Cardiorespiratory Concepts Flashcards
Pulmonary Circulation
The movement of deoxygenated blood from the body into the right atrium and the right ventricle of the heart.
Systemic Circulation
The movement of oxygenated blood from the left atrium and left ventricle to the body tissues.
Atrium (singular) atria (plural)
The two upper chambers of the human heart… receive blood returning to the heart through the veins.
The two lower chambers of the human heart, composed of the left ventricle and the right ventricle. The ventricles expel blood to the lungs and the body.
Cardiac Output
The amount of blood that the heart ejects in one minute; the product of heart rate and stroke volume, represented mathematically as Q=SV\x\HR.
Central training effects
The primary physiological responses to exercise training a specific component of fitness.
The exchange of air between the lungs and the atmosphere through the contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
the way gases are exchanged in the lungs.
training zone
A range of heart rate targets in a program design to meet cardiorespiratory training goals.