★ Causes of Civil War Flashcards
What is a Civil War?
★ A war between organised groups from the same country
When did the Russian Civil War begin?
★ November 1917, ended in 1921
What caused the Civil War?
★ Enemies of the Bolsheviks: Socal Revolutionaries, Supporters of the Provisional Government, Supporters of the Tsar, Army Officers, Nobles and Foreign powers (Formed the Whites)
★ National Minorities seizing the change for independence (Greens)
★ Starvation
Who were the Czech Legion?
★ Originally fought for the Austro-Hungarian Empire
★ Wanted independence for the Czech state
★ Lenin allowed them passage east through Vladivostok to return home but wanted to disarm them, which the Czech Legion fought, unwittingly involving them in the war
Who were the White Army?
★ All opposition to the Bolsheviks, got their name from the White uniforms the Tsarist officers wore
Who were the Green Army?
★ Independent groups of nationalists, peasants or bandits and towns. They fought anyone who raided villages and towns. The most famous was the Ukrainian Nationalist Black Army
Who were the Red Army?
★ Bolsheviks