Case presentation Flashcards
What does the HPC suggest has happened to the tooth and give a pulpal diagnosis?
S – Upper right first pre-molar
O – 6 days prior the tooth had fractured and been sore ever since
C – It was a dull aching pain, tooth was sensitive
R – Did not radiate anywhere else
A – No associated symptoms
T – Painful when touch, gives off short sharp pain which lasts a few seconds
S – constant 2/10 then when bite 7/10
- Tooth was grossly carious and this caused it to be weakened. The crown has then fractured.
- As the tooth is TTP suggests symptomatic periapical periodontitis.
- Irrervisble pulpitis
Why is taking a medical history important in dentistry?
- Helps identify conditions and drugs that may effect dental treatment
- Makes dentistry aware of any potential medical emergency risks
- Also can aid diagnosis of oral manifestations of systemic disease
How would a previous heart attack, effect your dental treatment?
- Patient may be on medications which will effect the mouth
- Need to be aware of medical emergency protocol for dealing with heart attacks (oxygen, call 999 and 300mg of aspirin chewed orally)
What is a heart attack simply?
When the blood supply to the heart is suddently blocked
What is asthma?
Asthma is the inflammation of the tubes which carry air to and from your lungs. These tubes narrow and can have an increased amunt of mucous present which makes it more difficult to breathe.
This can be triggered by stress, allergies or smoke
How would you deal with the medical emergency of an asthma attack?
Get the pateint to take a few puffs of their inhaler (always check before they have it with them) . If this doesnt easy get them to take further puffs and call an ambulance.
What simple medical device can be used with an inhlaer to deliver more drug?
What is osteoarthritis?
- Osteoarthritis is pain of the joints. This happens as a result of the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones breaks down, causing pain, swelling and problems moving the joint. Boney growths can develop and the area can become red and swollen.
How may osteoarthritis affect your patient’s oral health?
They may have decreased manual dexterity so cannot hold objects like a toothbrush as well. Meaning they have poorer OH. You can get them special toothbrushes with bigger handles to make it easier for these patients
In addition, patients may also struggle to keep their mouths open for longer periods of time
What is Ramipril?
ACE inhibitor
What is ramipril used to treat? and by what mechanism does it work?
As it is an ACE inhibitor it is used to treat hypertension. It inhibits the production of angiotensin 2 which is responsible for narrowing of blood vessels and produces hormones which increase blood pressure
What are the oral side effects of ramipril?
ACE inhibitors in general, cause alteration in taste, taste becomes more metallic or salty
What side effects does atrovastatin have on the mouth and the body?
No dental implication
Can cause naeseau, vomitting and flu like symptoms.
What is atrovastatin? and what does it do?
It is a statin and reduces risk of heart attack in patients with high amount of chloestral in the body. As with high chloestral fatty deposits can build up and break off causing blockages in the heart.
What is procoralan? does it have any dental implications?
Procoralan is used to treat symptoms of long term stable angina in patients with coronary heart disease.
No implications
What type of drug is aspirin?
Anti-platelet drug
How does the mechanism of aspirin work to reduce the risk of heart attacks?
Aspirin works by irreversibly inhibiting the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase (COX-1) which is required to make the precurrser for thomboxane within platelets.
This reduces thromboxane synthesis. Thromboxane is required to facilitate platelet agregation and to stimulate further platelet activation
75mg once a day
How does a patient taking aspirin effect dental treatment?
- According to the SDCEP guidelines as this patient is only taking aspirin do not interrupt the treatment or the dose.
- patient will be more at risk to bleeding
- Therefore when planning more invasive procedures like XLA, you should limit inital treatment area, stage extensive or complex treatment and use local haemostatic measures like stitches, surgicel and pressure.
Should a patient on aspirin alter their dose before dental treatment and what guidance should you follow?
No they do not need to interupt their medication
Following the SDCEP guidance
What is montelukast medication used for?
- Maintenance of asthma
- Works by preventing the production of leukotrienes which is a chemical responsible for narrowing of the air way tubes
What is amitriptyline?
Anti-depressant used as a pain killer
It works on two chemicals noradrenaline and serotonin. Serotonin levels are increased which improves mood and reduces pain levels. Overall it reduces the pain signals to the brain.
What is a dental implication of amitriptyline?
Xerostomia reduces saliva flow by 26%
What is Salbutamol and what is it used for?
- Is a beta-2 agonist inhlaer
- Used to treat asthma, it works by realxing the muscles in the airway and widening the airways making it easier for the patient to breath
- Quick onset 2-3mins
- Lasts 4-6hrs
What side effect can salbutamol have on the oral cavity?
- Decrease salivary production which in turn increases chance of tooth decay and erosion
- This is only with steroid inhalers and this is a bronchiodilator. Oral thrush candida albicans (this works due to the steroids in the inhalers weakening the immune system in the mouth and throat)
Thrush can be uncomfortable and struggle with eating