Case 17- Immunity Flashcards
Adaptive immunity
Relies on T and B lymphocytes. Derived from haematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow and are activated in secondary lymphoid organs. Antigens are presented on MHC molecules. System has high specificity and responds to individual pathogens
Antigen presenting cells
Dendritic cells, Macrophages and B cells. They present antigens on the MHC class 2 molecules to CD4 T cells. T cells activation produces a specific adaptive immune response and can activate the innate immune system.
Attributes of the innate immune system
Response time- fast: minutes/hours Low specificity Key cells- Macrophages, Neutrophils, Basophils and Eosinophils Immunological memory- none Low diversity
Key attributes of the adaptive immune system
Response time- slow:days
High specificity
Key cells- T cells, B cells and antigen presenting cells
Immunological memory
Diversity- high diversity due to genetic recombination
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
Cell surface molecules that present peptide fragments to naive T cells in order to activate them and make effector T cells. They allow the identification of both self and non-self peptides by T cells, allowing cells to present foreign pathogens or cancer proteins to the immune system
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
The complex of genes that encodes the production of the human MHC molecule
MHC class 1 molecule
MHC class 1 molecules are found in the surface of all nucleated cells. They tend to present peptides originating from intracellular pathogens, such as viruses. They activate cytotoxic T cells that express CD8 on their surface. These cytotoxic T cells then induce apoptosis in the infected cells.
MHC class 2 molecules
MHC class 2 molecules are found on APC’s such as dendritic cells, B cells and Macrophages. Class 2 molecules tend to present peptides from extracellular pathogens that have been ingested such as types of bacteria. They activate naïve T cells that express CD4 T cells such as T helper cells.
Key attributes of MHC class 1 molecules
Structure- 3 domain membrane bound alpha chain and a single domain beta chain, heterodimer
Found on- all nucleated cells
Size of peptide- 8-10 amino acids
Type of T cell activated- CD8+ T cell i.e. cytotoxic T cell
Type of pathogen- intracellular pathogen i.e. viruses
Site of peptide loading- endoplasmic reticulum
Key attributes of MHC class II molecules
Structure- 2 domain alpha chain and 2 domain beta chain that are both membrane bound, heterodimer
Found on- professional APC’s such as dendritic cells, Macrophages and B cells
Size of peptide= 14-18 amino acids
Type of T cell activated= CD4 T cells i.e. helper T cells
Type of pathogen= extracellular pathogen i.e. bacteria
Site of peptide loading= specialised vesicle
MHC rejection in transplants
If MHC molecules are not matched then the graft will be rapidly rejected. Even if the MHC loci are genetically identical, graft rejection will occur over time due to differences at other loci which encode minor histocompatibility antigens. Due to the certainty of mismatch in minor histocompatibility antigens transplantation requires the use of powerful immunosuppressive drugs.
The 3 types of rejection response which can lead to the loss of a graft
- Hyperacute: occurs within hours as a result of preformed antibodies (type II hypersensitivity reaction)
- Acute: takes several days to develop (type IV hypersensitivity reaction
- Chronic: occurs months to years after transplantation due to a variety of mechanisms (no treatment options)
Antigen processing
1) Antigens need to be processed within the cell before they can complex with an MHC molecules, which has been pre-assembled in the endoplasmic reticulum.
2) Proteosomes brake down viral proteins to create viral peptides, they join self-peptides from normal cellular proteins.
3) They travel to the ER where they come in contact with the transporter TAP. TAP transports protein fragments from the cytosol to the ER lumen. Here they bind to MHC1.
Formation of an MHC1 molecules
1) MHC1 consists of a heavy chain and a B2 microglobulin (soluble subunit) and a peptide fragment from either self or viral proteins.
2) The assembly of MHC1 starts with the folding of alpha chain assisted by the molecular chaperone Calnexin and an associated enzyme ERp57.
3) ERp57 catalyses the formation of disulphide bonds.
4) There is subsequent binding of the Beta 2 microglobulin to the heavy chain which creates a peptide binding groove.
5) The peptide binding groove is needed for entry into the Peptide loading complex (PLC).
6) In the PLC Calnexin is replaced with Calreticulin which connects to ERp57.
7) The remaining parts of the PLC is the TAP and Tapasin.
