual teeth
The morphology of unerupted teeth
State of the alveolar bone (periodontal disease)
State of the teeth - size of restorations, gross caries, periapical infection, other pathology
Before taking a radiograph, what must be recorded in the patient notes?
What view is being taken and the justification as to why
Justification for taking radiographs in orthodontics
The benefit to the pt from the diagnostic information should outweigh the detriment of the exposure
After taking a radiograph what must be recorded in the patient notes?
Once you have viewed the radiograph report on your radiographic findings in the patients clinical records
What must always be done before taking radiographs of a patient?
The patient must be examined clinically
How to examine radiographs
Teeth present
Roots of teeth - apical pathology/resorption
State of crowns - caries/restorations/hypoplasia
Alveolar bone loss
Other pathology such as bone cysts
Reason for the film request
Reasons for faults in OPT
Limitations in the width of the focal trough (particularly front of mouth)
Patient positioning wrong
Patient moving during exposure
How long does OPT exposure take?
18-20 seconds
Which patients may we have particular trouble positioning within the focal trough?
Those who can not bite edge to edge within the groove on the bite block
How do structures outwith the focal trough appear?
Blurred or completely invisible
Pt too far forward in OPT machine
Teeth appear narrower
This is because the teeth are further from the centre of rotation and the xray beam therefore passed more quickly through these teeth relative to the speed of the image receptor
Pt too far back in OPT machine
The teeth will look wider on the film because the teeth are closer to the centre of rotation and the xray beam therefore passed more slowly through these teeth relative to the speed of the image receptor
Ghost image
Shadow created on the opposite side and slightly higher up the opt from the object which caused them
Can be caused by metal objects, restorations, earrings or by normal anatomic features
Why are ghost images seen slightly higher than they are?
Xray beam is angled 8 degrees upwards
Why request a standard upper occlusal view?
To look for pathology in the upper anterior region of the maxilla
To confirm the presence of unerupted teeth
Root resorption (PA view better for this)
To aid localisation of unerupted teeth in combination with another radiographic view (parallax)
Why request a PA view?
To assess root resorption
To look for evidence of periapical infection
To assess if a tooth might be ankylosed
To aid localisation of unerupted teeth in combination with another radiographic view (parallax)
Why request a bitewing?
To assess caries status
To provide more information on tooth prognosis
To get more information on alveolar bone levels
Radiographic views required for localisation of unerupted teeth?
OPT and anterior occlusal maxillary
Two periapical views
Radiographic views for vertical parallax
Anterior occlusal maxillary and OPT
Radiographic views for horizontal parallax?
Two PAs
Principles of parallax
There must be a change in position of the Xray tube between the two radiographs
Objects further away from the beam will move in same direction
Objects closer to the beam will move in the opposite direction
Indications for taking a lateral cephalogram
To aid diagnosis
Treatment planning
Progress monitoring
Patient position for lateral cephalogram
Frankfort plane horizontal
Teeth in RCP
Soft tissues contacted at nasion and bilaterally with ear rods in EAM
Cone beam computed tomography
3 dimensional radiograph similar to CT scan
A scanning image produced by the machine moving around patient’s head and creating a cylindrical or spherical field of view
Computer software produces images in axial, sagittal and coronal planes and can scroll through these images
When to use CBCT?
Localisation of impacted teeth if we need more information of their proximity to adjacent teeth and the possibility of resorption
To get a better view of structural anomalies
Some orthognathic cases
Some cleft palate cases
Why not use CBCT more often if we get more detailed information?
Radiation dose considerably higher
Patient set up takes longer, patient may have to stay still for a longer exposure
Reporting - additional training beyond BDS required to interpret and report
Only take a radiograph when …
You have examined the pt
The information gained will influence your treatment plan
You can not get the information any other way
What can cause a skeletal class III malocclusion?
A small maxilla, a large mandible, or some degree of both
What must we warn patients before undertaking presurgical fixed ortho for class III malocclusion?
Their class III appearance will worsen during this phase of treatment
Incidence of class III malocclusion in the UK
Typical dental features commonly presenting in a class III malocclusion
Class III incisor relationship
Proclined upper incisors
Crowded upper arch
Well aligned lower arch
When treating class III malocclusion, what other device may accompany headgear?
rapid maxillary expansion device
How many hours per day must head gear be worn for treatment of class III malocclusion?
