Case Uses: Accusative Flashcards
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puer librum in scholā legit.
Direct Object
The boy reads the book in school.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
**Lepus sub arbore multās hōrās dormīverat.
Duration of Time
The hare had slept under the tree for many hours.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mīlle pedum ambulāvī
Extent of Space
I walked for one thousand (of) feet.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puella ad forum cum amīcīs ambulat.
Place to Which
The girl walks to the forum with her friends.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Nautae in portum nāvigābant.
Place to Which
The sailors sailed into the harbor.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Magister discipulās laudāvit.
Direct Object
The teacher praised the students.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Puer centum passūs ad flūmen cucurrit.
Extent of Space
The boy ran one hundred feet to the river.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Līberī tōtam diem cum suō cane lūdēbat.
Duration of Time
The children played with their dog for the whole day.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Fēmina ad templum sacrum cum familiā venit.
Place to Which
The woman comes to the sacred temple with her family.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Rēx mēnsem ūnum in urbe mānsit.
Duration of Time
The king stayed in the city for one month.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Via mīlle passūs ad oppidum dūcit.
Extent of Space
The road leads one thousand steps (one mile) to the town.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Fēmina pictūram in mūrō pīnxit.
Direct Object
The woman painted a picture on the wall
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Equus ducentōs pedēs in circō quam celerrimē festīnābat.
Extent of Space
The horse hastened in the circus for two hundred feet as quickly as possible.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Mīlitēs ad castra hostium diū iter faciēbant.
Place to Which
The soldiers marched for a long time to the camp of the enemies.
Give the use of the Accusative of the underlined word in this sentence:
Viātōrēs trēs hōrās prope flūmen quam celerrimē currēbant.
Duration of Time
The travelers ran for three hours near the river as quickly as possible.