Cardiovascular System: Anatomy (HY) Flashcards
What are the two types of circulation that occur in the cardiovascular system? which sides of the heart participate in each type of circulation?
- pulmonary circulation: right side of heart receives deoxygenated blood from body and pumps it to the lungs through pulmonary artery
- systemic circulation: left side of heart receives oxygenated blood from lungs through pulmonary veins and pumps it to rest of body through aorta
What are atria?
thin-walled structures where blood is collected and then pushed intro ventricles
what are ventricles?
fill with blood and then push blood to lungs or systemic circulation
what two structures do atrioventricular valves separate?
atria and ventricles
what two structures do semilunar valves separates?
ventricles from vasculature
what is the valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle?
tricuspid valve
what is the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle?
mitral/bicuspid valve
what is the valve between the right ventricle and pulmonary circulation?
pulmonary valve
what is the valve between the left ventricle and the aorta?
aortic valve
what is atriole systole (contraction)?
increase in atrial pressure to force more blood from atrium to ventricle
what is atrial kick?
the additional amount of blood put into the ventricle from the atria due to atriole systole(contraction)
what is the order of electrical conduction in the heart?
- sinoatrial node: impulse initiation
- atrioventricular valve: signal stalls here until ventricles fill
- bundle of His: located in interventricular septum(wall)
- Purkinje fibers: distribute signal through ventricular muscle
what are intercalated discs?
structures that connect heart muscle cells; contain gap junctions, connecting cytoplasm of adjacent cells
what role does neurological input play in heart beats?
there is no neurological input required for electrical impulse initiation (ie. heart beats without need for brain), but neurological input does play a role in changing rate of contraction
what are the two phases of a heartbeat?
- systole
2. diastole