Class III incisors
Lower incisor edge occludes anterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper central incisor. The overjet is reduced or reversed
Aetiology of class III malocclusion
Strong genetic link (pattern controversial - autosomal dominant/recessive)
Environmental factors - Cleft lip and palate, acromegaly
Can be skeletal or dental
Skeletal base relationship of class III incisors patient
Usually have class 3, can present with class 1 or rarely class 2
Which class III cases are hardest to treat?
Those with the greatest A-P discrepancy
Increased FMPA and AOB also make treatment more complex
Vertical skeletal relationship associated with class III
Can be average, increased or reduced
How is vertical skeletal relationship investigated?
Facial height proportions (LAFH:TAFH)
Lateral cephalometry
Link between class III A-P relationship and transverse skeletal relationship
Retrusive maxilla sits on a wider part of the mandible, often leading to bilateral crossbites
Dental features of class III
Class III incisors
Class III molars (not always)
Tendency to reverse overjet
Reduced overbite, AOB may be present
Crossbites - anterior or buccal
Alignment - maxilla often crowded, mandible often aligned or spaced
Dentoalveolar compensation - proclined upper incisors, retroclined lower incisors
Tendency for displacement on closing
Soft tissue involvement in class III
Not involved in aetiology
Do encourage dentoalveolar compensation
Tongue proclines upper incisors
Lower lip retroclines lower incisors
Dentoalveolar compensation in class III
Proclined upper incisors
Retroclined lower incisors
Why treat a class III?
Aesthetics - dental and profile concerns
Dental health - attrition, gingival recession, mandibular displacement
Function - speech and mastication
Factors making class III tx more difficult
> number of teeth in anterior crossbite
Skeletal element in aetiology
A-P discrepancy
Presence of anterior open bite
Facial growth considerations when treating class III malocclusion
Tends to be unfavourable
Mandibular growth continues for longer
Potential for class III to get worse
Do not do anything irreversible until growth has stopped - could affect future treatment if surgery required
Class III cases to accept and monitor
Mild class III
Unsure how growth and development will progress
No dental health indications
How would you treat a Class III by early interception with a URA?
Early correction of incisor relationship
Camouflage treatment for class III
Accept underlying skeletal relationship and correct incisors to class I
Interceptive tx works best for class III if…
it is a mild malocclusion
What is the advantage to correcting an anterior crossbite in the permanent dentition early with interceptive treatment?
Further forward mandibular growth may be counter-balanced by some dento-alveolar compensation
Under what circumstances is correcting a lateral incisor crossbite with interceptive orthodontics appropriate?
If permanent canines are high above the lateral roots - delay if canines have dropped down into buccal position as risk of resorption to lateral incisor
What will help maintain stability of interceptive orthodontics used to correct an anterior crossbite?
Big OB at the start
When does growth modification for class III pts work best?
What is the aim of growth modification for class III malocclusion?
Reduce/redirect mandibular growth and encourage maxillary growth
Frankel III
Pellotes (shields) labial to upper incisors to hold lip away
Palatal arch to procline the upper incisors
Lower labial bow to retrocline the lower incisors
What is a good way to check whether a class III is mild enough to be treated by URA?
Can the pt meet edge to edge incisors before tx
Functional appliances for class III
Reverse twin block
Frankel III
Force exerted by protraction headgear
How many hours of the day does protraction headgear need to be worn?
14 hour/day
Best age for protraction headgear use?
How does rapid maxillary expansion device work?
Disrupts circum-maxillary sutures, so ideally used before these fuse
When would bollard implants be used?
Late mixed and permanent dentition
Where are bollard implants placed?
Infrazygomatic crest and lower canine region
Why are bollard implants unpopular?