Role of Tapasin
1) Tapasin and the ERp57 play a big role in the stability of the PLC.
2) Tapsin also stabilises TAP to allow for protein entry into the peptide binding groove.
3) Tapsin may widen the peptide binding groove.
4) High affinity peptides which fit the binding groove cause a confirmational change. Tapsin responds to this change by dissociating causing the disassembly of the PLC.
MHC class 1 presentation
1) MHC class I α chains bind to calnexin in the ER until β2-microglobulin binds to the α chains. MHC class I complex is released from calnexin.
2) MHC class I then binds to a complex of chaperone proteins: stabilising and positioning the MHC class I molecule. Also connects it to TAP (a transporter protein involved in antigen processing). This forms the peptide loading complex.
3) Non-self (e.g. viral) or self (e.g. from mutant tumour cell) proteins in the cytosol of cells are degraded by large multi-catalytic protease enzyme into peptide fragments. These peptide fragments can enter the ER via TAP. The peptide fragments are between 8-10 amino acids long.
4) Binding of a peptide fragment to MHC class I causes the release of the chaperone complex and TAP and the subsequent export of MHC class I:antigen complex to the surface of the cell membrane. This process occurs in all nucleated cells.
MHC class 2 presentation
1) MHC class II molecules are found in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) attached to an invariant chain. This invariant chain functions to stop peptide fragments from binding to the MHC molecule in the ER.
2) The invariant chain also causes the MHC class II molecule to leave the ER in a vesicle. This vesicle then enters the endocytic pathway and becomes more acidic.
3) The drop in pH cleaves the invariant chain (class II associated invariant chain protein, a small protein still bound to MHC cleft). Endocytosed molecules (molecules that have been internalised) are broken down into peptide fragments of about 14-18 amino acids in length (by hydrolytic enzymes); however, CLIP stops these fragments binding to MHC class II.
4) HLA-DM binds to MHC. This functions to remove CLIP so that an antigen can bind to MHC class II and the MHC:antigen complex can then be expressed on the cell surface.
Role of the invariant chain
A portion of the invariant chain binds into the protein binding groove of the MHC class II molecules. Prevents proteins present in the ER from binding. The invariant chain guides the MHC class II complex out of the ER and through the golgi apparatus into a vesicle. Progressive acidification of the endocytic vesicle activates proteases that cleave the invariant chain leaving the class 2 invariant chain peptide (CLIP) bound to the MHC class 2 complex.
Structure of a T cell receptor
- T cell receptors consist of one α (alpha) and one β (beta) chain, with CD3 molecules either side
- T cells also express a co-receptor, either CD4 or CD8, which bind to MHC (major histocompatibility complex) molecules to enhance signalling via the TCR.
- Both the α and β chains contain the antigen recognition site; this is where the antigen will bind to the TCR to produce a response.
- This antigen recognition site is highly specific and will only bind to one antigen.
VDJ recombination
V(D)J (variable, junction) recombination of alpha and beta chains allows us to create a unique B-cell receptor. The genes to make these chains have multiple segments, these segments are then combined randomly.
T cell development
- T cells derive from haematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow, then migrate to the bone marrow
- When T cell progenitors enter the thymus they are ‘double negative’ - negative for CD4 and CD8, CD3 and the T cell receptor
- Thymic stromal cells commit T cell progenitors to the T cell lineage via a signalling receptor (Notch-1) that initiates T cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangement
- The T cell begins to express both CD4 and CD8. The T cell is now ‘Double positive’
- Genes for the β chain of the TCR rearrange first using V(D)J recombination. Unsuccessful rearrangement leads to apoptosis. The T cell also begins to express CD3. The α chain then also rearranges.
- Positive and negative selection
- Single positive thymocyte formation: T cells stop expressing either CD4 or CD8.
- Mature CD4 or CD8 T cells leave the thymus to undergo activation in secondary lymphoid tissues
- Naïve T cells remain in the lymphatics, so unlikely to encounter heart or brain. So, if there has been a failure in central tolerance these organs are still protected.
