CBL: LBP & Muscle Imbalance Flashcards
HVLA for inferior innominate shear in which pt is lateral recumbent, straightens bottom leg and places foot on top leg just distal to popliteal fossa
Cephalad hand monitors SI joint, caudal forearm is placed inferior aspect of ipsilateral ischial tuberosity
Roll pelvis anterior to induce axial rotation until movement of SI joint is palpated
HVLA force delivered with caudal forearm, parallel to table in a cephalad direction
HVLA for anterior innominate rotation
Pt lateral recumbent
Cephalad hand between L5 and S1 SP, caudal hand flexes pts hips and knees until L5 and S1 SP separate
Drop pt’s top leg off table. Cephalad hand moves to antecubital fossa with forearm on shoulder. Caudal forearm is placed along pelvis between PSIS and trochanter. Roll pelvis anterior to induce axial rotation until movement of SI joint is plapated
HVLA force delivered with caudal forearm, directed DOWN SHAFT OF FEMUR
HVLA posterior innominate rotation
Pt lateral recumbent
Cephalad hand between L5 and S1 SP, caudal hand flexs pts hips an dknees until L5 and S1 SP separate
Pt straightens bottom leg, places foot on top of leg just distal to popliteal fossa of bottom leg. Cephalad hand moves to antecubital fossa with forearm on shoulder. Roll pelvis anterior to induce axial rotation until movement at SI joint.
HVLA delivered with caudal forearm; directed TOWARDS UMBILICUS
HVLA for pubic restrictions
MET alternating between abduction and adduction of knees
With final abduction cycle, induce HVLA force towards further ABDUCTION while pt is still adducting
HVLA for bilateral sacral flexion
Abduct and internally rotate both legs
Heel of hand on apex of sacrum
Have pt breathe in/out, accentuating INHALATION and resisting exhalation to reach barrier
As pt INHALES, apply anterior/superior HVLA thrust
HVLA for bilateral sacral extension
Abduct and EXTERNALLY rotate both legs
Heel of hand on base of sacrum
As pt breathes, accentuate EXHALATION and resist inhalation
As pt exhales, apply anterior/inferior HVLA thrust
Pt supine with hands clasped together, doc on side of involved axis (L)
Sidebend pts lower extremity and torso AWAY, creating C chape
Thenar eminence of caudal hand on pts R ASIS, cephalad hand grasping pts lateral distal bicep
Using cephalad hand, induce rotation of upper torso as far as possible into barrier by pulling opposite elbow towards self, while stabilizing and preventing motion at opposite ASIS with caudal hand
During exhalation, apply rotational thrust of pts upper body while stabilizing ASIS
HVLA for L1-5 extension/neutral dysfunctions: Long-lever rotational emphasis “walk-around”
Pt supine with hands clasped behind neck; doc standing opposite PTP
Monitor at segment and sidebend pt toward restrictive barrier (make “C” TOWARDS physician)
Cephalad hand grasping lateral distal bicep, caudal hand stabilizing ASIS, on exhalation exert rotational HVLA thrust
HVLA type 1 Lumbar lateral recumbent
Pt lateral recumbent PTP Up
Grasp pts bottom arm and pull anterior to rotate to dysfunction and cephalad to engage sidebending
Flex hips and knees, pt straightens bottom leg and places top foot in bottom leg’s popliteal space
Cephalad arm against pts anterior shoulder, caudal forearm contacts along line between pts PSIS and greater trochanter. Simultaneously push shoulder posterior and roll pelvis anterior, HVLA thrust on exhalation
HVLA type 2 lumbar lateral recumbent
Lateral recumbent PTP up
Grasp pts bottom arm and pull anterior to rotate to dysfunctional segment and CAUDALLY to engage sidebending
Flex hips and knees. For EXTENDED dysfunctions, leave bottom leg SLIGHTLY BENT with superior leg crossed over the bottom. For FLEXED dysfunctions, pt STRAIGHTENS bottom leg and places top foot into bottom leg’s popliteal space
Caudal forearm contacts posterior aspect of pts pelvis, spanning from greater trochanter to SI joint while cephalad hand is at anterior shoulder
HVLA rotational thrust on exhalation
What anatomical structures are dysfunctional with an abnormal pseudoparesis perception test with stabilization at the iliac crests?
Lat dorsi
Levator scapulae
Lumbar vertebrae
Structures above and including lumbosacral junction
What anatomical structures are dysfunctional with an abnormal pseudoparesis perception test with stabilization midway between iliac crests and greater trochanters?
SI joints
What anatomical structures are dysfunctional with an abnormal pseudoparesis perception test with stabilization at greater trochanters?
Pelvic diaphragm
Structures below pelvic diaphragm
Correct firing pattern with LE extension muscle balance test
- Ipsilateral hamstring
- Ipsilateral glut max
- Contralateral e.spinae
- Ipsilateral e.spinae
Correct firing pattern with LE abduction muscle balance test
- Ipsilateral glut med
- Ipsilateral TFL
- Ipsilateral QL
- Ipsilateral e.spinae
CS for scalenes
F St Rt
Levator scapula CS
Monitor TP with index finger
Grasp ipsilateral wrist and extend arm, placing it under traction or compression
Arm is held in position of ease for 90 seconds
Levator scapulae still-ish technique
Abduction of UE to 180 degrees
Distraction, adduction to 90 degrees, and finally to 0 degrees
Hold to back of chair, flex head to opposite knee
3 deep breaths and follow fascial release
F St Ra
AC-1 location and treatment
Posterior aspect of ascending ramus of mandible at level of earlobe
Tx: RA
AC 2-6 CS tx
F Sa Ra
Location and CS tx for AC7
On posterior superior surface of clavicle at clavicular attachment of SCM m.
Tx: F St Ra
Location and CS tx for AC8
On medial head of clavicle at sternal attachment of SCM
Tx: F Sa Ra
Pectorals CS
Adduct arm across midline
HVLA is particularly effective when there is a distinctive _____ with a _____ end feel
Barrier; firm
During a pelvic TART eval, what muscle groups indicate sacral vs. innominate vs. pubic SD?
Sacral SD — indicated by piriformis and erector spinae TART; SI joint TART
Innominate SD — indicated by quadriceps (anterior rotation), hamstrings (posterior rotation), quadratus lumborum (superior shear); SI joint TART
Pubic SD: indicated by rectus abdominis, adductor TP/TART