CBSSA (2) Flashcards
What is the source of urea production?
Coarse facial features, restricted join movement, high plasma levels of lysosomal enzymes. Dx and mechanism?
I-cell disease - proteins are secreted extracellularly instead of going to lysosomes (b/c mannose phosphorylation failure)
Speech is fluent with many grammatical errors, impaired comprehension and repetition
Wernicke’s aphasia
Antibody required to dx RA?
Anti-IgG antibody (Rh factor)
How do you treat CML?
What is ritonavir’s MoA?
Protease inhibitor
What is zanamivir’s MoA?
Inhibit influenza neuraminidase - decrease release of virions
What do you give to treat ingestion of heavy isotope/radioactive substance?
Potassium iodide
What factors lead to granulomas?
IL-12, IFN-gamma
What enzyme increases right after insulin treatment?
Glucokinase (b/c uptake of glucose)
What drugs cause constricted pupils?
Morphine, heroin, methadone
What property of an anesthetic determines rapid onset?
Low blood solubility
Proximal muscle weakness, tender shins, high PTH, low Ca. Dx?
Binding of what receptors results in symptoms of hyperthyroidism?
Nuclear/retinoid X binding to DNA
What are the features of normal pressure hydrocephalus?
Wet, wobbly, wacky
Normal PaO2 with low O2 content