Positive and negative selection of T cells
Positive selection: T cells are destroyed if TCR cannot recognise self MHC on the cortical thymus cells. Antigens are displayed on MHC. T cells which recognise self MHC with moderate strength become CD4, those that recognise self MHC weakly become CD8. When it only expresses CD4 or CD8 it’s a single positive T-cell
Negative selection: T cells are destroyed if they react to self-antigen (but a small number of self-reactive T cells become T regulatory cells). Known as central tolerance. The gene AIRE allows the thymus to express different proteins from the bod
T regulatory cells
Suppress the activity of T cells which are responding to self antignes
T cells can turn themselves off if they recognise they are responding to self antignes
The programmed cell death protein which regulates T cell development. PD-1 plays a role in self tolerance. Cancer cells can express PD-L1, a ligand that can bind to PD1 and cause it to turn off T cells allowing cancer cells to invade the immune system
• Causes apoptosis in self-reactive T cells
• Reduces apoptosis in regulatory T cells
When will the T cell undergo apoptosis
If the signals are not provided by the APC
The signals which need to be provided to CD4 T-cells to activate them
- MHC binds to TCR= specific MHC class II:peptide complex is presented by APC binding to TCR. You also have interaction of CD4 on the T cell with the MHC class II molecule
- Co-stimulation= this signal is provided by CD28 (T-cell) binding to B7 (membrane protein on APC)
- Cytokines= cytokines are released by the APC binding to receptors on the T cell
The first two signals provide survival, activation and proliferation signals to the T cells but the cytokines in signal 3 determine the fate of the T cell through activating different gene expression patterns.
The effect pf IL-2 on T cells
Il-2 is produced by most naïve T cells upon activation and works through positive feedback to enhance survival and proliferation. CD4 T-cells can then go through clonal expansion.
Methods of regulating T cell activation
- CTLA-4: an inhibitory receptor for B7 which is expressed by activated T cells. It binds to B7 with a higher affinity than CD28 therefore limiting the proliferative response of active T cells.
- Anergy- T cells cannot respond to its specific antigens, the T cells are still alive in the circulation but cannot produce a response. The antigen is usually a self-antigen.
The 2 methods of CD8 T-cell activation
- A specific CD8 T cell receptor binds to a MHC class 1:peptide complex. This signal along with IL-2 production is enough to activate the T cell and become a cytotoxic T cell
- Normally more stimulation is needed. A CD8 T cell binds to an MHC class 1 molecule on the APC. A CD4 T helper cell which recognises a similar antigen binds to an MHC class II molecule on the same APC. This increases the levels of co-stimulation as well as producing IL-2. Both promote the production of the CD8T cell into a cytotoxic T cell. CD4 will produce B7 and IL-2 increasing stimulation. Causes a better and more lasting response.
Divisions of T cells
In the secondary lymphoid organs the T cells encounter antigens on the surface of cells by MHC molecules they then undergo differentiation and activation. T cells are subdivide into CD4 and CD8 T cells, the CD4 T cells can differentiate into helper or regulatory T cells. CD8 T cells can differentiate into cytotoxic T cells.
Roles of the different T cells
- Helper T lymphocyte- activation of Macrophages, Inflammation, Activation (proliferation and differentiation) of T and B lymphocytes
- Cytotoxic T lymphocytes- killing of infected cells
- Regulatory T lymphocytes- suppression of lymphocytes
Defining cytokines= IFN-y
Principle target cell= Macrophage
Major immune response= Macrophage activation
Host defense= intracellular pathogens
Role in disease= Autoimmune, chronic inflammation
Cytokines= IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 Principal target cells= Eosinophils Major immune response= Eosinophil and mast cell activation, alternative macrophage activation Host defense= Helminths Role in disease= Allergy
Cytokines= IL-17, IL-22
Principal target cell= Neutrophil
Major immune response= Neutrophil recruitment and activation
Host defense= Extracellular bacteria and fungi
Role in disease= Autoimmune, inflammation
Cytokines= IL-21 (and IFN-y or IL-4)
Principal target cells= B cells
Major immune reaction= antibody production
Host defence= extracellular pathogens
Role in disease= Autoimmunity (autoantibodies)
The different types of T cellsl
- TH1 cells produce cytokines, such as IFN-y, and function to activate macrophages
- TH2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 to activate eosinophils, mast cells and plasma cells. They cause degranulation of mast cells and eosinophils, as well as the secretion of antibodies by plasma cells (humoral immunity). They play a role in targeting parasites, such as helminths, and effect immune response in allergies
- TH17 cells produce IL-17 family cytokines that act on stromal and epithelial cells to recruit neutrophils to sites on infection and increase inflammation, causing an immune response to extracellular bacteria
- TFH (follicular helper cells)- are found in follicles of the secondary lymphoid tissues. They activate B cells to secrete and produce antibodies. They can also induce class switching
- Regulatory T cells (Treg)- they function to downregulate differentiation and proliferation of other subsets of T cells by producing cytokines TGF-beta and IL-10. Treg cells play a central role in maintaining tolerance to self reacting T cells and prevent autoimmune disease.
