Case Uses: Ablative Flashcards
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puer stylō litterās scrībit.
The boy writes letters with a stylus.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puer cum amīcō ad urbem currit.
The boy runs to the city with a friend.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puer frātre altior est.
The boy is taller than his brother.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rōmānī tribus diēbus hanc urbem oppugnāvērint.
Time Within Which
The Romans will have attacked this city within three days.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Lūna splendida est in caelō.
Place Where
The splendid moon is in the sky.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Lūna plēna nocte erat.
Time When
The full moon was visible at night.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Leō ē spēluncā magnā cucurrit.
Place From Which
The lion ran out of the great cave.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puer ā magistrō laudātur.
The boy is praised by the teacher.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puerī ad scholam prīmā lūce intrāvērunt.
Time When
The boys entered school at dawn (at first light).
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Cūpisne saltāre mēcum?
Do you want to dance with me?
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Avēs dē ingentī arbore volābant et mūrēs capiēbant.
Place From Which
The birds flew from the huge tree and caught mice.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Avēs magnā cum celeritāte per caelum volāvērunt.
The birds flew through the sky with great speed.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puerī in hortō cum canibus lūdēbant.
Place Where
The boys were playing in the garden with the dogs.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Leō fēlī ferōcior vidētur.
The lion seems fiercer than the cat.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nautae ūnā hōrā ad portum pervenient.
Time Within Which
The sailors will arrive at the port within one hour.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mīlitēs gladiīs hostēs oppugnābit.
The soldiers will attack the enemies with swords.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Liber ab auctōre clārō scrīptus est.
The book was written by a famous author.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nautae tertia hōra nāvēs solvunt.
Time When
The sailors set sail (idiom)at the third hour.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Equī ā portā magnā cum celeritāte festīnābat.
Place From Which
The horses were hurrying from the gate with great speed.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rēx cum exercitū hostēs in proeliō vīcit.
The king conquered the enemies in battle with an army.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Leō in spēluncā magnā dormīvit.
Place Where
The lion slept in a great cave.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Oppidum ā mīlitibus oppugnātum est.
The town was attacked by the soldiers.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Agricola arātrō agrum cōlet.
The farmer will till the field with a plow.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mīlitēs hostibus fortiōrēs sunt.
The soldiers are braver than the enemies.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Pompēius pīrātās in Mare Nostrō tribus mēnsibus vīcerat.
Time Within Which
Pompey had defeated the pirates in the Mediterranean within three months.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Atalanta celeritāte optima est.
Atalanta is the best in (/with respect to) speed.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Discipulī maximō studiō diū labōrāverint.
The students will have worked with the greatest zeal for a long time.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Decius, vir magnā virtūte in proeliō cecidit.
Decius, a man of great courage fell in battle.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Dux, nōmine Scīpiō, Carthāginem vīcerat.
The leader, Scipio by name, had conquered Carthage.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puerī puellaeque paucīs hōrīs novum librum lēgērunt.
Time Within Which
The boys and girls read a new book within a few hours.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Fēmina sacrificia in templō diē fēstō fēcit.
Time When
The woman made sacrifices in the temple on the festive day.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Fēmina marītō suō sapientior erat.
The woman was wiser than her husband.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nautae ventīs bonīs ad portum advēnērunt.
The sailors arrived at the port with good winds.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Pāx vōbīscum.
Peace be with you.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nautae in portū magnās nāvēs vident.
Place Where
The sailors see large ships in the port.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Carmina ā poētā praeclārō recitābantur.
The poems were being recited by a famous poet.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Cīvēs ē templō cum sacrificiīs rediērunt.
Place From Which
The citizens returned from the temple with sacrifices.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Dea magnā cum dignitāte stat.
The goddess stands with great dignity.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Canēs agricolīs celerius currēbant et nōn cāpī poterant.
The dogs ran faster than the farmers and could not be caught.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Deus fulmina in monte Olympō iaciēbat.
Place Where
The god was throwing lightning bolts on Mount Olympus.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puer domō currit.
Place From Which
The boy runs from the house.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Fēmina pauciōribus hōrīs quam amīca longum librum lēgerat.
Time Within Which
The woman had read a long book within fewer hours than her friend.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Equus maximā celeritāte per campum cucurrit.
The horse ran across the field with the greatest speed.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Poēta cum amīcīs novum librum recitābit.
The poet will recite a new book with friends.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Sorōrēs aquam urnīs frūstrā portāre temptābat.
The sisters tried to carry water with urns in vain.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Epistulae ab amīcō fidēlī missae erant.
The letters had been sent by a faithful friend.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Illī mīlitēs eadem nocte castra hostium oppugnāvērunt.
Time When
Those soldiers attacked the camp of the enemies on the same night.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Gladiātor ingentī cum animō in arēnam ambulat.
The gladiator walks into the arena with great courage.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Poētā arte optimus omnium est.
The poet is the best of all in skill.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Herculēs Eurystheō potentior est, sed nōn rēx est.
Hercules is stronger than Eurystheus, but he is not king.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Tēla hostium dē mūrīs ad nōs iaciēbantur.
Place From Which
The weapons of the enemies were being thrown at us from the walls.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rēx populum diē victōriae ad forum convocāvit.
Time When
The king summoned the people to the forum on the day of victory.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Castra ab exercitū Rōmānō mūnīta sunt.
The camp was fortified by the Roman army.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Philosophus verbīs sapientiae discipulōs docēbat.
The philosopher taught the students with words of wisdom.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Fēmina cum fīliābus in forō crās ambulābit.
