Catullus 7 Flashcards
aestuōsus –a –um
hot, sweltering
amor amōris m.
love; personified, the god of love
arēna (harēna) –ae f.
sand, beach
aut; aut…aut
Battus –ī m.
Battus, legendary founder of Cyrene
bāsium bāsī(ī) n.
a kiss
bāsiātiō –ōnis f.
a kissing, kissification
bāsiō bāsiāre bāsiāvī bāsiātus
rel. when; cum… tum: not only…but also
Cȳrēnae –ārum f.
Cyrene, a town in northwest Lybia; the province of Cyrene
furtīvus –a –um
secret, furtive
homō hominis m.
generic word for human; person, plur. people
iaceō iacēre iacuī
lie, recline
prep. w/ acc., between, among
Libys –yos m.
a Libyan
lāsarpīcifer –era –erum
silphium-bearing; producing silphium, used as a contraceptive
multus –a –um
much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many
māgnus –a –um
superl. maximus: large, great
numerus numerī m.
number; verse, meter
quaerō quaerere quaesiī/quaesīvī quaesītus
ask, ask for, seek
interr. & rel. to which extent or degree; how; as, than
indecl. adj., how many, as many
sacer sacra sacrum
sacred, holy; accursed, detestable
satis or sat (comp. satius)
sepulcrum sepulcrī n.
tomb, sepulcher
sum esse fuī futūrus
to be
over, above; more; besides; prep. w/ acc., over
sīdus sīderis n.
star, planet, constellation
taceō tacēre tacuī tacitus
be silent, say nothing
to such a degree, so
tuus –a –um
poss. adj., your
tū tuī tibi tē tē
nom. tute, acc. & abl. tete): second person sing. pronoun; you
vetus veteris
videō vidēre vidī vīsus
see, perceive; pass. seem, seem good or proper
ōrāculum –ī n.