CD4 and HIV
CD4 T cells are the main target of HIV due to binding between the HIV Gp120 molecule and the T cell CD4 molecule. HIV is internalized by CD4 T cells and then lives and replicates within them, laying latent for many years.
Function of CD8 T cells
Cytotoxic CD8 T cells are specialised to kill cells infected with intracellular pathogens, such as viruses. The peptides are presented on MHC class 1 molecules. The MHC:peptide complex binds to TCR and CD8 then binds to the MHC class 1 molecule, strengthening the signal provided by the T cell.
How CD8 T cells cause apoptosis in an infected cells
- The release of cytotoxic molecules such as perforin and granzymes- perforin forms pores in the membrane of the infected cell allowing the entry of granzymes. Granzyme is a serine protease enzyme which induces apoptosis in the targeted cell.
- The expression of a Fas ligand- Upon activation, a cytotoxic T cell expresses Fas ligand on its surface. Fas ligand is a transmembrane protein that belongs to the TNF (tumor necrosis factor) family. It binds to Fas on a target cell causing the infected cell to enter apoptosis.
Humoral immunity
Innate- complement, cytokines
Adaptive- antibodies, cytokines
Protects extracellular spaces
Cellular immunity
Innate- phagocytosis, NK cells
Adaptive- B and T lymphocytes
What is a B cell receptor
A membrane bound antibody
Role of antibodies
- Neutralisation- antibodies inhibit the toxic effect of pathogens by binding to them. These are then ingested by macrophages and degraded
- Opsonisation- When an antibody binds a pathogen in an extracellular space, the unbound portion of the antibody (Fc region) can bind to receptors (known as Fc receptors) on accessory cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils, helping these cells ingest and kill the pathogen.
- Complement activation- antibodies can bind to pathogens in plasma and trigger the classical complement cascade by activating C1. Deposition of complement proteins enhances opsonisation and can directly kill certain bacterial cells by activating the membrane attack complex.
Difference between immunoglobulins and antibodies
Immunoglobulins are responsible for the recognition of antigens, these are different from antibodies which are the secreted form of the B cell receptor
Range of immunoglobulins
- T cell receptor chains
- Major histocompatibility complexes (MHC)
- Co-receptors including CD4 and CD8
- Antigen receptor accessory molecules like CD3
- Co-stimulatory or inhibitory molecules like CD28 and B7
- Receptors on NK cells
- Cytokine receptors
- Growth factor receptors
- Receptor tyrosine kinase
- Cell adhesion molecules
Structure of an antibody
Antibody molecules are Y shaped consisting of 3 portions connected by a disulphide bond. All antibodies have two identical light chains and two identical heavy chains. The light chains have one variable domain and a constant domain, whereas heavy chains have one variable domain and multiple constant domains (3 or 4).
How the shaoe of the antibody allows it to carry out tasks
- The 2 arms of the Y that end in a variable regions bind a wide variety of antigens, these 2 arms are the 2 Fab fragments
- The stem of the Y consists entirely of constant domains and is less variable, it binds to a limited number of effector molecules and cells, this is the Fc fragment
Antibodies- light chains
Compromised of a variable and constant domain. The constant region can be either a κ (kappa) or λ (lambda) domain, both light chain constant domains will be the same.
Antibodies- Heavy chains
Compromised of a variable domain and several constant domains. There are 5 classes of immunoglobulins and the heavy chain determines the immunoglobulin class.
Antibodies- variable domain
Each variable domain exhibits 3 regions that are hypervariable. The hypervariable region on both heavy and light chains are closely aligned in the immunoglobulin molecules. Together they form the antigen-binding site and determine the antigens specificity
Antibodies- Hinge region
Allows movement and greater interaction with epitopes, the site of disulphide bonds