Mucoperiosteal flaps must be raised for insertion and removal - two surgical procedures
Favourable features for camouflage of a class III
Growth stopped
Mild to moderate class III skeletal base and AND not <0 degrees
Average or increased overbite
Able to reach edge to edge incisor relationship
Little or no dentoalveolar compensation
Extraction pattern for orthodontic camouflage of class III
Extract further back in the upper arch
Extract further forward in the lower arch
Classic pattern - upper 5s and lower 4s
Not always possible - dental health may dictate extraction pattern
Aims of camouflage of class III
Aim for class I incisors
Procline upper incisors
Retrocline lower incisors
Correct overjet
Orthognathic surgery
Surgical manipulation of the mandible and/or maxilla to produce optimal dentofacial aesthetics and function
Pt usually has aesthetic or functional concerns and a moderate/sever skeletal discrepancy
Growth completed before
Multidisciplinary team involved in orthognathic surgery
Maxillofacial surgeon
Presurgical orthodontics for orthognathic class III case
Approx 18 mo to level, align, decompensate and coordinate
Uppers 109 degrees
Lowers 90 degrees
How long do post surgical orthodontics for orthognathic surgery to correct a class III usually take?
Approx 6 months
What is the GDP role in treating a class III malocclusion?
Identify the class III
Refer to hospital service or specialist practitioner
Potentially URA tx to correct anterior cross bite
Common maxilla alignment in class III
Common mandible alignment in class III
Often aligned or spaced
Dentoalveolar compensation for class III
Proclined upper incisors
Retroclined lower incisors
Transpalatal arch
Transpalatal arch uses
Limited widening or contraction
Transpalatal arch with nance button
Palatal arch with nance button uses
Uses of quadhelix
Bilateral expansion
Asymmetrical expansion
Fan style expansion
Rotation of molars
Expansion in cleft palate
Modified to procline incisors
Assist in habit breaking
Advantages of removeable orthodontics
Tipping of teeth
Excellent anchorage
Generally cheaper than fixed
Shorter chairside time required
Oral hygiene easier to maintain
Non-destructive to tooth surface
Less specialised training required to manage
Can be easily adapted for overbite reduction
Can achieve block movements
Disadvantages of removeable orthodontics
Less precise control of tooth movement
Can be easily removed by the patient
Generally only 1-2 teeth can be moved at one time
Specialist technical staff required to construct the appliances
Rotations very difficult to correct
Advantages of fixed orthodontics
Bodily tooth movement
Rotations easily fixed
Can be used as easily in the lower arch as well as the upper
Individual force can be applied to every tooth
Not easily removed by the patient
Works 24/7
Precise 3D movement of teeth
Less invasive of tongue space
Minimal palatal coverage
Disadvantages of fixed orthodontics
Increased risk of root resorption
Can be perceived as visually unattractive
Can cause soft tissue trauma
High motivation required in regards to oral hygiene
Poor anchorage
Highly trained specialist training required
Etching teeth is a destructive procedure
Appliance types for maintenance following orthodontic treatment
Conventional removeable retainers
Thermoplastic retainers
Bonded retainers
Which requires more force, intrusion or extrusion?
Intrusion requires a lot more force
Why are corrected diastemas and rotations indications for fixed bonded retainers?
These have a high incidence of relapse
Class II division 2
The lower incisor occludes posterior to the cingulum plateau of the upper incisor and the upper incisors are retroclined
Overjet is reduced but can be increased
Approx incidence of the different malocclusions
Class I 60%
Class II div 1 15-20%
Class II div 2 5-18%
Class III 3-8%
Placement of brackets for fixed ortho
- Choose gold standard tooth - most desirable angulation
- Visualise long axis and horizontal plane
- Place bracket where the two lines meet, with horizontal slots for archwire parallel to the occlusal plane
- Visualise long axis and horizontal plane of the next tooth
- If the goal is extrusion, place the bracket slightly further up
- If this is a smaller tooth than the gold standard, move the bracket 1-2mm closer to the incisal edge, to avoid over extrusion
- If you want to change the angulation of a tooth, place the bracket at the desired horizontal plane
What force is at work in fixed ortho?
Shape memory of the archwire
How should a fixed ortho bracket be placed on a tooth with unacceptable angulation?
