Cardiology Flashcards
Characteristics of aortic valve regurgitation
Volume overload of LV
Dilated aota due to high stroke volume
increased systolic BP/decreased diastolic BP = wide pulse pressure + bounding pulses
Murmur: early diastolic blowing, LSB
Characteristics of mitral valve regurgitation
Volume overload of LA/LV
Murmur: systolic blowing, apex; diastolic at apex
Characteristics of tricuspid valve regurgitation
Volume overload of RA/RV
Murmur: can be normal in newborn with elevated PVR; systolic blowing at LLSB, diastolic rumble at LSB
If severe, enlarged pulsatile liver and distended neck veins (blood backing up into IVC/SVC)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Pompe, Hurler, Noonan
Infant of a diabetic mother, postnatal steroids- transient
Variable ventricular hypertrophy with increased inotropic function
Diastolic dysfunction is a prominent feature
Digoxin contraindicated: increases contractility which may lead to increased obstruction
Dopamine acts of which receptors at which doses?
2-4: dopaminergic, renal vasodilation and splanchnic vessels
2-6: beta 1/2 chronotropy (HR) and contractility
6-10: alpha 1 vasoconstriction
10-20: alpha 1 increased PVR
Congestive or dilated cardiomyopathy
Increased risk of abnormal myocardium, abnormal coronary perfusion or following arrhythmia
Decreased ventricular inotropic function during systole associated wtih dilatation of left atria and left ventricle
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Least common
Abnormal ventricular filling during diastole associated with stiff ventricles
Normal initial systolic function
Atrial dilatation out of proportion to ventricular dilatation (stiff walls of RV/LV)
Where does norepinephrine work?
Endogenous catecholamine
Increases SVR and CO by alpha 1, beta 1 & 2
Constricts systemic vascular»_space; pulmonary vascular
risk of hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia
Mechanism of action of dobutamine
Acts directly in alpha and beta receptors without release of norepi
Inhibits immune function and somatic growth
Associated with SIP if concurrnet indomethacin
Aid in hypotension by decreasing breakdown of catecholamines, increase calcium in myocardial cells and upregulating adrenergic receptors
Pericardial effusions
Etiology: pericarditis, severe anemia with CHF, post-cardiac surgery, leak from central venous catheter
pulses paradoxus
pericardial tamponade, tachycardia, hypotension
EKG finding in ALCAPA
deep Q waves in I, aVL, V4, V5, V6
Cardiac rhabdomyoma
MC primary cardiac tumor in neonates
usually multiple
EKG= delta wave (predisposed to SVT, WPW)
increased risk if tubeous sclerosis
RV + tricuspid valve represent systemic ventricle + AV valve
Paliation with Norwood procedure
Mutations: HAND1, NOTCH1
Recurrence HLHS sibling 8%
Recurrence of any congenital 22%
Normal neonatal EKG findings
Normal QRS measured in V5: 20-80msec
Axis term: +55 to +200
Axis preterm: +65-+174
Predominant myocardial substrate prenatally and postnatally
Prenatally: glucose, lactate
Postnatally: fatty acids
Characteristics of asplenia
- Sequence of bilateral RIGHT-sidedness: 2 right lungs, midline liver, 2 gallbaldders
- Always severe cardiac malformations: aorta and IVC juxtaposed (100%), TAPVS (90%), TGA/bilateral SVD/PS/PA (75%)
- Howell-Jolly bodies, Heinz bodies
- Increased risk of infection: Strep pneumoniae
- Cyanosis
- Poor prognosis
Characteristics of polysplenia
- Sequence of bilateral LEFT-sidedness: 2 left lungs, midline liver, increased incidence of biliary atresia
- Less severe cardiac malformation: azygous return of IVC/TAPVR (70%), bilateral SVC (50%), AVC (40%)
- Cyanosis
- Poor prognosis: better than asplenia
Boot shaped heart
TAPVR- supracardiac
Egg on a string
Extremely large heart
Ebstein’s anomaly
Small heart with increased pulmonary blood flow
Obstructive TAPVR (infradiaphragmatic)
Conduction pathway
- SA node –> contraction of both atria (P WAVE)
- Impulse hits AV node –> delay allows ventricles to fill (PR SEGMENT) (protects from atrial tachycardias)
- Impulse rapidly spreads down bundle of His to bundle branches and Purkinje fibers to myocardia cells–> ventricular contraction, atrial repolarization (QRS WAVE- Q= septal depolarization)
- Ventricles repolarize –> ventricular relaxation (ST SEGMENT, T WAVE)
Fetal SVT
- More common than atrial flutter
- HR 240-310, 1:1 AV association
- ~28-32 weeks gestation
- hydrops may develop- depends on duration, degree of immaturity
1st line –> Digoxin (inhibits Na/K/ATPase- slows conduction, prolong AV node refractory period)- IV to mom
2nd line if FETUS LESS ILL–> Flecainide- more effective but 7-15% mortality; Sotolol- mortality rate higher
2nd line if FETUS ILL –> amiodarone (K channel blocker- incr refractory period): give 1-2 days after dig started, give orally
Post-natal management:
Monitor for complications of meds:
1. hyperbilirubinemia
2. anemia from bone marrow suppression
3. greater risk of NEC
Fetal atrial flutter
- Less common
- HR 425-500, VARIABLE AV contraction
- Irregular
- Majority with underlying reentrant tachycardia
- Later in pregnancy than SVT
- Hydrops less common, if CHD, worse prognosis than SVT
1. Digoxin- IV to mom
2. Sotalol (K channel blocker with beta blocker effect): tx of choice for refractory atrial flutter
Post-natal management:
Monitor for complications of meds:
1. hyperbilirubinemia
2. anemia from bone marrow suppression
3. greater risk of NEC
Fetal ventricular tachycardia
Associated with:
1. complete heart block
2. long QT syndrome
3. myocarditis
Often combo of bradycardia or AV block and tachycardia
HR 210-260
Difficult to treat
Fetal sinus tachycardia
setting of maternal thyrotoxicosis
Fetal AV block
AV block and fetus with NORMAL cardiac anatomy and EXPOSURE to maternal SSA/SSB Abs
1. positive Abs = more likely to need pacing at birth, develop cardiomyopathy, more severe form of block
2. Majority pregnancy women are asymptomatic
3. Fetus presents with 2nd or 3rd degree AV block
AV block and fetus with ABNORMAL cardiac anatomy and WITHOUT maternal antibodies
1. poorer prognosis
2. higher risk for hydrops and severe congestive heart failure
3. congential heart defects: atrial isomerism with asplenia or polysplenia, L-TGA, AV septal defect
4. usually require pacing in neonatal period
Fetal ectopy- what is baby at risk for?