The woman will walk in the forum tomorrow with her daughters.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Minerva omnēs deōs deāsque sapientiā superat.
Minerva surpasses all the gods and goddesses in wisdom.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Claudia, fēmina pulchrā vōce carmina recitābat.
Claudia, a woman with a beautiful voice, recited poems.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puer multō altiōr quam frāter Iulius est.
Degree of Difference
The boy is much taller than his brother Julius.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mīlitēs brevī tempore castra nova mūnīvērunt.
Time Within Which
The soldiers fortified a new camp in a short time.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Senātōrēs in cūriā dē pāce crās dicent.
Place Where
The senators will talk about peace tomorrow in the senate house.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Fābulae magnō cum studiō ā senibus nārrantur.
The stories are told with great eagerness by the old men.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Cicerō cōnsiliō fortī contrā Catilīnam pācem servāvit.
Cicero kept peace against Catiline with a strong plan.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Equus multō celerius quam asinus currit.
Degree of Difference
The horse runs much faster than the donkey.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mārcus, maior nātū quam frāter Iūlius, pugnāre lēctus est.
Marcus, older (in birth) than his brother Julius, was chosen to fight.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Lucretius, poēta magna sapientia, librōs dē rērum nātūrā scrīpsit.
Lucretius, a poet of great wisdom, wrote books about the nature of things.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Marius Sullā maior nātū fuit.
Marius was older in birth than Sulla.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Philosophus tribus noctibus librum dē nātūrā mundī composuit.
Time Within Which
The philosopher composed a book about the nature of the world within three nights.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Quibuscum ad forum hodiē ītis?
With whom are you going to the forum today?
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nautae ā portū mercēs trans mare vehēbant.
Place From Which
The sailors were carrying goods across the sea from the port.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Avēs in altīs arboribus nīdōs faciēbant.
Place Where
The birds were building nests in the tall trees.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Herculēs magnā cum īra hostēs superāvit.
Hercules defeated the enemies with great anger.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Senātus ab rēge audācī territus est.
The senate was terrified by a bold king.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Discipulī multam Latīnam aestāte studēbunt.
Time When
The students will study much Latin in the summer.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rēx foedus novum cum hostibus hōc annō cōnfirmābit.
Time Within Which
The king will confirm a new treaty with the enemies within this year.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mercātor nāve magnā trans mare mercēs vehēbat.
The merchant was transporting goods across the sea with a large ship.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Dracō ingentī cum furōre flammās emisit.
The dragon sent out flames with great fury.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Lēgātī Rōmānī ā Britanniā cum pāce rediērunt.
Place From Which
The Roman envoys returned from Britain with peace.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Hic cantātor, suā vōce praeclārus, ā multīs amātur.
This singer, famous for his voice, is loved by many.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Gladiātor rēgī nātālī diē spectāculum prōmīsit.
Time When
The gladiator promised a spectacle to the king on his birthday.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puerī ā parentibus saepe monentur.
The boys are often warned by their parents.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Ignāvī mīlitēs cum ducibus longē ā perīculō fūgērunt.
The cowardly soldiers fled far from danger with their leaders.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Philosophus vēritātem in librīs antīquīs invēnit.
Place Where
The philosopher found the truth in ancient books.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Magister paulō sapientiōr quam discipulae suae pro tempore est.
Degree of Difference
The teacher is a little wiser than his students for the time being.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Quod virtūte excelluērunt, Rōmānī super maximam partem orbis rēxērunt.
Because they excelled in virtue, the Romans ruled over the largest part of the world.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Ūnus ē frātribus celeriter currere potest.
One of the brothers can run quickly.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Orpheus cum umbrā suae uxōris ā Tartarō iter fēcit.
Orpheus made a journey from Tartarus with the shadow of his wife.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Victōria maximā celeritāte ā Rōmānīs captā est.
The victory was captured with the greatest speed by the Romans.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Propter ignem, multī cīvēs Rōmā quam celerrimē fūgērunt.
Place From Which
Because of the fire, many citizens fled from Rome as quickly as possible.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Trēs urbēs ā monte Vesuviō dēlētae sunt.
Three cities were destroyed by Mount Vesuvius.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nauta tantō quam sociī suī audāciōr erat.
Degree of Difference
The sailor was so much braver than his companions.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nostrī sociī virtūte et armīs victōriam obtinuērunt.
Our allies obtained victory by courage and arms.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rōmulus novam urbem cum barbarīs latrōnibus strūxerat.
Romulus had built a new city with foreign robbers.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Post vīgintī annōs, urbs ā Graecīs et equō ligneō captā est.
After twenty years, the city was captured by the Greeks and the wooden horse.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Post imbrem, flūmen tantō altior erat.
Degree of Difference
After the rain, the river was so much deeper.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Quattuordecim dē nymphīs pulcherrimae erant.
Fourteen of the nymphs were the most beautiful.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Herculēs duo ē labōribus rūrsus fēcit.
Hercules did two of the labors again.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Gladiātor multō ferōcior hoste fuerat.
Degree of Difference
The gladiator had been much fiercer than the enemy.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Terror ā viātōribus sēnsus est et quam celerrimē fūgērunt.
Terror was felt by the travelers, and they fled as quickly as possible.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Ūna dē fēminīs in urbe rēgīna facta est.
One of the women in the city was made queen.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Avēs paulō longius tempus in caelō manēbant.
Degree of Difference
The birds were staying in the sky for a little longer time.
Give the use of the Ablative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Ūnus ē cōnsulibus Rōmae mānsit.
One of the consuls remained in Rome.