Cattle Diseases & Defects Flashcards
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of a viable C Bovis cyst
Blister-like cyst, single scolex, clear fluid, 5-10mm, difficult to palpate but visible
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of a non-viable C Bovis cyst
Hard, 10-15mm pea-shaped cyst, thick fibrous capsule, pale green pus, easy to palpate
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of an acute TB lesion. Include in your answer the most likely sites where the disease is found
Runny, golden-yellow pus. Possible hyperaemia surrounding lesion. Most common in head and lung LN due to inhalation/ingestion. (Also wounds, congenital infections, copulation)
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of a chronic TB lesion
Thicker pus, grainy or calcified, golden yellow pus, no hyperaemia, white fibrous capsule, grapes
List the symptoms of TB in the live animal
Coughing if inhaled, diarrhoea if ingested. Dull and depressed, may be in poor condition, inflamed LN’s
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of woody tongue. Include LN involvement in your description
Tongue thickened and hard with lesions scattered throughout its substance and surface. If localised, then lesions will be confined to head LN’s (and jaw). Mostly affects retropharyngeal LN’s
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of a lumpy jaw lesion. Include LN involvement in your description
Affects jaw bone growth - if incised can contain thick green pus. Mostly affects submaxillary LN’s
List the symptoms of actinoform lesions in the live animal
Mis-shaped jaw, swollen face, pain, tongue thickened, drooling, dull and depressed, in severe cases there may be evidence of pus
Name the bacteria causing lumpy jaw (actinomycosis)
Actinomyces Bovis
Name the bacteria that causes woody tongue (actinobacillosis)
Actinobacillus Lignieresi
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of an eye cancer
Growths on surface of eye. May affect osseus structure. May affect parotid LN. May be secondary infection. White growth, non encapsulated
List the symptoms of eye cancer in the live animal
Weeping. Tumour in cornea or eyelid. Partial blindness. Open wounds can become infected leading to gangrene in severe cases
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of larval tracts in the liver. Include in your answer the range of lesions
Chronic: White/grey if fibrotic
Acute: Red/raised if haemorrhagic
If extensive, can be associated with cirrhosis. May be one or many. Liver fluke (star-shaped), and/or long snake-like tracts
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of xanthosis
Brown/chocolate coloured muscle. Mainly only older stock. Mostly found in heart, skirt and cheeks
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of telaniectasis
Pitting/indentations which may be purple in colour. Affects older stock or cows
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of sarcoporidosis
Rice-shaped in the muscles. Up to 6mm in length. Difficult to view - not often seen. One or many. Mainly abdominal, flank or near scrotal area
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of a hydatid cyst. Include in your answer the cause of the disease
Multichambered, multiple heads, clear fluid, embedded in soft tissue organs. Grows in and out. Common in liver, lungs, spleen, kidney, brain. The intermediate stage of a tapeworm found in dogs.
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of a facial eczema intoxication. Include in your answer the cause of the disease
Poisoning due to ingestion of fungal spores. Ingestion of fungal spores releases powerful toxins that are absorbed into the blood and taken to the liver where it destroys liver cells (toxic poisoning). Often seen as cirrhosis, severe cases may lead to jaundice
List the symptoms of facial eczema in the live animal
Scabs, sores due to severe sunburn, on eyelids, face, tongue, lips, submaxillary space, and the legs can become swollen
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of a liver fluke infestation. Include in your answer the range of lesions
Up to 100% liver lesions in a line. Liver may have the presence of flounder or leaf shaped flukes and/or tracts, tracts are star-shaped where the larvae have entered, flukes may be large, grey/brown in colour, thickened bile ducts, may have cirrhosis, poor carcass, anaemia
List the symptoms of a liver fluke infestation in the live animal
Emaciation and general depression. Associated swelling and diarrhoea. Skin and mucous membranes are paler, and the animal may be weaker. May see ‘Bottle jaw’ in cattle
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of an ISL
Hard raised lumps with a thick fibrous capsule containing pus. Varies in size from pin head through to half the neck. Could be one or many. May affect prescapular LN. Any recent ISL (red and hyperaemic) should be retained and sampled (AgM74)
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of endocarditis. Include in your description any other conditions that may be associated with the lesion
Inflamed and thickened endocardium. May be cauliflower-like growths in the chambers or on the valves. Associated CVC (heart failure) –>grossly enlarged, flabby heart. Associated liver cirrhosis and/or congested lungs
Describe the main indicator of anthrax that the viscera inspector might expect to see
Enlarged spleen with black tar-like exudate
List the symptoms of anthrax in the live animal
Stupified, dazed and confused state. Blood-stained from the mouth, blood-shot eyes, high fever, sweating, difficulty breathing
Describe the congenital kidney retention cysts
