Case Uses: Dative Flashcards
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Pater plūs pecūniae fīliābus dat.
Indirect Object
The father gives more money to his daughters.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Benignus hostīlis rēx Scaevolae Cloēliaeque parcit.
Special Verbs
The kind, enemy king spares Scaevola and Cloelia.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rēgia magna rēgī est.
The king has a great palace.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Corinthus flūminī propinqua erat.
Special Adjectives
Corinth was near the river
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Magister verba sapientiae discipulīs dīxit.
Indirect Object
The teacher said words of wisdom to the students.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puerīs lūdere nocte in agrō nōn licet.
Special Verbs (Impersonals)
It is not permitted for the boys to play in the field at night.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puella suae mātri vultū similis erat.
Special Adjectives
The girl was similar to her mother with respect to her face.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Spectātōrēs hīs āthlētīs plūs quam illīs fāvērunt.
Special Verbs
The spectators favored these athletes more than those.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Magister librōs discipulīs dat.
Indirect Object
The teacher gives books to the students.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Fēmina pictūram pulchram maritō mōnstrāvit.
Indirect Object
The woman showed the beautiful picture to her husband.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mīlitēs hostibus fortiter sed frūstrā resistere temptāverant.
Special Verbs
The soldiers had tried to resist the enemies bravely but in vain.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Candida stēlla viam iuvenibus ambulantibus mōnstrābat.
Indirect Object
The bright star showed the way to the walking youths.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Imperātor captīvīs crūdēlis fuisse dīcitur.
Special Adjectives
The emperor is said to have been cruel to the captives.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Temptāvī persuādēre tibi, sed tū etiam ā mē relīquistī.
Special Verbs
I tried to persuade you, but you still left me.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Poētā fābulam praeclāram cīvibus audientibus nārrāvit.
Indirect Object
The poet told the famous story to the listening citizens.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Multae fābulae poētae erant.
Many stories were to the poet. // The poet had many stories.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nēmō amīcīs nocēre dēbet.
Special Verbs
Nobody should harm their friends.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Liber puerō est.
The book is to the boy. // The boy has a book.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
**Necesse est nōbīs bene studēre.
Special Verbs (Impersonals)
It is necessary for us to study well.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Fīlius patrī suō similis vidēbātur.
Special Adjectives
The son seemed similar to his father.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Iuvenis amori aptus non fuit.
Special Adjectives
The youth was not suitable for love.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nōbīs ad forum ambulāre crās licēbitne?
Special Verbs (Impersonals)
Will it be permitted for us to walk to the forum tomorrow?
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rēx Thēbārum suō frātrī invidēbat.
Special Verbs
The king of Thebes envied his brother.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Deus mandāta sacra hostīlī rēgī dīxit.
Indirect Object
The god said the sacred orders to the hostile king.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Amīcī multī in itinere per Pontum Euxīnum nautae īnfidēlī erant.
The unfaithful sailor had many friends on his journy through the Black Sea.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
In Corinthō, mālō nautae novam Graecam fēminam in mātrimōnium dūcere placuit.
Special Verbs (Impersonals)
In Corinth, it was pleasing for the bad sailor to marry a new Greek woman.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Tarquinius Superbus tribus lībrīs Sybillīnīs fīdit.
Special Verbs
Tarquinius Superbus trusts the three Sybilline books.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mīlitēs fābulam dē fātālī perīculō populō nārrāvērunt.
Indirect Object
The soldiers told the story about the fatal battle to the people.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Spēlunca in Siciliā Polyphēmō est.
Polyphemus has a cave on Sicily.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Gladius novus et scūtum gladiātōrī sunt.
The gladiator has a new sword and shield.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Senātus iūdicium cīvibus miserīs crūdēle fēcit.
Special Adjectives
The senate made a judgment cruel to the sad citizens.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Discipulī suō magistrō saepe crēdere dēbent.
Special Verbs
Students should often trust their teacher.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Dux novam aquilam mīlitibus ostendit.
Indirect Object
The leader showed the new eagle (standard) to the soldiers.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Imperātor iussa lēgātīs dīcit.
Indirect Object
The emperor says the orders to the envoys.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Esse cum meīs amīcīs mihi placet.
Special Verbs (Impersonals)
It is pleasing to me to be with my friends.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Domūs pulchra familiae erat.
The family had a beautiful home
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Multa aedificia urbī Rōmae erant.
The city Rome had many buildings.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Magnus exercitus imperātōrī erat.
The emperor has a great army.
Give the use of the Dative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Magister discipulae librum, quod idoneum Latinae est, dat.
Special Adjectives
The teacher gives the student a book, which is suitable for Latin.