Cardiovascular Function Flashcards
right side, deoxygenated, in the lungs
left side, pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body
bring blood back to the heart
take oxygenated blood to the rest of the body
gas exchange
most inner layer of the heart
middle layer ( Muscle layer)
outer layer
All three layers can be damaged by…
tumors or infections
veins do what
metabolic waste from the body
venous bring blood back to get ??
re oxygenated
SA node as known as the pacemaker
60-100 heart
AV node
Conduction System
Organizes electrical impulse in the cardiac system
- Inflammations of the pericardium
- Fluid Accumulates- Pericardial effusion
- Swollen tissue creates frictions
- causing pressure around the heart
- causes the heart not to fill properly
- Blood pressure goes down and heart rate will go up
pericarditis manifestations
chest pain edema flulike symptoms dyspnea Grating sounds heard when breathing is held
Infective Endocarditis
Inflammation of the inner layer
creates small thrombi (Clots)
Microhemorrhages (bleeding)
Valvular Disorders
Disrupt blood flow through the heart
Stenosis-Narrowing- blood cant flow through
Electrical Alterations
Classified by orgin
Can affect cardiac output and BP
Causes: Acid-base imbalances, hypoxia, drugs, stress electrolyte imbalances, myocardial ischemia or infarction (injury), connective tissue disorders
Electrical alteration manifestations
palpiations , abnormal heart rate, syncope, dyspnea, confusion, fatigue, skipping a beat
Heart Failure
Inadequate pumping
Leading to decreased cardiac output, increased preload, and increased afterload (backflow)
Compensatory mechanisms activated
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system
Left-side heart failure
Cardiac output fails
Backflow to the pulmonary circulation
Right-side heart failure
blood back flows to the systemic circulation
Weakness of artery
Can occur in arterys
Can rupture
What are the 3 major structures of the Cardio System
What do these do together as the function of the cardio system
Blood vessels
Nourish and remove metobolic waste from body
2 Circuits of the heart and functions
Pulmonary: Right side, deoxygenated blood to lungs
Systemic: Left side pumps oxygenated blood throughout body and to heart
4 hollow chambers of the heart consist of 2________ and 2________
2 atria (RA and LA) -upper recieving 2 ventricles (RV and LV)- lower pumping
Within gas exchange Arterial capillaries drop off 02 and nutrients and Venous capillaris pick up metabolic waste
Conduction system 3 points of conduction pathway
Excitability- cells responds to impulse
Conductivity- cells conduct electric impulse
Automaticity- generate impulse to contract
Increase in electrical change from ion exchange
cellular recovery ions return to membrane
Abnormal electrical activity
S: Cardiac Work phase
D: Cardiac Rest phase
PVR is Peripheral Vascular Resistance what are the 3 points that depend the calculation of PVR?
Sympathetic Nervous System
Arterial elasticity
pressure needed to eject the blood
- Blood viscosity
amount of blood returning
- blood and volume
- venous return
Three layers of arteries/viens
Tunicaintema - inner layer
-Tunicamedia- middle muscle layer
Tunica adventitia outer elastic layer
Blood vessel cell wall layers
Elastic tissue
Connective Tissue
Lymphatic System
Consists of vessels that transport lympth excess tissue fluid back to circulatory System
What is Lymph
Fluid that drains from lymph capillaries into vessels and ducts that emply into large veins at neck
Types of Heart failure (3)
Systolic dysfunction- decrease contractibility
Diastolic dysfunction- decrease filling
Mixed dysfunction- both
Signs of left side failure
Activity intolerance, fatigue, weakness
Right side heart failure symptoms
Weight gain, edema