Along the desired horizontal plane
Aetiological categories contributing to malocclusion
Soft tissue
Antero-posterior skeletal tendencies of class II div 2 malocclusion
Usually underlying mild or moderate skeletal class 2
Can also be class 1 or 3
Vertical skeletal tendencies of a class II div 2 malocclusion
Typically reduced - reduced FMPA
Often associated with a forward rotational pattern of growth of the mandible
Prominent chin
Soft tissue features of class II div 2
High resting lower lip line - secondary to decreased lower face height, retroclines lower incisors
Marked labio-mental fold
High masseteric forces
Upper 2s have shorter clinical crown so escape the effect of the lower lip, trapping the lower lip
Class II division 2
Why must you be very careful making extraction decisions in class II div 2 cases?
Tend to have high masseteric forces and therefore space closure problems
Dental features of class II div 2
Retroclined upper and lower incisors
Deep OB
OJ usually reduced
Class II buccal segments
Increased interincisal angle
Upper laterals thin with poorly developed cingulum
Developmental dental anomalies and class II div 2
50-55% of cases have a form of congenital dental anomaly
20-33% with impacted canine
~15% lateral incisor microdontia
Why treat class II div 2
Aesthetic concerns
Dental health concerns - traumatic overbite, IOTN DHC 4f
IOTN score for increased and complete overbite with soft tissue trauma
Treatment options for class II div 2 depend on.. (4)
Severity of malocclusion
Age and motivation of patient
Dental health
Patient concerns
When would you opt to accept a class II div 2 malocclusion?
Acceptable aesthetics
Patient not concerned or not suitable
Overbite is not a significant problem
When would you opt for growth modification as treatment for a class II div 2?
Growing patient (~12F 14M, adolescent growth spurt)
Mild to moderate skeletal 2 pattern
What is the process for growth modification of class II div 2?
Convert class II div 2 to class II div 1 by proclining the upper incisors with a URA
- Modified twin block
- Spring or screw
- Upper sectional fixed appliance
Detail the occlusion with fixed appliances if crowding/rotations
Camouflage method of treatment for class II div 2
Accepting the underlying skeletal base relationship and aiming for class I incisor relationship
Suitable for mild to moderate class II skeletal pattern
Careful extraction decision - space closure is difficult in low angle cases
Usually fixed appliances
Fixed appliances for camouflage of class II div 2
Needs OB reduction and correction of inter-incisal angle
Overbite will relapse if not corrected
Inter-incisal angle corrected by combination of palatal torque of upper incisors and proclination of lower incisors
When is orthognathic surgery used to correct a class II div 2 malocclusion?
Too severe a malocclusion for orthodontics alone - AP or vertical or combination
Non growing patients
Profile concerns
Usually 18ish
Orthognathic treatment for class II div 2 treatment plan
Fixed appliances to decompensate in preparation for the surgery - conversion from class II div 2 to class II div 1 and decompensation
Over jet allows for mandibular advancement
Lateral open bites to increase lower anterior face height
Post surgery fixed orthodontics, while posteriors continue to erupt to increase LAFH
Entire process can take 3 years
When to refer Class II div 2
Refer to orthognathic surgery if significant skeletal component - after growth completed
Treatment of class II div 2 by GDP
Deep OB best corrected when pt still growing, which can be growth modification with functional appliance if AP discrepancy - URA with FABP
Extra oral features commonly associated with class II div 2
Reduced FMPA
Reduced lower anterior face height
Prominent pogonion
Aetiological factors associated with class II div 2
Hyperactive mentalis muscle
Forward mandibular growth rotation
High lower lip line retroclining the upper incisors
Lack of an effective occlusal stop on the cingulum plateau of the upper incisors
Why is the inter-incisal angle corrected in treatment of class II div 2 malocclusion?
To maintain stability of the treatment result
Class II div 2, compared with the other malocclusions, has increased incidence of..
Unerupted ectopic canine and peg laterals
Soft tissue oral surgery involved in orthodontics
Frenectomy - used to be believe fleshy frenum caused diastema, no evidence, this isn’t really done any more
Impacted canines can be exposed - usually buccal apically repositioned flap or palatal open exposure
Impacted premolar exposures
Possible treatments for impacted canines
Leave alone and monitor
Extract the canine
Surgical exposure and orthodontic alignment