Causes/reactions-public health black death Flashcards
How did Black Death spread easily through the towns
Houses tightly packed together
What did the king do in response to the Black Death
He ONLY wrote a letter to mayor of London
Who was responsible for public health in towns
Name some diseases that were prevalent in medieval Britain 🇬🇧
Child bed fever
Black Death
Why did monasteries need clean water
For mass
What animals did they put on bubels to try and cure it
Live Frogs or chickens
What did rakers do
Cleaned the streets
What did gongfermers do
Cleaned cesspits
What did a jury do
Have a EXPERT opinion on whether someone was guilty or not
Why did they build a jetty
So carcasses could be carried away by boat
T or F they closed public baths
Who built complex water systems
What did the churches do to help
They ran hospitals for the needy
Why was public health bad in the countryside
Animals in the houses
What year did they discover germs
How did Black Death travel around
Fleas on rats
What ACTUALLY caused disease
Yersinia pestis