A birth defect affecting the kidneys. Clear fluid filled cysts, usually small round sacs that have a thin wall and are filled with a watery fluid. They can range in size from a small pea to as large as a grapefruit
Describe action for a suspected TB lesion in submaxillary LN
Incise and view other LN’s
Retain head with lesions
Place red indicator disc on carcass, or whatever system the company uses
Describe pluck inspectors action for a suspect TB lesion in the right apical LN
Palpate lung tissues
Retain pluck
Inform other inspectors
Reinspect and incise all other LN’s
Describe carcass inspector action for suspect TB lesion notified by the head inspector
Retain carcass using red TB indicator ticket
Instruct viscera inspector to retain all viscera
Describe retain rail inspector action for a carcass with a suspect TB lesion
Incise all LN’s
Describe carcass inspectors action for a carcass with a smear of green contamination, peritonitis with evidence of pus, and a significant bruise on the rump
Ticket FAE, OC, PYO, WB
Describe carcass inspectors action for a carcass with chronic ISL lesion
Save lesion. Retain with ISL ticket
Describe a viable C.bovis cyst, and carcass inspector’s action when notified of a cyst
Blister-like cyst with a clear fluid filled sac. 5-10mm diameter, white scolex, found in cheeks tongue, heart, diaphragm, oesophagus, skeletal muscles. Difficult to palpate
Retain using AgM74
Notify viscera inspector to retain viscera
Describe distinguishing characteristics of a liver severely affected with liver fluke
Bloated, thickened bile ducts
Might be larval tracts or cirrhosis
State the viscera inspector’s action for an abscess in the rumino-reticular junction
Incise and view mes LN’s
Place pink squares and condemned stamp on GIT
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of benign neoplasia and state the viscera inspector’s action for such a growth in the liver
Encapsulated, grows out of affected part, no LN involvement, no evidence of spread, condemn liver, place blue paper square on liver, inform other viscera inspectors and carcass inspectors
Describe distinguishing characteristics of actinobacillosis and state the head inspector’s action
Abscesses containing green/ yellow thick pus, heavy white fibrous capsule, mostly in LN’s and tongue, tongue hard enlarged with small nodules or abscesses, condemn head: if lesions are in LHs, also condemn tongue, place pink/black indicator disc or use company system on the carcass, save lesion for MPI VS if required by company
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of actinomycosis
Abscesses contain green/yellow thick pus, heavy whit fibrous capsule, mostly in bone and sometimes in LN’s, abscesses in bone, jawbones greatly enlarged, condemn head: if lesions are in LN’s also condmen tongue, place pink/black indicator disc or use company system on carcass, save lesion for MPI VS if required by company
Describe the distinguishing characteristics of cancer-eye and state the head inspector’s action
White growths on or around the eye, may be numerous, with evidence of spread. May be secondary bacterial infection. May be spread to parotid LN. Reinspect parotid and atlantal LNs. Place blue indicator disc, or use company system on carcass. Retain head and tongue for further inspection.
Describe distinguishing characteristics of ISL and state caracss inspectors action
Necrotic tissue in site. May be abscesses in site. Incise surrounding tissues and check for further lesions. Retain carcass for sampling
Describe distinguishing characteristics of vegetative endocarditis and state the viscera inspector’s action
White, yellow, gray growths on valves
Endocardium lining ventricle may be white and thickened. Condemn heart. Check liver for chronic venous congestion. Check left bronchial LN
Describe distinguishing characteristics of telangiectasis and state the viscera inspectors action for a severe case
Blue-black areas of liver tissue throughout liver. May be numerous. Surface lesions ‘pit’ the liver surface. Designate sever cases to petfood
Describe distinguishing characteristics of xanthosis and state both the viscera and carcass inspector’s action for a severe case
Chocolate-brown muscles, mostly affects cheeks, tongue, heart, diaphragm, forequarter muscles. Retain carcass using purple XAN ticket
Describe the retain rail inspectors options for dealing with a chronic arthritic stifle joint without LN involvement
Supervise having the joint removed on retain rail. Retaining the quarter/side in the MPI security cage and supervising having the joint removed
Describe retain rail inspects action for a suspected C Bovis cyst where the MPI VS have asked you to carry out relevant inspection on the head, viscera and carcass
Make a longitudinal midline through the suspensory muscle of tonue and carefull examine by viewing and palpating the tongue. Carefully examine by viewing and palpating the diaphragm, oesophagus and heart. Carefully examine by viewing and deep palpating the surface muscles of the head and carcass, especially the shoulders and shanks, and all cut muscle surfaces
Retail rail inspector is confronted with a carcass with pale yellow-green tissues. Name a disease that may cause the condition, name the condition, and describe your inspection procedure to determine the state of the condition and action where there is doubt as to the suitability of the carcass for human food
Disease is facial exzema. Condition is icterus. Inspect blood vessels, ligaments, cartilage in natural light. Retain until morning if on night shfit, then inspect
Describe your action for a blister-like cyst in a cattle heart
Save cyst in tact. Retain all viscera, including oesophagus using AgM74 retain tag. Inform carcass and head inspectors of reason for retaining (Cbovis)