Catullus 11 COPY Flashcards
aequor aequoris n.
a smooth expanse; hence water, the sea
Alpēs –ium f.
the Alps, high mountains bordering Italy on the north
altus –a –um
high, deep; loud
Arabs –is m.
an Arabian; Gk. acc. pl. Arabas
arātrum –ī n
Aurēlius –iī m.
a member of the Roman gens Aurelia; this Aurelius is known only from the poems of Catullus
bonus –a –um
good; of “good” social standing
Britannus –a –um
British; (as masc. subst.) Briton
cadō cadere cecidī cāsum
caeles caelitis m.
heavenly; as subst., god or goddess
Caesar Caesaris m.
a Roman cognomen; esp. Gaius Julius Caesar
colōrō colorāre colorāvī colorātus
to color or stain
comes comitis m. or f.
companion, friend, comrade (often in an inferior capacity or of humbler rank)
complector complectī complexus sum
embrace, surround
culpa culpae f.
fault, wrongdoing
dictum dictī n.
anything said; word, saying
exter extera exterum
farthest, the farthest part of; final
Eōus –ī m.
the dawn god
ferō ferre tulī lātus
bear, carry; endure, withstand; say; take, accept
flōs flōris m.
flower; youthful beauty; the finest specimen of a type or class
Fūrius –iī m.
a member of the Roman gens Furia; in Catullus possibly the poet Furius Bibaculus
Gallicus –a –um
of or belonging to Gaul
gradior gradī gressus sum
step, walk
horribilis horribile
fearful, dreadful; rough, uncouth
Hyrcānus (Hyrcānius) –a –um
of Hyrcania (a country at the southeast side of the Caspian Sea, in modern Iran and Turkmenistan); (as masc. subst.) a Hyrcanian
repeatedly, continually
Indus –a –um
Indian; (as masc. subst.) a native of India
far, for a great distance or time; by far, to a considerable degree
lītus lītoris n.
moechus moechī m.
adulterer, sexual aggressor; fornicator
mollis molle
soft, mild, languid, voluptuous
monumentum monumentī n.
anything that serves as a commemoration, reminder, or memorial
māgnus –a –um
superl. maximus: large, great
Nīlus –ī m.
the Nile
nūntiō nuntiāre nuntiāvī nuntiātus
announce, communicate, tell
Parthus –a –um
Parthian; (as masc. subst.) a Parthian (member of an Iranian tribe south of the Caspian Sea)
parātus –a –um
ready, prepared
paucus –a –um
a few
penetrō penetrāre penetrāvī penetrātus
w/ in + acc., make one’s way into, penetrate
conj., after
praetereō praeterīre praeterīvī/praeteriī praeteritus
go beyond, pass
prātum prātī n.
puella puellae f.
girl; young woman; girlfriend
quīcumque quaecumque quodcumque
indef. rel. pron. , whoever, whatever
resonō resonāre resonāvī resonātus
echo, resound
respectō respectāre respectāvī respectātus
to keep on looking back at; wait expectantly for, count on
Rhēnus –ī m.
the river Rhine, often regarded as forming the border between Gaul and Germany
rumpō rumpere rūpī ruptus
break, rupture, split, burst
Sagae –ārum m.
the Sacae, a Scythian people living east of Bactriana and Sogdiana
sagittifer sagittifera sagittiferum
septemgeminus –a –um
sevenfold; having seven mouths (e.g., the Nile)
at the same time, tohether, as well; conj., as soon as
suus –a –um
reflex. possesive adj., his/her/its own
sīve or seu
or if; whether … or (see sive)
tangō tangere tetigī tāctus
temptō temptāre temptāvī temptātus
teneō tenēre tenuī tentus
trecentī –ae –a; trecentēsimus –a –um
three hundred
tundō tundere tutudī tūnsus
beat repeatedly, buffet, pound
ulterior –ius; ultimus –a –um
last, final, farthest
unda undae f.
wave; waves of the sea, sea
valeō valēre valuī valitus
have strength or health; be effective
or (encl. conj.)
velut or velutī
just as
voluntās voluntātis f.
will, wish
truly, really, actually, rightly
vīsō vīsere vīsī vīsus
go to see; look at, gaze at, view
vīvō vīvere vīxī vīctus
īlia –ium n. or īle –is
groin, genitals