ccfp practice test 2 Flashcards
name 6 risk factors for plantar fasciitis
-obesity or BMI > 27
-sudden increase in exercise
-leg length discrepancy
-flat feet
-occupations with prolonged standing
-reduced dorsiflexion
-sedentary lifestyle
what are 5 pregnancy/labour related conditions that increase risk for future cardiovascular disease in the mother?
-idiopathic preterm labour
-hypertension disorders of pregnancy
-placental abruption
name 3 antihypertensives that are safe for breastfeeding
A patient with mono has enlarged spleen. What do you advise them regarding sports?
No contact sports for 3-6
OR no contact sports until re-examination clinically
What percent of people are cured from their nail fungus at one year with use of topical medications?
what oral medicine is used to treat onychomycosis?
risk of terbinifine induced liver injury?
1/50 000 to 1/120 000
what is the name of the tool to screen for cannabis abuse?
Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST)
what are the components of the CAGE questionairre?
Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your drinking?
Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?
Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?
what are the recommendations for screening for patients with a first degree relative with colon cancer or advanced adenoma?
Starting between 40-50 years or 10 years before the age your relative was diagnosed
-FIT q1-2 years
-OR colonoscopy q5-10 years
name two syndromes that increase your risk for colon cancer?
-familial adenomatous polyposis
what are three medications for mod to severe papulopustular rosacea?
-azelaic acid
(all topical)
in elderly patients what is the definition for weight loss?
> 10% body weight in 6 mo
5% body weight in 1 mo
what are 10 possible modifiable factors that could contribute to weight loss in the elderly?
Side effects
Treatment effects (chemotherapy, dialysis)
Other medical diagnosis (malignancy, COPD, etC)
Wandering or other repetitive behaviours
Emotional or psychiatric conditions
Impaired cognition
Gastrointestinal disease
Hyper(thyroidism, parathyroidism)
Taste and texture of foods (restrictive diets)
Loss of appetite
Oral health issues
Swallowing issues
Social factors (financial, poor access to food)
when should you introduce allergenic foods to a baby?
Around 6 mo, not before 4 mo
what is the spurling test for?
cervical radiculopathy
a positive spurling test may indicate which condition?
degenerative cervical myelopathy
what test should you order for patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy?
MRI neck/cervical spine URGENT
what is the treatment for patients with mod-severe degenerative cervical myelopathy?
highly recommended for surgical intervetion
what medication do you provide to treat gonorhea?
800mg oral cefixime
OR IM 250mg ceftriaxone with 1 gram oral azithromycin
if patient had a resistant strain of gonorhea how would you treat them?
IM gentamycin and oral azithromycin
why may chewing gum cause diarrhea?
sorbitol-induced diarrhea
sorbitol in gum is osmotic
can you use loperimide for travellers diarrhea?
yes, you can use it for mild, mod or severe travellers diarrhea.
AVOID it for SEVERE diarrhea WITH dysentary
what can you take to prevent travellers diarrhea?
bismuth salycilate 4 times per day oral
what are the side effects of taking bismuth salycilate?
black tongue
black stools
which antibiotic would you prescribe for someone with travellers diarrhea?
name 5 indicators of advanced heart failure
-persistent dyspnea with activites requiring rest
-inability to walk one block on ground level due to sx
-weight loss without other cause
->2 hospitalization in past year
-progressive decline in serum Na
-progressive need to increase diuretics to maintain volume status
name 4 treatment options/advice for menieres
-beta histine
-stress management
-salt restriction
can patients with menieres drive?
patients with menieres can continue to drive as long as they have sufficient warning before attacks
what percent of patients have SE on antidepressants?
how does the falls risk between antidepressants and benzo’s compare for the elderly?
similar, slightly slow in antidepressants
how long does it take for an elderly person to notice effects from antidepressant therapy?
10-12 weeks
should you do annual exams for patients with intellectual developmental disabilities?
what is a prolonged QT for men and women?
Men: >450
Women: >460
what treatment can you give to reduce the chance of a febrile seizure?
what finding on clinical exam in a child with raynauds is predictive of an underlying condition?
abnormal nail fold capillaries
name 4 risk factors for community acquired MRSA?
-group housing
-recent antibiotic use
-contact sports
-low SES
what is the name of the medicine used for PREP?
how often is prep taken?
(or on demand, around the time of intercourse)
when can you stop prep?
2-28 days following last exposure
should you prescribe dukoral for preventing diarrhea?
its not effective
what is the name of the reaction that can occur during treatment of syphilis?
how long does the Jarisch-herxheimer reaction last?
up to 24 hours
how do you manage the Jarisch-herxheimer reaction?
what is the tool used for concussion evaluation?