Cardiovascular Part 2 Flashcards
Define endocarditis.
Infection of endothelium/valves secondary to colonization during transient/persistent bacteremia
I what three circumstances does a patient most commonly develop endocarditis?
Direct inoculation during surgery
IV drug users
Late stage HIV
List the heart valves in order from most commonly affected by endocarditis to least commonly affected.
Mitral > Aortic > Tricuspid > Pulmonic
List 4 common generalized S/S seen in endocarditis.
Fever, ECG abnormalities, anorexia, weight loss.
List 5 specific peripheral sequelae that can result from endocarditis.
- Janeway lesions: painless erythematous macules on palms/soles
- Roth spots: retinal hemorrhage with pale center
- Osler nodes: tender nodules on pads of digits
- Splinter hemorrhages of proximal nail bed
- Septic emboli in CNS, kidneys, spleen, joints
What is the key diagnostic test that needs to be performed in evaluating for endocarditis and what is the timing/when should it be repeated?
Blood cultures obtained three times at least one hour apart from one another. Should be done before abx are administered.
What imaging study is best to evaluate for endocarditis?
Echo –> transthoracic first, but transesophageal is more sensitive.
What abnormalities will typically be seen in serum labs of an endocarditis patient?
Leukocytosis (increased WBCs)
Normocytic and normochromic anemia
Increased ESR and/or rheumatoid factor
What are the two major criteria used in the diagnosis of endocarditis?
- Two or more positive blood cultures
2. Echo showing new valvular regurgitation or vegetations/abscesses on endocardium
What are the six minor criteria used in the diagnosis of endocarditis?
- Predisposing condition (IV Drugs, Catheter)
- Fever > 100.4
- Vascular finding: janeways, septic emboli, etc.
- Immunologic findings: Osler’s, Roth, positive RF
- Single positive blood culture
- Positive echo not meeting major criteria
What major and minor findings are required to make a diagnosis of endocarditis?
2 major …or…
1 major and 3 minor …or…
5 minor
For patients undergoing high risk procedures, what prophylactic regimen against endocarditis is routinely administered?
Amoxicillin 2g 30-60m before procedure (Clindamycin 600mg if PCN allergy)
What routine, at home practice is recommended to protect against endocarditis?
Maintaining good oral hygiene
What abx are recommended in empiric treatment of endocarditis?
Native valve subacute endo: PCN/ampicillin plus Gentamicin –> Vancomycin in IV drug users
Prosthetic valves: vancomycin, gentamicin and rifampin
Fungal: ampho B –> caspofungin if severe
How long is abx therapy continued in the treatment of endocarditis?
4 - 6 weeks
What are the indications for surgical treatment of endocarditis?
Refractory CHF, persistent or refractory infection, invasive infection, prosthetic valve, recurrent systemic emboli, fungal infection.
What are the HACEK bacteria associated with vegetations resulting from endocarditis?
H: H. flu A: Antinobacillus C: Cardiobacterium E: Eikenella K: Klingella
Differentiate acute from subacute endocarditis.
Acute develops quickly, subacute develops gradually over weeks to months
What pathogens are most commonly associated with endocarditis in IV drug users?
Staph aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas, candida (especially in HIV)
Define a xanthoma and describe its association with hyperlipidemia.
Def: lipid buildup under the skin - most commonly at eyelids and achilles tendon.
Usually indicate a genetic cause when associated with hyperlipidemia. However, 2/3 with xanthelasmas (eyelids) have normal serum lipids.
Patients with hypertriglyceridemia are at increased risk of developing what digestive system disease?
Describe the USPSTF recommendations for lipid screening.
Screening should begin at age 35 for males and 45 for females if no evidence of CVD or other risk factors. High risk patients should start at 25 ad 35.
Describe LDL level treatment goals in all patients, patients with CVD, and patients with no CVD but risk factors.
CVD: Start meds at LDL < 130. Goal is LDL < 100 but LDL < 70 is optimal.
RFs: Meds at LDL > 160, goal is LDL < 130
All others: Meds at LDL > 190, goal is LDL < 160
List risk factors for developing hyperlipidemia.
Diet high in saturated fats, lack of activity, smoking, obesity, HTN, family Hx
When screening what are the lipid level goals?
Total cholesterol < 200, HDL > 45, Triglycerides < 150, LDL < 160 (if no risk factors)
What meds are indicated for isolated increases in LDL, triglycerides, and to raise HDL.
LDL: statins, bile acid sequestering agents
Tri: fibrates, niacin
HDL: niacin, fibrates
What drug should not be used in DM patients and why? What other options would be used in its place?
Niacin causes hyperglycemia. Use fibrates and statins instead.
Name and describe the primary therapeutic method used to manage hyperlipidemia.
Lifestyle changes - weight reduction, exercise, reduce cholesterol, carbs, and trans fats in diet, increase fruits (antioxidants) and vegetables (fiber), smoke cessation.
What OTC medication is used as CAD prophylaxis in patients with hyperlipidemia?
ASA - 81 mg/day
What are the primary affects of statin medications?
Decrease LDL (best drug to dec LDL), increase HDL, decrease triglycerides.
Describe the MOA of statin medications.
HMGcoA reductase inhibitor - rate limiting step in cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Also increases LDL receptors which helps remove cholesterol from the blood.
What AEs are associated with statin drugs?
myositis, myalgias, rhabdo (rare), hepatitis
When should statin medications be taken?
At night when cholesterol synthesis is at its highest. Less important with newer statins - atorvastatin, pitavastatin, rosuvastatin.
Name and describe the newest method used to determine the need for statin drugs.
10-year and lifetime ASCVD risk calculator. Based on risk factors (age, race, smoking, BP, DM, serum cholesterol levels) rather than blood cholesterol alone.
In general what patients will score high on the ASCVD risk calculator and be given consideration for statin drugs?
Patients with known CVD, T1D or T2D older than 40, Any adult with LDL > 190, Anyone over 40 calculated to have a > 7.5% increased risk of stroke or MI within 10 years.
What is the best drug to increase HDL?
Niacin (aka nicotinic acid or vitamin B3)
What are the two primary affects of niacin?
Inc HDL and dec triglycerides –> mild dec in LDL
List AEs associated with niacin.
Hyperuricemia (gout), hyperglycemia, flushing, HA, warm sensation, pruritis.
What medication taken prior to niacin may reduce some of its AEs?
ASA or other NSAIDS may reduce flushing, pruritis, etc. –> no effect on hyperuricemia or hyperglycemia.
What are the effects of fibrate meds?
Primarily dec triglycerides –> minimal inc in HDL and dec in LDL.
What is the MOA of fibrates?
Inhibit peripheral lipolysis and reduce hepatic triglyceride production