Function of Cardiovascular System
Provides oxygen and nutrients to tissue, and removes waste. Also transports blood
transportation of blood
vital in transporting substances between large cells and the external environment, therefore, maintains a stable internal environment (homeostasis).
Red blood cells
oxygen and gas transport
White blood cells
protect against disease and infection
cell fragments; cells are incomplete (no nucleus). Initiate blood clots and close blood vessel breaks.
clear liquid; mixture of water, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes, and cellular waste.
Structures of Cardiovascular System
Heart and blood vessels
Blood vessels
include arteries, arterioles, metarterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins.
Coverings of Heart
pericardium Fibrous pericardium Visceral pericardium Parietal pericardium Pericardial cavity
Outer layer; encloses the heart
two layers:
Fibrous pericardium
Visceral pericardium
Fibrous pericardium
tough outer protective sac.
White, fibrous connective tissue. Encloses a more delicate double-layered sac.
Visceral pericardium
inner layer of sac; covers the heart.
At the base of the heart, the visceral layer turns back on itself and becomes the Parietal pericardium
Parietal pericardium
a double-walled inner sac
Pericardial cavity
between parietal and visceral layers of the pericardium layers
contains fluid that decreases friction as the heart moves. (Serous fluid - water and enzymes.)
Wall of the Heart