CDM 2015 Flashcards
What does CDM stand for?
Construction Design Management Regulation 2015
What are the main parts to the CDM regulation?
Part 1: commencement, interpretation, and application
Part 2: Client duties
Part 3: Health and safety duties and roles
Part 4: General requirements for all construction sites
Part 5: General
What are the duty holders?
There are 5 main duty holders:
The Client
The Principal Designer
The Principal Contractor
CDM duty holder: client responsibilities?
- Appoint the principal designer
- Appoint the principal contractor
-Make suitable arrangements for managing the project
-Allocate sufficient time and resources
-Ensure welfare facilities are provided - Provide pre-construction information
- Notify the HSE (if required)
- Make sure the principal designer and principal contractor comply with their CDM duties
-Ensure the construction phase plan is provided - Ensure the health and safety file is prepared
- Keep the health and safety file, and pass it on to any future owner of the building
CDM duty holder: PD responsibilities?
Principal Designer Responsibilities:
-Plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction phase
-Coordinate health and safety during the pre-construction phase
-Identify and eliminate or control risks to anyone constructing, maintaining or using the designed structure
-Ensure all designers comply with their duties
-Coordinate cooperation between the team with the client, the principal designer and each other
-Assist the client in the provision of the pre-construction information
-Provide pre-construction information to designers and contractors
-Liaise with the principal contractor and share information
-Prepare the health and safety file
CDM duty holder: PC responsibilities?
Principal Contractor Responsibilities:
-Plan, manage and monitor the construction phase
-Coordinate health and safety during the construction phase
-Organise cooperation between contractors
-Ensure contractors comply with legal requirements for health and safety
-Prepare the construction phase plan
-Apply and ensure others apply the principles of prevention
-Enforce compliance with the construction phase plan
-Provide a suitable site induction
-Prevent unauthorised access
-Ensure welfare facilities are provided
-Liaise with the principal designer and share information
CDM duty holder: Designer responsibilities?
CDM Designer Responsibilities:
-Be satisfied that the client is aware of their client duties
-Take into account the general principles of prevention
-Take into account any pre-construction information
-Eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable risks to the health or safety of any person -constructing, using or maintaining the structure
-Provide information about any remaining risks to the principal designer
-Ensure appropriate information is included in the health and safety file
-Provide information to assist the client, other designers and contractors
Who have responsibilities during construction work?
Client, designer and contractor - in all projects, domestic or commercial
When does construction work need to be notified under CDM 2015 to the HSE?
Construction work is notifiable to the HSE if the construction work on a construction site is expected to:
last more than 30 days and have more than 20 workers working at the same time at any point on the project or
exceed 500 person days of construction work
The Client must inform the HSE using an F10 Form as soon as possible before the Construction Phase of the project begins.