catalan_6 Flashcards
I would like a starter. // V—— u– e——.
Voldria una entrada.
I would like a salad. // V—— u– a——.
Voldria una amanida.
I would like a soup. // V—— u– s—.
Voldria una sopa.
I would like a dessert. // V—— u— p——.
Voldria unes postres.
I would like an ice cream with whipped cream. // V—— u- g—- a– n—.
Voldria un gelat amb nata.
I would like some fruit or cheese. // V—— f—– o f——-.
Voldria fruita o formatge.
We would like to have breakfast. // v——- e——-.
(Nosaltres) voldríem esmorzar.
We would like to have lunch. // v——- d—-.
(Nosaltres) voldríem dinar.
We would like to have dinner. // v——- s—-.
(Nosaltres) voldríem sopar.
I’d like some mixed vegetables. // D——— u- p— d- v——-.
Desitjaria un plat de verdures.
I’d like something that won’t take much time. // M———- u– c— q– n- t—– g—- t—-.
M’agradaria una cosa que no trigui gaire temps.
Would you like that with rice? // V– a———— d——?
Vol acompanyament d’arròs?
Would you like that with pasta? // V– a———— d- p—- / f—–?
Vol acompanyament de pasta / fideus?
I’m missing a fork. // n- t— f——–.
(Jo) no tinc forquilla.
I’m missing a knife. // n- t— g——.
(Jo) no tinc ganivet.
I’m missing a spoon. // n- t— c——.
(Jo) no tinc cullera.
I’d like chips / French fries (am.) with ketchup. // U– p—– d- p—— f——- a– q——.
Una porció de patates fregides amb quetxup.
And two with mayonnaise. // I d— a– m——-.
I dues amb maionesa.
And three sausages with mustard. // I t— s——– t——- a– m——-.
I tres salsitxes torrades amb mostassa.
What vegetables do you have? // Q—– v——- t—-?
Quines verdures teniu?
Do you have beans? // Q– t—- m——- / f—–?
Que teniu mongetes / fesols?
Do you have cauliflower? // Q– t—- c——-?
Que teniu coliflor?
I like to eat (sweet) corn. // M——- e- b— d- m—.
M’agrada el blat de moro.
I like to eat cucumber. // M——- e- c——-.
M’agrada el cogombre.
I like to eat tomatoes. // M——– e– t——–.
M’agraden els tomàquets.
Do you also like to eat leek? // T—- l- a—– e- p—-?
També li agrada el porro?
Do you also like to eat sauerkraut? // T—- l- a—– l- x—–?
També li agrada la xucrut?
Do you also like to eat lentils? // T—- l- a—— l– l———?
També li agraden les llentilles?
Do you also like to eat carrots? // T—- t——– l– p———-?
També t’agraden les pastanagues?
Do you also like to eat broccoli? // T—- t——- e- b——?
També t’agrada el bròquil?
Do you also like to eat peppers? // T—- t——- e- p—–?
També t’agrada el pebrot?
I don’t like onions. // N- m——- l- c—.
No m’agrada la ceba.
I don’t like olives. // N- m——– l– o—–.
No m’agraden les olives.
I don’t like mushrooms. // N- m——– e– b—–.
No m’agraden els bolets.
When is the next train to Berlin? // Q— s— e- p—– t— c– a B—–?
Quan surt el pròxim tren cap a Berlín?
When is the next train to Paris? // Q— s— e- p—– t— c– a P—-?
Quan surt el pròxim tren cap a París?
When is the next train to London? // Q— s— e- p—– t— c– a L——?
Quan surt el pròxim tren cap a Londres?
When does the train for Warsaw leave? // A q—- h— s— e- t— q– v- a V——-?
A quina hora surt el tren que va a Varsòvia?
When does the train for Stockholm leave? // A q—- h— s— e- t— q– v- a E——-?
A quina hora surt el tren que va a Estocolm?
When does the train for Budapest leave? // A q—- h— s— e- t— q– v- a B——-?
A quina hora surt el tren que va a Budapest?
