Blood pressure
declines as blood progresses through the vascular system from arteries to veins;
Arteries > Arterioles > Capillaries > Venules > Veins
Blood pressure
the force blood exerts against the inner walls of blood vessels;
most commonly refers to pressure in arteries supplied by the branches of the aorta.
measured in the brachial artery.
Arterial Blood Pressure
increases and decreases in a pattern corresponding to the phases of the cardiac cycle
Right ventricle
- into the pulmonary trunk
Left ventricle
- into the aorta
Maximum pressure in the arteries
systolic pressure (increase)
ventricles relax (ventricular diastole)
arterial pressure decreases; lowest pressure that remains in arteries before the next ventricular contraction
diastolic pressure (decrease).
Cardiac Output
= HR (heart rate) * SV (stroke volume)
Homeostasis – 120/80
Starling’s Law of the Heart
The greater the stretch placed on the myocardial fibers, the greater the force with which they contract which leads to an increase in STROKE VOLUME
**SMALLER SPACE -> INC blood pressure
BIGGER SPACE -> DEC blood pressure
ensures that blood volume discharged from the heart is equal to the volume entering its chambers.
Cardiovascular Regualtion
- time perfusion ->send blood to where it is needed
Cardiac Output Increases
Blood Pressure Rises Baroreceptors in Aortic Arch and Caortid Sinuses are STIMULATED Sensory Impulses to Cardiac center Parasympathetic Impulses to Heart S-A Node Inhibited Heart Rate Decreases Blood Pressure Returns to Normal
Stroke volume
volume of blood discharged by the left ventricle with each contraction.
**amt of blood pumped out of heart per beat
Cardiac output
volume of blood discharges by the left ventricle per minute; equals stroke volume x heart rate.
**amt of blood ejected from heart per minute
Heart Action
produces blood pressure by forcing blood into arteries.
determines how much blood enters the arterial system with each ventricular contraction
Blood Volume
the sum of the formed elements and plasma volumes in the vascular system
Blood pressure is directly proportional to the blood volume within the cardiovascular system. Changes in blood volume alter blood pressure.
Peripheral Resistance
amt of resistance of blood flow
Force created by friction between the blood and the walls of the blood vessels; hinders blood flow
ease with which a fluid’s molecules flow past each other. Increased viscosity -> increased resistance to flow.