SVT in first month of age
- common in newborns
- originates in atrium, leads to contraction before sinus node
- early p wave- different axis/morphology
- typically benign
Associated with:
1. hypokalemia
2. hypoglycemia
3. hypercalcemia
4. drugs
5. hypoxemia
6. cental line irritation of right atrium
- Early beat with abnormal and prolonged QRS, ST slope away from QRS, no P wave
- originates below AV node and bundle of His
- Unifocal or multifocal
Asymptomatic with isolated PVCs, normal cardiac anatomy- no treatment
1. digoxin toxicity
2. infection
3. Ca/K/Mg abnormalities
4. hypoxemia
5. acidosis
6. CHD
7. excess aminophylline/caffeine
8. myocarditis
Atrial flutter
rate 300-500 bpm
starts and ends suddenly
- difficult to distinguish from SVT- ice/adenosine can reveal flutter at slower rate
- Stable: block atrial (digoxin) and ventricular rate
- Unstable: synchronized cardioversion, pacing
Types of SVT
Orthodromic tachycardia
1. p wave AFTER QRS, narrow QRS, +/- WPW
2. MC form in neonate
3. Pathway: down AV node, up accessory/orthodromic pathway (why p wave after QRS)
4. responds to vagal/adenosine
Antidromic tachycardia
1. p wave axis superior, invereted in II/avF, wide QRS with WPW
2. less common
3. Pathway: down accessory/antidromic, returns back to atria backwards
4. respons to vagal/adenosine
AV nodal re-entry tachycardia
1. p wave not visible- atria/ventricle depolarize AT SAME TIME
2. less common
3. slow and fast pathways are both present
4. responds to vagal/adenosine
Increased risk
1. CHD: ebsteins, L-TGA
2. medications: caffeine, epi
3. cardiomyopathy
4. myocarditis
5. cardiac tumors
6. fever
7. hyperthyroidism
NARROW COMPLEX QRS, p waves difficult to identify
Rate: 220-330- litte variation, begins and ends abruptly
1. Unstable: synchronized cardioversion (0.5-2J/kg)
2. Stable: vagal maneuvers, adenosine IV (transiently blocks AV node)
3. after SVT resolved, repeat EKG and determine if underlying rhythm abnormal
a type of SVT
- Prolonged QRS
- Shortened PR interval
- Initial slurring of QRS= DELTA WAVE
Secondary to electrical pathway between A and V, bypassing AV node, associated with SVT
Ebsteins, L-TGA
How does milrinone work?
- phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor (ihibits cAMP breakdown–> incr intracellular Ca–> incr contracility–> vascular smooth muscle relaxes–> vasodilation, dec afterload)
- inotrope: NOT dependent on neurotransmitter stores/receptors
- decreases SVR
- some pulmonary vasodilation
- R heart failure or weaning from bypass
may induce thrombocytopenia
- inhibits Na/K/ATPase pump in cardiac myocytes–> incr Ca influx –> incr contractility + decr afterload
- decreases SVR
- Use: CHF
- Anti-arrhythmic: decr AV conduction
- Toxicity: GI sx, decr HR, prolonged PR interval, AV block
monitor K+ and Ca levels
B1»_space; B2, little alpha activity
- chronotrope and inotrope –> synthetic catecholamine (incr cAMP levels)
- may decr SVR
- Use: Cardiogenic shock, myocardial dysfunction (no incr afterload) –> improves coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen delivery
no effect on renal blood flow
- endogenous catecholamine, precursor to epi and NE, alpha and beta - more peripherally
- inhibits Na/K/ATPase and Na/H+ pump
- effect: releases endogenous NE–> decr effectiveness with prolonged use
- ++chronotrope, + inotrope
- incr SVR –> effect is dose dependent
- septic shock!
low dose= dilates renal vasculature
inhibits thyrotropin release–> inaccurate thyroid screen results
if extravasation, use phentolamine (alpha agonist)
- MOST POTENT vasopressor, endogenous catecholamine
- Beta 1 and 2 at lower doses (<0.3), alpha at higher doses
- ++chronotrope, +inotrope
- SVR effect is dose-dependent: dilation at lower doses, constriction at high doses
- side effects: hypokalemia, local tissue ischemia, renal vascular ischemia, severe hypertension
higher dose= incr diastolic pressure, better coronary artery perfusion due to increased afterload
Infections associated with myocarditis
Parvo B19 and Coxsackie
What congentical heart issue can maternal aspirin use cause?
Pulmonary hypertension