The teacher’s primarily consideration in evaluating the learning needs of her
students is the individual’s capacity to acquire knowledge, ability to think,
abstract reasoning and capability in problem solving
The teacher can adjust and adapt instructional approaches considering the differences in students’ ability as follows:
Flexible time requirements
Increased instructional support
Strategy Instruction
Peer tutoring
Cooperative Learning
To help slow learners compensate for their relative deficiency in learning, there are
a number of methods available to the teacher
Increased Instructional Support
An indicator of intellectual differences of learning for individuals is the _____ to grasp comprehensively the subject well. This is equated with the students’ rate of growth and their readiness to learn. Some students learn faster than the others, hence, a teacher should design a teaching
strategy that will address students’ time requirements in terms of learning.
Flexible Time Requirements
This is said that student achievers are more equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills in facing challenges for learning. They can serve as sources of information for less able students.
Peer Tutoring
____ was proposed by Dr. Howard Gardner,
professor of education at Harvard University.
theory of multiple intelligences
The theory states that the traditional
concepts of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. He, thus, proposed eight different intelligences
theory of multiple intelligences
Research shows that student achievers are more likely to use strategies that make their learning more effective.
Strategy Instruction.
______ intelligence or “number/reasoning smart”
Logical – mathematical intelligence
Studies showed that students who tutor less able students even benefit more than the less able students. Student tutors are able to recall their knowledge in tutoring and further enhance their skills and skills
demonstration. Student tutors are able to enhance their social skills during cooperative learning activities.
Cooperative Learning
_____ intelligence or “picture smart”
Spatial intelligence
_____ Intelligence or “self-smart”
Intrapersonal Intelligence
_____ intelligence or “word smart”
Verbal – linguistic intelligence
_______ Intelligence or “People Smart”
Interpersonal Intelligence
_____ intelligence or “music smart”
Musical intelligence
_____ intelligence or “body smart”
Bodily – Kinesthetic intelligence
has to do with words, spoken or written.
Individuals with _____intelligence display a facility with words and languages
Verbal-linguistic intelligence
Verbal-linguistic intelligence are typically good at:
Telling Stories and
Word Memorization
Students who have high logical-mathematical intelligence are good in:
Logical reasoning, Abstractions, Inductive and Deductive reasoning and numbers
_____ Intelligence or “Nature Smart”
Naturalistic Intelligence
They learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, discussion and debate
Verbal-linguistic intelligence
People with strong visual-spatial intelligence are good in the following:
Visual and mental manipulation of objects
Visual Memory
Geographic Directions
Logical-mathematical are good in:
Logical reasoning
Inductive and Deductive reasoning numbers
This type of intelligence has to do with vision and spatial judgement.
This intelligence has something to do with movement.
Bodily Kinesthetic
This individual has good muscle memory.
Bodily Kinesthetic intelligence
Individuals with Bodily Kinesthetic
intelligence excel in:
Other activities related to movement
_______ has to do with music, music composition, rhythm, and hearing. One learners vest with music playing in the background and may use songs in memorizing information.
Musical intelligence
They are usually introverts sensitive to other’s needs, feelings, interests and motivations. They learn best from group work and activities. They are good in:
Individuals with high musical intelligence are good in:
Musical Composition
Playing musical Instruments
People who have high ____are good in interacting with others.
interpersonal intelligence
_______ has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities. They learn best when allowed to concentrate on the subject by themselves and have a high level of perfectionism.
Intrapersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal intelligence are usually good in:
This intelligence has to do with nature, nurturing and relating information to one’s
natural surroundings. Individuals with this type of intelligence have great sensitivity
to nature and the environment. It covers metaphysics, the origin and essence of
things, the nature of man, among others.
Naturalistic Intelligence
Naturalistic Intelligence are usually good in:
Environmental Science
Other Intelligences include ____,_____, and ______ intelligence
spiritual, existential and moral intelligence
_______ is the ability to recognize one’s own feeling as this happens, to accurately perform self-assessment and have self-confidence. It is the keystone of emotional intelligence.
_______ is a combination of competencies. This skill contributes to an individual’s capability to manage and monitor his or her emotions, to correctly gauge the emotional state of others and to
influence opinions.
Emotional Intelligence
_______ refers to attitudes, values, customs, and behavior patterns that characterize a social group. Influences school success,
through the students’ attitudes and values and ways of viewing the world that
are held and transmitted.
_____ is the emotional tendency of guiding or facilitating the attainment goals
______ are fundamental to emotional intelligence.
Social Skills
______ is a measure of a family’s position in society as determined by family income, it’s member’s occupation, and level of education. It effects learning both at home and in school.
Socioeconomic Status
_______ is the understanding of others by being aware of their needs, perspectives, feelings, concerns, and sensing others developmental needs.
_______ is the ability to keep disruptive emotions and impulses in check (self-control), maintain standards of honesty and integrity, take responsibility for one’s performance, handle change and be comfortable with novel ideas and approaches.
Self-Management or Self-Regulation
_________ are those in danger of failing to complete their education. They have learning problems and adjustment difficulties. They often fail even though they have the capability to succeed.
At risk students
_____ affects a learner’s well-being and quality of life. This in return affects
the students’ concentration, learning potentials, motivation, interests, and
participation in class.
This gender-based treatment extends up to the child’s school years. Males are
considered better in Mathematics while females are better in English.
Stereotyping Boys and Girls
______ is the drive to excel in learning tasks to experience pride in accomplishment.
Achievement motivation
______ are those needs whose absence energizes or moves people to meet them. Until a lower need is met, an individual is unlikely to move to a higher need.
Deficiency needs
are needs “met” as they expand and grow as people have experience with them. _____ acquire people to indulge in activities
that are physically and psychologically stimulating and enhances strength and
vigor to proceeds to a higher level task.
Growth needs
Culture influences the following:
- Students’ attitudes and values
- Classroom Organization
- School Communication
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is divided into (2) categories
- Deficiency needs
- Growth needs