I’d like a ticket to Madrid. // V—— u- b—— p– M—–.
Voldria un bitllet per Madrid.
I’d like a ticket to Prague. // V—— u- b—— p– P—-.
Voldria un bitllet per Praga.
I’d like a ticket to Bern. // V—— u- b—— p– B—-.
Voldria un bitllet per Berna.
When does the train arrive in Vienna? // Q— a—– a V—- e- t—?
Quan arriba a Viena el tren?
When does the train arrive in Moscow? // Q— a—– a M—– e- t—?
Quan arriba a Moscou el tren?
When does the train arrive in Amsterdam? // Q— a—– a A——– e- t—?
Quan arriba a Amsterdam el tren?
Do I have to change trains? // H—- d- c—— d- t—?
Hauré de canviar de tren?
From which platform does the train leave? // D- q—- a—– s— e- t—?
De quina andana surt el tren?
Does the train have sleepers? // Q– t- c——— e- t—?
Que té cotxe-llit el tren?
I’d like a one-way ticket to Brussels. // V—— u- b—— d—— a B———-.
Voldria un bitllet d’anada a Brussel•les.
I’d like a return ticket to Copenhagen. // V—— u- b—— d—— i t—— a C———-.
Voldria un bitllet d’anada i tornada a Copenhaguen.
What does a berth in the sleeper cost? // Q—- c—- u– p—- a- c———?
Quant costa una plaça al cotxe-llit?
Is that the train to Berlin? // Q– é- a—– e- t— a B—–?
Que és aquest el tren a Berlín?
When does the train leave? // Q— s— e- t—?
Quan surt el tren?
When does the train arrive in Berlin? // Q— a—– e- t— a B—–?
Quan arriba el tren a Berlín?
Excuse me, may I pass? // P—-, q– p– p—–?
Perdó, que puc passar?
I think this is my seat. // C— q– é- e- m– s—–.
Crec que és el meu seient.
I’d like a ticket to Madrid. // V—— u- b—— p– M—–.
Voldria un bitllet per Madrid.
I’d like a ticket to Prague. // V—— u- b—— p– P—-.
Voldria un bitllet per Praga.
I’d like a ticket to Bern. // V—— u- b—— p– B—-.
Voldria un bitllet per Berna.
Do you also like to eat sauerkraut? // T—- l- a—– l- x—–?
També li agrada la xucrut?
Do you also like to eat lentils? // T—- l- a—— l– l———?
També li agraden les llentilles?
Do you also like to eat carrots? // T—- t——– l– p———-?
També t’agraden les pastanagues?
Do you also like to eat broccoli? // T—- t——- e- b——?
També t’agrada el bròquil?
Do you also like to eat peppers? // T—- t——- e- p—–?
També t’agrada el pebrot?
I don’t like onions. // N- m——- l- c—.
No m’agrada la ceba.
I don’t like olives. // N- m——– l– o—–.
No m’agraden les olives.
I don’t like mushrooms. // N- m——– e– b—–.
No m’agraden els bolets.
I’d like to book a flight to Athens. // M———- r——- u- s—– e- e- v– a A—–.
M’agradaria reservar un seient en el vol a Atenes.
Is it a direct flight? // É- u- v– d——?
És un vol directe?
A window seat, non-smoking, please. // U- l— a- c—– d- l- f——- p– a n- f——-, s- u- p—.
Un lloc al costat de la finestra per a no fumadors, si us plau.
I would like to confirm my reservation. // V—— c——– l- m— r——.
Voldria confirmar la meva reserva.
I would like to cancel my reservation. // V—— a——- l- m— r——.
Voldria anul•lar la meva reserva.
I would like to change my reservation. // V—— c—— l- m— r——.
Voldria canviar la meva reserva.
When is the next flight to Rome? // Q— é- e- p—– v– a R—?
Quan és el pròxim vol a Roma?
Are there two seats available? // Q—– s—— d———-?
Queden seients disponibles?
No, we have only one seat available. // N-, j- n—- q—- u- l— l—–.
