Cat Breeds Flashcards

ruddy, red, blue, and fawn
long slender erect ears
*always has eyebrow/cheek markings*
can develop periodontal disease
PK (pyruvate kinase) dificient it leads to anemia

American Curl
rainbow of colors
family oriented and social (potential for separation anxiety)
generally healthy, prone to weight gain, joint problems, and diabetes
may have ear problems

American Bobtail
spotted or ticked brown tabby pattern is most common. all colors and patterns have been found.
enjoys company
can have spinal problems that effects defication

American Shorthair
80+ colors
doesn’t demand affection
can develop Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) *most common heart disease in cats*

American Wirehair
wire hair and whiskers
enjoys hunting
can be crossed with the american shorthair
can develop HMC

siamese with long bushy tail
easily trained, requires a lot of attention
Lysosomal Storage disorder (causes neurological signs)
Feline Acromelanism (causes changes coat color depending on temp)

long coat, siamese markings, with white slippers
calm and affectionate
generally healthy
lives 15+ years

slick black coat with gold/copper eyes
very intelligent, center of attention, curious
HCM, excessive tearing of the eye
possible breathing problems due to short muzzel

British Shorthair
most commonly blue/gray
have a “teddy bear” look
calm and undemanding
HCM, Hemophilia B (hereditary bleeding disorder)

sable and dilute colors
hyper personality
thrives on companionship
cranial deformities, glaucoma or feline hypersthesia syndrom (increased sensitivity to touch or painful stimuli)
prone to calcium oxalate stones in urinary tract

ears high and erect
blue color with gold/copper eyes
enjoys being a lap cat, likes to be where you are (separation anxiety)
prone to polycystic kidney disease and struvite stones in urinary tract

Cornish Rex
large ears
no shed
very intelligent and active
prone to sunburns
petellar luxation

Devon Rex
large ears
very playful/outgoing
travels well
make good therapy pets
petellar luxation called hereditary myopathy

Egyptian Mau
natural spotted breed, with green eyes, silver bronze and smoke
desires attention from owners but wary of strangers
very athletic
leukodystrophy (neurological contditon that may appear in kittens as early as 7 weeks)

soft round teddy bear face
males-sweet and loving; females-more independent
polycystic kidney disease (PKD) kidney enlargement and dysfunction
tendency to develop calcium oxylate stones in urinary tract

Havana Brown
chocolate color with green eyes
requires a lot of time
prone to developing calcium oxalate stones

Japanese Bobtail
calico colored patches
naturally short tailed that has kinks and curves
active (joint issues), intelligent
no breed specific health problems
good with people, family oriented

blue color
symbol of good fortune in Thailand
very attached, energetic
prone to fatal genetic conditon, comes in 2 forms: GM-1 & GM-2 (gangliosidosis)

La Perm
Soft, wavy, curly hair (needs to be groomed)
highly active
should be socialized as a kitten
no known breed specific health issue

Maine Coon
good mouser
long haired, long coon tail
gets along with everyone, must be entertained
prone to HCM, hip dysplasia, spinal muscular atrophy

no tail, round appearance, long/short hair
gentle, playful, intelligent
can have spinal defects due to lack of tail
trouble urinating and deficating

Norwegian Forest Cat
trimming on ears and toes, fluffy, variety of colors
mellow, most are clicker trained
HCM, hip dysplasia, glycogen storage disease type IV, diabetes

ocelot spotted coloring, tawny, chocolate, cinnamon, blue, lavender, fawn, silver, chocolate silver, cinnamon silver, blue silver, lavender silver, and fawn silver
confident, outgoing
renal or liver amyloidosis, PK deficiency, HCM, periodontal disease

300+ colors, sleek body type, slender legs, almond shaped eyes
extreme attachment to owners (separation anxiety, aggression to strangers)
hereditarily corssed eyes
dialated cardiomyopathy, bladder stones, mast cell cancer

pug nose, long hair, many colors, breathing problems
gentle, quiet, doesn’t mind being alone
prone to PKD, Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), HCM, bladder stones, cystitis, liver shunts

Rag Doll
Patterns: bi-color, van, mitted, colorpoint
Color: seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, cream with solid, lynx, tortie or torbie(tortie and lynx) points. somewhat siamese markings except with white face.
loves human contact
bladder stones, HCM

Russian Blue
blue coat, green eyes
reserved, comfortable with just their owner
prone to bladder stones

Scottish Fold
ears folded forward
outgoing, curious, should be socialized
prone to ostechondrodystrophy (skeletal abnormalities) can be painful or crippling -seen when folds are bred to folds

Selkirk Rex
really curly hair, big boned
patient, loving, outgoing
polycystic kidney disease (PKD), HCM, hip dysplasia

two types- show & traditional
light colored background dark points on ears, mask, legs, and tail
seal, lilac, chocolate blue, also in tabby, red cream, silver, smoke.
smart and demanding
crossed eyed, bladder stones, glaucoma, retinal atrophy, heart issues

variety of color
somewhat of an adventurer, gets along with everyone

cougar color
highly active, loves attention, cautious meeting new people
generally healthy, has small gene pool can be problimatic

resembles a fox
curious, highly active/athletic
prone to PK dificiency, renal amyloidosis, neuromuscular conditon called myasthenia gravis, Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

loves people, affectionate, adores having company
HCM, Hereditary myopathy, skin conditons
*cat off Austin Powers and LA Ink*

Light siamese markings
smart, social, love attention
generally healthy

Turkish Angora
fluffy tails
different colors
musn’t be allowed to learn bad habits
white ones prone to deafness, HCM

Turkish Van
always has an orange tail, mostly orange wth orange patches
active, highly acrobatic, sometimes klutzy
no breed specific health problems