Case Uses: Nominative Flashcards
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Magister erat vir sapiēns.
The teacher was a wise man.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Vīta dulcis est.
Life is sweet.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Equī celerēs currunt.
The fast horses run.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mīlitēs fortēs pugnant.
The strong soldiers fight.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Caelum serēnum est.
The sky is calm.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Aquila altē volat.
The eagle flies high.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rēx in urbe habitat.
The king lives in the city.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puella est discipula.
The girl is a student.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puerī fuērunt līberī audācēs.
The boys were brave children.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puella cantat.
The girl sings.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Patriciī fuerant nepōtēs prīmōrum senātōrum.
The patricians had been descendants of the first senators.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Equī sunt animālia celeria.
The horses are swift animals.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Lūna erit fōrma pulchra.
The moon will be a pretty shape.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Magister discipulōs laudat.
The teacher praises the students.
Give the use of the Nominative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rōmulus vocātur prīmus Rōmānus rēx.
Romulus is called the first Roman king.