No, ja només queda un lloc lliure.
When do we land? // Q— a——?
Quan aterrem?
When will we be there? // Q— h- a——?
Quan hi arribem?
When does a bus go to the city centre / center (am.)? // Q— s— u- a—— q– v- a- c—– d- l- c—–?
Quan surt un autobús que va al centre de la ciutat?
Do you also like to eat broccoli? // T—- t——- e- b——?
També t’agrada el bròquil?
Do you also like to eat peppers? // T—- t——- e- p—–?
També t’agrada el pebrot?
I don’t like onions. // N- m——- l- c—.
No m’agrada la ceba.
I don’t like olives. // N- m——– l– o—–.
No m’agraden les olives.
I don’t like mushrooms. // N- m——– e– b—–.
No m’agraden els bolets.
Where is the bus stop? // O- é- l- p—– d- l——–?
On és la parada de l’autobús?
Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)? // Q— a—— v- a- c—– d- l- c—–?
Quin autobús va al centre de la ciutat?
Which bus do I have to take? // Q—- l—- h- d- p——?
Quina línia he de prendre?
Do I have to change? // H—- d- c—— d——–?
Hauré de canviar d’autobús?
Where do I have to change? // O- h- d- c——?
On he de canviar?
How much does a ticket cost? // Q—- c—- u- b——?
Quant costa un bitllet?
How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre? // Q—— p—— h- h- f— a- c—–?
Quantes parades hi ha fins al centre?
You have to get off here. // H– d- b—– a—.
Heu de baixar aquí.
You have to get off at the back. // H– d- b—– p– d——.
Heu de baixar per darrere.
The next train is in 5 minutes. // E- p—– m—- a—– d—– c— m—–.
El pròxim metro arriba d’aquí cinc minuts.
The next tram is in 10 minutes. // E- p—– t—— a—– d—– d– m—–.
El pròxim tramvia arriba d’aquí deu minuts.
The next bus is in 15 minutes. // E- p—– a—— a—– d—– q—– m—–.
El pròxim autobús arriba d’aquí quinze minuts.
When is the last train? // Q— p—- e- d—– t—?
Quan passa el darrer tren?
When is the last tram? // Q— p—- e- d—– t——?
Quan passa el darrer tramvia?
When is the last bus? // Q— p—- e- d—– a——?
Quan passa el darrer autobús?
Do you have a ticket? // Q– t- b——?
Que té bitllet?
A ticket? – No, I don’t have one. // B——? – N-, n- e- t—.
Bitllet? – No, no en tinc.
Then you have to pay a fine. // L—— v—- h- d- p—- u– m—-.
Llavors vostè ha de pagar una multa.
He drives a motorbike. // E– v- e- m—.
Ell va en moto.
He rides a bicycle. // E– v- a– b——–.
Ell va amb bicicleta.
He walks. // E– v- a p–.
Ell va a peu.
He goes by ship. // E– v- e- v——.
Ell va en vaixell.
He goes by boat. // E– v- e- b—-.
Ell va en barca.
He swims. // E– n—.
Ell neda.
Is it dangerous here? // Q– é- p——- e—- a—?
Que és perillós estar aquí?
Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone? // Q– é- p——- f– a——– s–?
Que és perillós fer autoestop sol?
Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night? // Q– é- p——- p——- a l- n–?
Que és perillós passejar a la nit?
We got lost. // E– h– e——– d- c—.
Ens hem equivocat de camí.
We’re on the wrong road. // A— p– m– c—.
Anem pel mal camí.
We must turn around. // H– d- f– m—- v—-.
Hem de fer mitja volta.
Where can one park here? // O- p—- e———?
On podem estacionar?
Is there a parking lot here? // Q– h- h- u– z— d————– a—?
Que hi ha una zona d’estacionament aquí?
How long can one park here? // Q—- d- t—- p– e——— a—?
Quant de temps puc estacionar aquí?
Do you ski? // Q– f- e—- v—-?
Que fa esquí vostè?
Do you take the ski lift to the top? // Q– p— a– e- t——– v—-?
