Cardiology (Victor) Flashcards
Most often infective endocarditis is a complication of ___ or ___
Three types of infective endocarditis
T/F. Infective endocarditis can occur in children without heart diease
Rare in what age groups to have infective endocarditis
The leading etiology of infective endocarditis
Streptococcus viridans
Staphylococcus aureus
Etiology in patient with infective endocarditis without heart disease
Staphylococcus endo
Etiology in patient with infective endocarditis after a dental procedure
Streptococcus viridans
Etiology in patient with infective endocarditis in lower bowels or GU manipulation
Group D enterococci
Etiology in patient with infective endocarditis with IV drug users
Etiology in patient with infective endocarditis after an open heart surgery
Fungal orgs
Etiology in patient with infective endocarditis with indwelling catheters
Two important factors in the pathogenesis of infective endocarditis
☑️ Presence of structural abnormalities of the heart
☑️ Bacteremia
Conditions that predispose to endocarditis:
All CHD except ASD secundum Rheumatic heart disease Prostetic heart valves MVP with mitral regurgitation HOCM Drug addicts
Vegetation of infective endocarditis are found in the __ pressure side of the heart
80-90% of patients with IE will have this sign
Fever (38-39)
100% of patients with IE will have this sign
New heart murmur
50% of the patients with IE will have the following skin manifestations
Oslers nodes
Janeway lesion
Splinter hemorrhages
Tender nodes at the fingers
Osler node
Hemorrhagic areas at palms and soles
Janeway lesions
Linear lesions beneath the nails
Splinter hemorrhage
Embolic phenomena in IE patients
Pulmonary emboli Seizure Hemiparesis Hematuria Roth spots
Positive blood culture in IE patients usually yields __%
Anemia is associated with in IE patients
In echocardiography, these are seen in IE patients
Evidence of vegetations
Valve dysfunction
Other laboratory findings:
Elevated ESR and CRP Microscopic hematuria Hypergammaglobulinemia Rheumatoid factor Azotemia
Presumptive impression of IE includes
Fever + underlying heart disease + any of the physical findings or laboratory changes
Definitive diagnosis of IE will include:
Positive blood culture or Demonstration of vegetation in ECHO
What criteria is to be used in diagnosis of IE
Duke’s criteria
Duke criteria includes how many minor and/or major to have a definite endocarditis
1 major + 3 minors
5 minors
Major criteria in Dukes
Positive blood culture
Evidence of endocarditis on Echocardiography
Minor criteria in dukes
Predisposing conditions
Embolic vascular sign
Immune complex phenomena
Single positive blood culture or serologic evidence of infection
ECHO signs not meeting the major criteria
Prognosis in patients with IE and HF
Treatment for IE
Penicillin or Oxacillin + GENTAMYCIN
Usual duration of treatment for IE
4-6 weeks
This IE has a poor prognosis and difficult to manage, give the treatment.
Fungal endocarditis = AMPHOTERICIN B
Prophylaxis with dental procedure is negligible in the following:
☑️ secundum ASD
☑️ surgical repair of ASD, VSD, PDA without residua or beyond 6 months repair
☑️ previous coronary artery bypass surgery
☑️ functional heart murmur
☑️ previous kawasaki or rheumatic heart disease without valve dysfunction
☑️ cardiac pacemakers
☑️ implantable defibrillators
Prophylactic regimen for IE patients:
Standard general prophylaxis
Child: 50 mg/kg PO 1 hr before procedure
Adult: 2g PO 1 hr before procedure
Prophylactic regimen for IE patients:
Unable to take oral medications
C: 50 mg/kg IM or IV 30 mins before procedure
A: 2 g IM or IV within 30 minutes before procedure
Prophylactic regimen for IE patients:
Allergic to penicillin
CLINDAMYCIN orally before 1 hour
C: 20 mg/kg
A: 600 mg
CEPHALEXIN orally before 1 hour
C: 50 mg/kg
A: 2 grams
CLARITHROMYCIN orally before 1 hour
C: 15 mg/kg
A: 500 mg
Prophylactic regimen for IE patients:
Allergic to penicillin and unable to take oral medications
CLINDAMYCIN IM/IV within 30 mins
C: 20 mg/kg
A: 600 mg
C: 25 mg/kg
A: 1 gram
Inflammatory process mediated by an immunologic reaction initiated by strep infection occuring in certain susceptible individuals predispose to this disease
Rheumatic fever
The attack rate of rheumatic fever with prevalence of ___
Incidence of both initial and recurrences of RF peak in children in ages ___
5-15 years
Worldwide this remains as the most common form of acquired heart disease in all age groups
Rheumatic fever
RF may affect many parts of the body particularly:
The most serious complications of RF
Valvular damage
Highest predilection of valvular damage in RF
Mitral valve > aortic valve > tricuspid valve > pulmonary valve
In RF sx are seen ___ weeks after strep throat infection
3-5 weeks
Average latent period in RF
3 weeks after infection
Chorea in RF have a longer latent period of ___
3-6 months
S/sx of RF may be classified under __ criteria
Jones criteria
Risk factors in RF usually affects ___ age level
Risk factors of RF includes living in:
Crowded conditions
Unsanitary conditions
Characteristic of strep throat as to: Age Onset Initial sx Apperance of throat Fever Other signs
5-15 yo Sudden Sore throat with pain on swallowing Redness, Hyperemia, Edema, Enlargement of tonsils with exudates High - Tender anterior cervical LN - Scabby erosions on nostrils - Clinical picture of scarlet fever
Characteristic of non-strep throat as to: Age Onset Initial sx Apperance of throat Fever Other signs
All ages Gradual Mild sore throat Redness of pharynx Not so high - Cough - Hoarseness - Watery nasal discharge - Conjunctivitis
The initial acute attack of RF can be detected by the Jones criteria with how many major minor?
2 majors
1 major + 2 minor
The major criteria in jones
Carditis Polyarthritis Erythema marginatum Subcutaneous nodules Chorea
The minor criteria in jones
Increased acute phase reactants
Prolonged QT intervals
Evidence of antecedent Group A strep infection
Positive throat culture or rapid strep antigen test
Elevated rising strep Ab (ASO) titer of atleast two fold from base
3 circumstances not require strict adherence to Jones criteria
Chroea as only manifestation
Indolent carditis as only manifestation
Recurrences of ARF may not fulfill the jones criteria
The most common symptoms of RF which is 75%
Arthritis in RF affects large joints such as:
Besides the arthritis to be hot, red, swollen, and exquisitely tender its is also ___ and ___
Athritis in RF usually resolves spontaneously without leaving any deformity, it is usually treated by ___
Aspirin (salicylates)
Often there is an ___ relationship between the severity of arthritis to serverity of ____
The most serious complication of RF, which issues ___
Carditis in RF varies in the sense it includes:
Organic heart murmur
Heart enlargement
Heart failure
Heart failure seen in carditis in RF is associated with
Peripheral and pulmonary edema
Carditis in RF is indicated by:
Apical systolic murmur Apical mid-diastolic murmur Basal diastolic murmur Friction rub Gallop rhythm
Carditis in RF may present as:
Chest pain
Most cases of RF carditis will consist of either ___ or a ____
Isolated mitral valve involvement
Combined mitral and aortic valvular disease
This is characterized by a HIGH PITCHED APICAL HOLOSYSTOLIC MURMUCR radiating to the ___
Mitral regurgitation
If carditis is associated with APICAL MID-DIASTOLIC MURMUR
Mitral stenosis
This is characterized by HIGH PITCHED DECRESCENDO DIASTOLIC MURMUR at the upper sternal border
Aortic insufficiency