Cardiovascular Flashcards
Reduced blood flow to the body or the heart
What is teh difference b/w stable and unstable angina
Stable ischemic chest pain goes away w/ rest. Predictable in the occurrence.
Cardiac stress test
test determines amount of workload heart can tolerate.
What are the three enzymes related to MI?
- Troponin T and I
- Myoglobin
- CK-MB*
Creatine Kinase
Which valvular disease is the most severe?
Aortic stenosis
decrease CO, often symptomatic
What is Rheumatic heart disease?
life threatening condition in which the heart valves have been damaged
What does C-reactive protein test for?
systemic inflammation
What is the normal range for potassium?
3.5 to 5.5
What is the normal range for platelets?
150 to 400k
The widow maker is blockage in which area?
Left Anterior Decending Coronary Artery
Which cardiac enzyme is not specfic to only testing cardiac muscle?
Which cardiac enzyme peaks the quickest?
Which cardiac enzyme remains elevated the longest?
What is the protocol for possible MI?
- Aspirin/Nitroglycerin
- Symptom screening
- Cardiac enzyme
When would blood thinners* be contraindicated?
Thrombolytics, Anti-coagulants, Anti-platelet
- Signs of Bleeding
- Platelets < 100k
What are the allergy contraindications for cath lab procedure?
Allergy to shellfish or iodine dye
What labs should be checked before cath lab?
renal labs (urine analysis)
healthy kidney function to excrete dye
What type of sedation is used for cath lab?
What are the risks for cardiac catherization?
- Bleeding
- Clot formation
- dysrhythmia
What are the s&s of internal bleeding?
- Decrease BP; Increase HR
- Purpura on skin
What is the following?
Diverts blood around narrowed or clogged parts of the major arteries to improve blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart.
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
What is the criteria for HFrEF?
What is the issue?
Heart failure w/ reduced Ejection Fraction
- Ejection fraction < 40%
- Systolic failure: The left ventricle loses its ability to contract normally. The heart can’t pump with enough force to push enough blood into circulation.
What is the criteria for HFpEF?
What is the issue?
Heart Failure w/ Preserved Ejection fraction
- Ejection fraction > 40%
- diastolic failure: The left ventricle loses its ability to relax normally (because the muscle has become stiff). The heart can’t properly fill with blood during the resting period between each beat.
Ejection fraction
Percent of blood that is ejected during systole