Que puja amb el teleesquí vostè?
Can one rent skis here? // É- p——- l—– e—– a—?
És possible llogar esquís aquí?
Please call a taxi. // S- u- p—, e- p– t—– u- t—?
Si us plau, em pot trucar un taxi?
What does it cost to go to the station? // Q—- c—- f— a l——– d- t—?
Quant costa fins a l’estació de tren?
What does it cost to go to the airport? // Q—- c—- f— a l———?
Quant costa fins a l’aeroport?
Please go straight ahead. // T– d—, s- u- p—.
Tot dret, si us plau.
Please turn right here. // A l- d—-, s- u- p—.
A la dreta, si us plau.
Please turn left at the corner. // P—— l- p—— a l——— a l- c——–, s- u- p—.
Prengui la primera a l’esquerra a la cantonada, si us plau.
I’m in a hurry. // T— p—–.
Tinc pressa.
I have time. // T— t—-.
Tinc temps.
Please drive slowly. // V— m– a p– a p–, s- u- p—.
Vagi més a poc a poc, si us plau.
Please stop here. // A—— a—, s- u- p—.
Aturi’s aquí, si us plau.
Please wait a moment. // E—– u- m—–, s- u- p—.
Esperi un moment, si us plau.
I’ll be back immediately. // J- t—- d- s——.
Ja torno de seguida.
Please give me a receipt. // D—– u- r—-, s- u- p—.
Doni’m un rebut, si us plau.
I have no change. // N- t— c—-.
No tinc canvi.
That is okay, please keep the change. // V- b-, g—– e- c—-.
Va bé, guardi el canvi.
Drive me to this address. // P—— a a—— a—–.
Porti’m a aquesta adreça.
Drive me to my hotel. // P—— a a—– h—-.
Porti’m a aquest hotel.
Drive me to the beach. // P—— a l- p—–.
Porti’m a la platja.
Where is the next gas station? // O- é- l- b——– m– p——?
On és la benzinera més pròxima?
I have a flat tyre / tire (am.). // T— u– r— p——.
Tinc una roda punxada.
Please go straight ahead. // T– d—, s- u- p—.
Tot dret, si us plau.
He swims. // E– n—.
Ell neda.
Is it dangerous here? // Q– é- p——- e—- a—?
Que és perillós estar aquí?
Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone? // Q– é- p——- f– a——– s–?
Que és perillós fer autoestop sol?
Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night? // Q– é- p——- p——- a l- n–?
Que és perillós passejar a la nit?
We got lost. // E– h– e——– d- c—.
Ens hem equivocat de camí.
We’re on the wrong road. // A— p– m– c—.
Anem pel mal camí.
We must turn around. // H– d- f– m—- v—-.
Hem de fer mitja volta.
Where can one park here? // O- p—- e———?
On podem estacionar?
Is there a parking lot here? // Q– h- h- u– z— d————– a—?
Que hi ha una zona d’estacionament aquí?
How long can one park here? // Q—- d- t—- p– e——— a—?
Quant de temps puc estacionar aquí?
Do you ski? // Q– f- e—- v—-?
Que fa esquí vostè?
Do you take the ski lift to the top? // Q– p— a– e- t——– v—-?
Que puja amb el teleesquí vostè?
Can one rent skis here? // É- p——- l—– e—– a—?
És possible llogar esquís aquí?
Excuse me! // P——!
Can you help me? // Q– e- p—– a—–?
Que em podria ajudar?
Is there a good restaurant around here? // O- h- h- u- b– r——— p– a—?
On hi ha un bon restaurant per aquí?
Take a left at the corner. // G— a l——— a l- c——–.
Giri a l’esquerra a la cantonada.
Then go straight for a while. // D—— c——- u– m— r—-.
Després continui una mica recte.
Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.). // D—— v— c— m—– a l- d—-.
Després vagi cent metres a la dreta.
You can also take the bus. // T—- p– a—– l——–.
També pot agafar l’autobús.
You can also take the tram. // T—- p– p—— e- t——.
