Categoria II & III Flashcards
¿Qué es RVR?
Is the range over which a pilot of an aircraft on the centreline of the runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centreline (ICAO). Distancia hasta la cual el piloto de una aeronave que se encuentra sobre el eje de una pista puede ver las señales de superficie de la pista o las luces que la delimitan o que señalan su eje
Distancia de luces de pista

¿Qué es AH?
The alert height is the height above touch down, above which a CAT 3 auto land would be discontinued and a missed approach executed, if a failure occurred in either the airplane systems or the relevant ground equipment’s. Below the alert height, if such a failure occurs, the flare, touchdown and roll out may be accomplished using the remaining automatic system.
¿Qué es DH?
Decision height is a specified point in space at which a pilot must make an operational decision. The pilot must decide if the visual references adequate to safely continue the approach have been established. If the visual references have not been established, a go-around must be executed. If the visual references have been established, the approach can be continued. However, the pilot may always decide to execute a go-around if sudden degradations in the visual references or a sudden flight path deviation occur.
Sistema automático de aterrizaje en modo fail operational.
An automatic landing system is fail-operational if, in the event of a failure below alert height, the remaining part of the automatic system allows the aircraft to complete the approach, flare, and landing. A CAT 3 DUAL system is a fail-operational automatic landing system.
Sistema automático de aterrizaje modo fail passive.
An automatic landing system is fail-passive if, in the event of a failure, there is no significant out-of-trim condition or deviation of flight path or attitude, but the landing is not completed automatically. A CAT3 single system is a fail-passive automatic landing system. Note: With a fail-passive automatic landing system the pilot assumes control of the aircraft after a failure.
Fallas asociadas para efectuar sobrepaso por debajo de 1000ft.
Alpha floor activation AP off Loss of CAT III (triple clic) No land mode Amber caution Engine failure
¿Qué debemos hacer si el PM llama No Flare en app Cat III?
Execute a GO - Around
Valores de RVR para aprox Cat II en Mts y en Ft
RVR 350 m (1.200 ft.)
Valores de RVR para aprox Cat III Fail Passive en Mts y en Ft
RVR 175 m (600 ft.)
Valores de RVR Para aprox Cat III Fail Operational en Mts y en Ft
RVR 75 m (250 ft.)
Valores de visibilidad para Inicio de LVP
MANUAL DE CAT 2-3 y GPA Cuando el aeropuerto es reportado con un RVR de 4000 ft o 1200 metros o menor entra en efectos de LVP Los LVP estarán en vigor toda vez que la visibilidad y/o RVR sea igual o inferior a 1.600 mts. En el caso de Rionegro