Cardiovascular Disease Flashcards
*What is heart disease?
CVD disease are diseases that affect the heart + blood vessels, mainly related to ATHEROSCLEROSIS.
*What is atherosclerosis?
a build up of plaque that narrows arteries, making it harder for blood to flow + blood clots can stop flow completely, so the heart doesn’t get the O2 and nutrients it needs.
What are the risk factors of atherosclerosis?
Diet Sedentary lifestyle Hypertension Tobacco Use Diabetes Obesity Blood Lipids Male
How do atherosclerosis occur?
An inflammatory process.
- Endothelium of blood vessels (BV) exposed to LDL cholesterol, making it permeable.
- WBCs migrate to deep layers of BV wall.
- LDL particles engulfed by macrophages
- Fibrous cap forms (can cause blood clots if explodes or due to shape + size)
- Lesions enlarge = lipids accumulate + bulge
- May block a coronary or cerebral BV
Resulting in heart attack or stroke
What results from atherosclerosis?
- Hypertension as less space, same vol
- Angina/Ishchaemic heart disease where BVs temporarily stop working
- Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
- Heart Failure
*What is hypertension?
High BP.
Leading cause of CVD disease + mortality as disease symptoms + organ damage not evident until 10-15 years after hypertension starts.
What is blood pressure?
measure how hard blood pushes against the blood vessel walls
What is optimal BP?
What is high BP?
140/90 or higher
What is high normal BP?
130-139/80-89 or higher
What is mmHg?
millimetre of mercury
What long-term effects are there on high BP?
- Inc. stroke risk
- Inc. risk of heart disease
- Damage to kidneys + eyes
- Cause impotence
- Disrupt circulation
What cause hypertension?
Exact cause not known.
- Inc. sympathetic activity + Sodium overload
- Renal disease + inc. renin-angiotensin-aldosterone activity raises BP (also causes sodium + fluid retention)
- Smoking, High BMI, inc. Na consumption
*What is stable ischemic heart disease?
A lack of O2 getting to the heart for a period of time.
What is stable IHT caused by?
Obstruction of the coronary arteries by either atheromatous plaque or by a blood clot due to high BP.
MOST common cause is atherosclerotic disease of the coronary artery.
How can IHT be treated?
Bypass surgery - artery taken from leg and replaces blocked artery
What are the clinical manifestations of IHT?
- w/out symptoms = sudden death
- Angina pectoris = chest pain due to episodic myocardial ischemia = MOST COMMON
- Unstable Angina
- Heart Attack = complete blockage
How can one survive a heart attack from a complete blockage of the arteries?
Heart cells deprived of O2 become ischemic + die + form an infarct. May result in sudden death OR…
…may undergo healing process + replaced with connective tissue which can weaken heart + develop congestive failure/cardiac arrhythmias