També pot prendre el tramvia.
You can also follow me with your car. // T—- e- p– s—– e- c—-.
També em pot seguir en cotxe.
We’re on the wrong road. // A— p– m– c—.
Anem pel mal camí.
We must turn around. // H– d- f– m—- v—-.
Hem de fer mitja volta.
Where can one park here? // O- p—- e———?
On podem estacionar?
Is there a parking lot here? // Q– h- h- u– z— d————– a—?
Que hi ha una zona d’estacionament aquí?
Do you have a ticket? // Q– t- b——?
Que té bitllet?
A ticket? – No, I don’t have one. // B——? – N-, n- e- t—.
Bitllet? – No, no en tinc.
Then you have to pay a fine. // L—— v—- h- d- p—- u– m—-.
Llavors vostè ha de pagar una multa.
Where is the tourist information office? // O- é- l——– d- t——?
On és l’oficina de turisme?
Do you have a city map for me? // E- p—– d—- u- p– d- l- c—– v—-?
Em podria donar un pla de la ciutat vostè?
Can one reserve a room here? // E- p– r——- u– h——– d—— a—?
Es pot reservar una habitació d’hotel aquí?
Where is the old city? // O- é- l- c—– v—-?
On és la ciutat vella?
Where is the cathedral? // O- é- l- c——-?
On és la catedral?
Where is the museum? // O- é- e- m—-?
On és el museu?
Where can one buy stamps? // O- p– c—— s——?
On puc comprar segells?
Where can one buy flowers? // O- p– c—— f—-?
On puc comprar flors?
Where can one buy tickets? // O- p– c—— b——-?
On puc comprar bitllets?
Where is the harbour / harbor (am.)? // O- é- e- p—?
On és el port?
Where is the market? // O- é- e- m—–?
On és el mercat?
Where is the castle? // O- é- e- c——?
On és el castell?
When does the tour begin? // Q— c—— l- v—– g—–?
Quan comença la visita guiada?
When does the tour end? // Q— s—— l- v—– g—–?
Quan s’acaba la visita guiada?
How long is the tour? // Q—- d— l- v—– g—–?
Quant dura la visita guiada?
I would like a guide who speaks German. // V—— u- g— q– p—- a——.
Voldria un guia que parli alemany.
I would like a guide who speaks Italian. // V—— u- g— q– p—- i—–.
Voldria un guia que parli italià.
I would like a guide who speaks French. // V—— u- g— q– p—- f——.
Voldria un guia que parli francès.
Is the market open on Sundays? // Q– e- m—– é- o—- e- d——-?
Que el mercat és obert el diumenge?
Is the fair open on Mondays? // Q– o— l- f— e- d——?
Que obre la fira el dilluns?
Is the exhibition open on Tuesdays? // Q– é- o—– l———- e- d——?
Que és oberta l’exposició el dimarts?
Is the zoo open on Wednesdays? // Q– e- o— z——- e- d——-?
Que el obre zoològic el dimecres?
Is the museum open on Thursdays? // Q– e- o— m—- e- d—–?
Que el obre museu el dijous?
Is the gallery open on Fridays? // Q– l- g—— o— e- d——–?
Que la galeria obre el divendres?
Can one take photographs? // E- p– f– f—-?
Es pot fer fotos?
Does one have to pay an entrance fee? // S— d- p—- e——?
S’ha de pagar entrada?
How much is the entrance fee? // Q—- c—- l——–?
Quant costa l’entrada?
Is there a discount for groups? // H- h- d——– p– a g—-?
Hi ha descompte per a grups?
Is there a discount for children? // H- h- d——– p– a– n—?
Hi ha descompte per als nens?
Is there a discount for students? // H- h- d——– d———-?
Hi ha descompte d’estudiant?
What building is that? // Q– é- a—– e——?
Què és aquest edifici?
How old is the building? // D- q— é- a—– e——?
De quan és aquest edifici?
I would like a guide who speaks German. // V—— u- g— q– p—- a——.
Voldria un guia que parli alemany.